Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 190: Lockhart’s Recruitment (This chapter is free)

Just when Chang Chu and the Gryffindor trio were struggling with how to deal with the extremely long brewing time and complex and diverse production materials of Polyjuice Potion, Wright on the other side also encountered a small problem.

After the bell rang for the second period of class on Thursday afternoon, the third-grade students walked out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom one after another. The satisfied expressions on their faces showed that the class that had just passed had been taught. What is the effect?

Some girls walked directly to the podium and surrounded Lockhart behind the podium. The chattering sound continued. I don’t know if they are discussing how to ward off dark magic creatures or studying how to take care of their hair.

"Chang Chu, what's wrong with you?" Wright packed up the textbooks and notes on the table, stuffed them all into the Mock bag, and then asked Chang Chu with some confusion.

On weekdays, although Chang Chu could not say that he listened attentively for the entire forty-five minutes of the class, he still listened with concentration most of the time. There had never been a time when he was almost completely absent-minded like today. Wright even suspected that if Lockhart had directly called her name and asked her to get up to answer the question, Chang Chu might not even know whether Lockhart was asking a multiple-choice question or a fill-in-the-blank question.

"Huh?" After Chang Chu hummed, she seemed to have come back from her thoughts. She looked at Wright in a daze, "Was it Wright who called me just now? What happened to me? Is there something wrong? "

"What I want to say is that the bell has rung and we should go to the auditorium to eat, and you haven't even arranged the textbooks on the table." Wright pointed helplessly at Chang Chu's messy table. desktop.

In every Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Lockhart would ask the students to bring all their textbooks to class. At first, he probably just wanted to show off his glorious experience, but now it is because of Lockhart Many of the things he mentioned in class required students to constantly check the textbooks to confirm the results.

Therefore, if you want to fully keep up with Lockhart's teaching progress, neatly organized books are indispensable. But Chang Chu's textbooks today were simply arranged randomly, not to mention that they did not play any role in assisting learning. On the contrary, the hindering effect seemed to be stronger.

And this is what makes Wright confused. This is not the learning attitude that Chang Chu should have at all.

"Chang Chu, what's wrong with you today?" Wright asked again, "Ever since I went to the library at noon, I have been distracted, as if my attention was completely attracted by something."

"Nothing!" Chang Chu quickly tidied up her desktop.

Chang Chu didn't want to mention the Polyjuice Potion to Wright at all now. She would wait until she, Hermione, Harry, and Ron solved the problem of who the heir to the Chamber of Secrets was before she mentioned it to Wright. It will definitely scare him! Talking about it now is the sense of anticipation after the destruction! This is what Chang Chu doesn't want to see at all.

"Well, if you have any questions, you can come to me in time." Wright said thoughtfully.

Think about it, Chang Chu is already fourteen years old. Well, could it be that her relatives have finally arrived? Wright touched his chin.

"Let's leave now!" Chang Chu shouldered her backpack and stood up from the chair.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly stopped Wright.

"Mr. Paz, can you please wait a moment?" Lockhart, who was standing on the podium, said to Wright. There were no girls around him at this moment.

In other words, the only ones still in the classroom are Wright, Chang Chu and Lockhart.

"Me?" Wright turned to face the podium, facing Lockhart and pointing at himself strangely.

"Of course it's you, Mr. Pass." Lockhart gave Wright a standard toothy smile and even winked at him, "There are only three of us in the classroom at this time, and I'm not calling you. Who could it be?"

Wright squirmed uncomfortably, which was why his attitude toward Lockhart barely changed.

Although Lockhart's teaching level has indeed improved greatly, and perhaps in the eyes of those female student fans, Lockhart's every move exudes the mature charm of an adult male wizard, but in Wright's view, Lockhart's Te's behavior is really too greasy, too disgusting, and too discouraging!

"What can I do for you, Professor?" Wright walked to the second row of desks and stopped, keeping a short distance from the podium.

Chang Chu walked over behind Wright.

"I'm sorry, Miss Chang Chu, could you please wait outside for a while? I have some things that I want to discuss with Mr. Paz alone." As if to emphasize, Lockhart also emphasized the pronunciation of the word "alone." .

"Chang Chu, please go to the auditorium and wait for me first. It's already dinner time. If it's any later, it will probably be dessert time." Wright said directly to Chang Chu.

Chang Chu nodded and immediately left the classroom.

Lockhart led Light into his office.

"Professor, can you speak now?" Standing in the office, Wright said still coldly.

"Don't worry." Lockhart didn't mind Wright's attitude at this moment at all. He was still smiling. He even had time to cast several silent spells on the office, such as soundproofing spells and protective spells. have.

"I wonder, Wright, have you ever heard of the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters?" Lockhart put away his wand and asked Wright.

"Of course, the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters are two almost completely opposite wizarding associations." Wright said the widely circulated version, "The Death Eaters are an evil organization formed by a mysterious man during the First Wizarding War. Each member of the party is a vicious dark wizard, and most of them are proficient in dark magic. In order to resist that kind of power, it is said that our principal Dumbledore also formed the Order of the Phoenix at the same time."

"Yes." Lockhart nodded, "Well, Wright, do you know? In fact, most of the Death Eaters are from Slytherin House, and most of the wizards in the Order of the Phoenix are from Gryffin. many."

"Is there any other way to say this?" Although he was a little impatient, Wright still retained the most basic courtesy on his face.

"Yes, and this statement is very credible." Lockhart nodded, "But in this case, Slytherin has Death Eaters, and Gryffindor also has the Order of the Phoenix. In fact, we Ravenc There is also a wizarding association that belongs to our own academy, called 'Raven's Claw'."

Wright's mouth twitched faintly. After hearing this, Lockhart didn't want to drag him into the "Raven's Claw" with only two people, right? This little broken organization named directly after the hidden meaning of Ravenclaw, let alone comparing it with the huge Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix, even three-person Landlords can't even fit into a table, what the heck. Use it!

"I heard Professor Flitwick say, Wright, when you were in your second year, you successfully mastered an advanced magic spell like All Curses Are Ending?" For some reason, Lockhart suddenly mentioned another thing. .

"Yes." Wright nodded. With the relationship between Lockhart and Professor Flitwick, it was expected that he would get this news.

"If you join 'Raven's Claw', you can choose and learn the advanced magic in it!" Lockhart said with a smile, "Such as the Patronus Charm, Legilimency, Apparition, Brain You can learn Occlumency and more! There is also the memory magic that Professor Flitwick and I have studied together for many years!”

At this time, in order to recruit Wright into Raven's claws, Lockhart had already revealed his trump card directly!

Quickly bring in a new person to take his place, and then Lockhart can quickly leave here and go outside to have fun!

If nothing else, Hogwarts is a really dangerous place!

Dumbledore! Jerry Green! Who knows who the next super wizard will be? Grindelwald? Or the despicable Herbo?

Lockhart could only say sorry to Professor Flitwick. As expected, a professor at Hogwarts is still not as comfortable as a writer!

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