Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 228 What? Is it almost the final exam?

For Wright, the principal's office may be a place for daily activities where he can come and leave as he pleases. But in fact, this was the first time Chang Chu, Hermione and Harry came to the principal's office.

The three of them followed Professor McGonagall and walked into this spacious and beautiful circular room. Before they had time to carefully observe the strange and magical things placed in the room, they were attracted by the man sitting behind the desk. A vigorous old man with white hair attracted his attention.

"Minerva?" Dumbledore gave Professor McGonagall a questioning look.

"That's it, Albus." As Professor McGonagall spoke, she made room for the three people standing behind her. "Potter just said that one of them discovered what the monster in the secret room was. ”

"It's Hermione. Hermione discovered that the monster in the secret room is a basilisk." Chang Chu said boldly.

Harry nodded to prove the authenticity of what Chang Chu said.

Hermione took a step forward with red cheeks. After all, at this moment, she needed to face Albus Percival Brian Dumbledore, the greatest headmaster in the history of Hogwarts.

"Is that so, Miss Granger?" Dumbledore smiled at Hermione.

He actually knows my name! Hermione exclaimed happily in her heart.

"Yes, yes, Deng, Principal Dumbledore." Hermione looked at Dumbledore and stammered.

"Don't be so nervous, Miss Granger." Dumbledore winked at her, "After all, I am your headmaster, not the monster in the Chamber of Secrets."

Hermione tried her best to smile.

"Can I call you Hermione?" Dumbledore asked.

"Of course!" Hermione said without hesitation.

"So, Hermione, can I ask, how did you discover that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets was a basilisk?" Dumbledore asked.

Professor McGonagall also looked at Hermione. She also wanted to know how her favorite student knew the true identity of the monster in the Chamber of Secrets. You know, although the Gryffindor trio are always the focus of problems and problem-solving, they are still only second-year students anyway.

Oh, no. Professor McGonagall corrected her thoughts. Miss Chang Chu was already a third-year student.

"It's Harry..." Hermione glanced at Harry hesitantly.

Harry gave her an encouraging look, indicating that he trusted her unreservedly and that he wouldn't mind her big reveal later.

Then, Hermione began to tell everything in detail, starting from the death anniversary dinner on Halloween last year, to the ghostly voice that Harry heard... to Harry's Parseltongue ability at the Dueling Club. .

Combining this magical snake language, the terrifying ability to petrify, and the long survival life, Hermione said she finally discovered that the monster in the secret room was a thousand-year-old basilisk lurking in the sewer pipes.

In fact, Hermione found that she seemed to have lost control when she was talking just now, because she accidentally mentioned all the things they had done about breaking school rules and brewing polyjuice potion.

"Very good, Hermione, quite keen observation and information processing ability." Dumbledore said. It seemed that he didn't care about the three of them brewing polyjuice potion. Perhaps Madam Pomfrey had told him earlier. It’s not certain that it happened.

Chang Chu and Harry breathed a nervous sigh of relief and felt relaxed. As long as the principal himself didn't mind their violation of school rules, no one could pursue it any further.

"Miss Granger, although I did blush for you and Potter, I have to say that you are now enough to be my pride. Gryffindor House will definitely be proud of you two in the future. I feel honored." Professor McGonagall showed a gentle smile to the three of them, "And Miss Chang Chu, Professor Flitwick will definitely be very happy for you."

Hermione, Chang Chu and Harry exchanged excited looks. Professor McGonagall had never shown such tender emotions to anyone before.

"Originally, I just planned to cultivate vigilance in the students, but I didn't expect that some students would actually discover the hidden story behind this matter." Dumbledore said softly, "Then I will no longer hide it from you. what."

Chang Chu and the other two didn't speak, just listened quietly.

"I was originally unaware of the existence of the secret room. It wasn't until Felicia and Mrs. Loris were attacked that I recalled it. Later, after being reminded by someone, I finally discovered its location and successfully "Conquered the monster in the Chamber of Secrets," Dumbledore said, "As you discovered, Hermione, the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk that has survived for nearly a thousand years. It was once Salazar Slytherin." My pet.”

Chang Chu and the other three held their breath. The imagined scene of Dumbledore fighting the Basilisk flashed through their minds almost at the same time. It must have been a very terrifying and shocking duel scene.

"At the beginning, I didn't intend to let the basilisk attack anyone in the school, even if it was a non-life-threatening petrification." Dumbledore waved behind him, "But for some reasons, I think It is necessary for students to realize that the magical world is not a complete paradise, and it is very necessary to maintain a proper vigilance, so I asked Jerry to handle these things for me. "

Jerry, with a bright green head and a snake staff in hand, walked out of the small study behind Dumbledore, staring at Harry intently.

"Hiss—" Harry suddenly felt a burning pain in the scar on his forehead, and couldn't help but cover the lightning scar.

An unknown deep light flashed in Dumbledore's blue eyes.

But the burning pain disappeared in an instant. Harry touched his forehead strangely and found that it was no longer painful at all, as if the burning pain just now was just his imagination.

"But now that you have discovered the monster in the secret room, I have no choice but to stop deliberately maintaining this mysterious method." Dumbledore paused, "In order to reward you..."

"Well, let's not reward you yet. After all, you have only completed half of the level." Dumbledore smiled and said, "Well, I solemnly promise you that as long as the three of you finally discover that there are almost no clues for thousands of years, If you know the location of the secret room and successfully entered it, I will reward you with one hundred points from the academy, one hundred points each."

"Harry, you seem to have just come back from the Quidditch field, right? Then I won't delay your celebration time anymore." Dumbledore said with a smile, "As the major contributor to winning today's game, I suggest you hurry up and Go down to the party."

When Chang and Chu were about to walk out of the principal's office with silly smiles, Dumbledore's voice came from behind them again.

"If you have any questions, you can go to Wright. I think he knows a little more than me about the secret room."

"By the way, Miss Granger, don't just worry about the Chamber of Secrets. This year's final exam will be held on June 1st, don't forget it," Professor McGonagall shouted.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT??!!" Chang Chu and Hermione shouted at the same time.

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