Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 209 The Changchu Transformation of the New World

Hermione glanced at the long golden hair in the glass bottle in Chang Chu's hand, and then asked with some confusion: "Who is the owner of this hair?"

"That's the first-year Slytherin girl who often follows Wright this semester," Chang Chu said calmly. She gently raised the glass bottle in her hand, "Viletta Huppert."

Hermione nodded, but she didn't know the specific situation of Villita. She only knew that Villita was the only girl in Slytherin Academy who stayed at school during the Christmas break this year and did not go back.

If that's the case, it would be easy, Hermione thought, then Chang Chu wouldn't have to be like her and find a reason to explain to Malfoy and the others why she (that is, Millicent) would return to school early. .

"As for where it came from," Chang Chu took out the long blond hair from the glass bottle, "during the Christmas dinner just now, I took it off Villita's shoulder while she wasn't paying attention. A hair that has fallen out.”

"And as far as I know, Villita will go to stay with Wright outside the castle for a long time later." Chang Chu added, naturally she was talking about things that Villita and Wright would train every day, " Don't worry she'll pop up later when we're in the Slytherin common room."

"Now, are you all ready?" Chang Chu asked the trio in front of him.

"I'm ready!" x3

"Okay, now it's time to witness Hermione and I's potion brewing skills." Chang Chu held Villita's blond hair with one hand, holding the glass containing the polyjuice potion with the other, and took a deep breath. tone.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were also very knowledgeable, and the three of them also held the hair of Goyle, Crabbe and Millicent respectively in their hands.

Chang Chu's hand trembled slightly as he slowly put Villita's hair into the glass in the other hand.

The moment Villita's hair came into contact with the polyjuice potion in the glass, the glass suddenly made a loud noise, like a kettle being boiled.

However, the feeling transmitted back from his hand told Chang Chu that this was just an illusion, and the glass did not heat up in response to this reaction. And Chang Chu also noticed something, that is, from the place where the hair came into contact with the decoction, a large number of extremely small white foam began to emerge.

A second later, the polyjuice potion in the glass turned into a color as dark as night, looking solemn and heavy.

"Huh!" Chang Chu breathed a sigh of relief and said to the trio, "It seems to have been successful. Now it's your turn."

Hermione, Harry and Ron looked at each other and then added the hair in their hands to their respective Polyjuice Potions.

The cup in Hermione's hand turned an ugly yellow color; the cup in Harry's hand turned a tank-like khaki color; and Ron's cup turned a dark, dark brown.

"Oh!" said Ron, looking at the Polyjuice Potion in his hand with disgust, "Crabbe's Essence."

After hearing Ron's words, Harry's throat twitched with nausea. If he didn't really need it, he really didn't want to drink the polyjuice potion. The color looked abnormal.

"Okay, stop complaining, we all have to drink if you want to really find out whether Malfoy is the heir to the Chamber of Secrets." Hermione said, pointing to the row of toilet cubicles next to her, " Now, bring your clothes and everyone choose a compartment to go in. After all, neither Crabbe nor Goyle nor Millicent are short people. Each of them is taller than the other. We are much stronger."

Harry and Ron nodded, then each chose a small private room and walked in. Hermione followed them and also chose the innermost private room and walked in.

Chang Chu was the only one left in front of the glass mirror in the bathroom.

However, compared to Hermione, Harry and Ron, Chang Chu felt that he was the easiest person to play. Based on her previous understanding of Villita, Villetta would only express her opinions on what Wright said, and would almost ignore anyone or anything else.

Therefore, playing Villita actually does not require any acting skills at all, just a straight face.

As for body shape! Chang Chu looked at himself in the mirror and thought about Villita's appearance in his mind.

She is a little taller than herself, and her thighs are a little longer for her. This doesn't have a big impact. The school uniform robe is loose-fitting, so the little extra height doesn't matter. But Villita seems to be a little thinner than me?

Chang Chu touched his belly and frowned. It shouldn't be there, right? Or maybe it’s not me who is fat, but Verita who is a little too thin? This should be! That’s right!

In any case, Chang Chu only knew that after drinking the polyjuice potion containing Villita's long hair, she didn't even need to change clothes, and that was fine!

Just then, Harry's voice came from the cubicle.

"Are you ready?" he shouted. "One, two, three."

Chang Chu shook the cup and drank the compound soup in one gulp.

To her surprise, the decoction tasted pretty good, like a cup of pure mountain spring.

But the feeling afterwards was not pleasant.

A burning sensation quickly spread throughout the body from where the decoction had slipped, reaching every corner of the body. Even the tiniest nerve endings felt this suffocating burning sensation.

The burning sensation grew stronger as time went by, and Chang Chu seemed to feel like she was melting, but the scene in the mirror told her that it was just an illusion. She wasn't melting, she was changing.

The skin on the face is filled with bubbles like hot wax, and the shape of the face is constantly changing with the bubbles. The skin color, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, jaw... bursts of bubbles appear on the top of the head. Feeling like pinpricks, the original black and shiny hair is also transforming into dazzling blond hair... The fingers are gradually getting longer, and the nails are getting thinner...

After a while, a Villita appeared in the mirror.

Chang Chu reached out and touched his face with a surprised look on his face, and then touched the mirror. "Vilita" in the mirror also made exactly the same action as her, exactly the same.

There is no doubt that Polyjuice Potion was a success!

At this moment, a Goyle and a Crabbe walked out of the toilet stall in the mirror, it was Harry and Ron who had drunk the Polyjuice Potion.

"It seems we all succeeded." Chang Chu turned around and said to Harry and Ron with a smile.

Harry and Ron were stunned for a moment almost at the same time. Is there such a beautiful girl in the school? Why didn't they notice it before?

"Cough!" Ron pretended to cough. He walked forward and stood in front of the bathroom mirror. The stupid Crabbe in the mirror was also looking at him.

"That's unbelievable." Ron poked the person in the mirror.

He repeated again: "Unbelievable."

"Don't believe it, let's set off immediately after Hermione comes out!" Harry said, although he was also surprised by the magical effect of Polyjuice Potion, but there were more important things to do in front of him, you know Polyjuice Potion lasts only one hour.

The three of them stood in front of the mirror and waited for a minute or two, during which they also practiced their acting skills a little.

However, Hermione always hid in the toilet in the corner and did not come out.

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