Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 234: Magic Potion under the Moonlight Night

In the open space on the other side far away from Hagrid's wooden house, the bright and flawless moonlight fell from the night sky, reflecting two long black shadows on the ground. The slow cool wind blew from the forbidden forest, bringing a magical sound. The screams of animals.

"Wright, are you ready?" Professor McGonagall looked at the tall young man standing in front of her and asked with some anticipation.

Wright looked at Professor McGonagall, but did not reply. He just nodded quietly.

Professor McGonagall said: "I didn't expect that it only took about three months to successfully overcome the first step of Animagus. You are already one of the very lucky ones."

Wright continued to nod.

After a slight pause, Professor McGonagall said: "Then let's start now."

Wright took a deep breath, facing the white moonlight, and took out four items in sequence from the mok bag: a small crystal vial, a small piston glass bottle filled with dew, a piece of hair, and a pupa of a grimace hawk moth .

Wright cast a levitating spell on four items at the same time, causing them all to float into the air. His eyes slowly scanned these four items. These were the items he needed for the second step of becoming an Animagus.

The crystal vial is the main device used to hold Animagus potions; the piston glass bottle contains a silver teaspoon of pure dew, which is collected from places that have not been exposed to sunlight or human contact for seven days. ; The hair is a strand of hair that Wright picked from his head when he just left the castle to avoid mistakes or confusion with other hairs; the pupa comes from the Grimace Hawkmoth, also known as the Face Hawkmoth, which is a very vicious A magical animal named after the skull-shaped markings on the back of the adult's chest.

Wright first slowly took out the mandrake leaves from his mouth, then filled the crystal vial bit by bit with his own saliva, and then soaked the removed leaves in it. This completed the second step. The first part of.

Wright breathed a sigh of relief. He stretched out his hand and shook the crystal vial towards the moon. The mandrake leaves were rising and falling in the bottle. The pure moonlight shone on the leaves, reflecting waves of indescribable ghosts. Light.

Then, Wright added the hair and cleansing dew into the small crystal vial. Miraculously, the mixture that had originally filled the vial did not overflow.

Not only that.

The jet-black hair gradually fell slowly from the opening of the medicine bottle. When it fell parallel to the mandrake leaf, it seemed that it was attracted by some strange attraction. The hair gradually moved closer to the leaf. Finally, it was inlaid into the surface of the leaves bit by bit, as if carving a mysterious black leaf pattern on the surface of the leaves.

Finally, Wright slowly put the pupa of the Grimace Hawkmoth into the small crystal bottle. The mandrake leaf in the bottle seemed to be a beast that smelled the smell of blood. The moment the pupa entered the liquid surface, the leaves suddenly The ground stretched for a moment, and then it directly wrapped the Grimace Hawkmoth pupa tightly with the side without hair lines.

At this moment, the mixed solution that was originally nearly colorless turned black in an instant.

Step two, done!

The solemn expression on Wright's face instantly relaxed, and his tense nerves completely relaxed at this moment. After more than three months, the first step of Animagus was finally completed at this moment! The best thing is that most of the second step is also completed at the same time, so the next work will be much simpler.

Wright took out a brand new wooden box and placed the mixture in it. Then he closed the lid and returned the wooden box to the bottom of the Mock bag.

According to the description of the second step of Animagus in the book, after completing the mixture, you need to put the mixture in a very quiet and dark place, and do not use it again until the next stormy day with thunder and lightning. Look at it or disturb it.

While waiting for the storm to come, the crystal vial must remain completely undisturbed and out of contact with the sun. Any trace of sunlight will cause terrible pollution and cause all previous operations to fail.

However, Wright had no worries about the next steps. It was very simple as not to disturb the medicine bottle.

Also, here at Hogwarts, a full moon night might be hard to wait for, but a storm? Isn’t that how much you want?

"Wright, congratulations." Professor McGonagall said with a smile. "The remaining steps of practicing Animagus require you to wait slowly and patiently. But after passing the most difficult first level, the rest of the steps will It’s not that difficult.”

Wright quickly thanked him and said, "Thank you for your help earlier, Professor McGonagall!"

"It's okay." Professor McGonagall shook her head, "It is the duty of teachers to help students in need. Seeing that you have such a high talent and such rapid progress in the transformation art that I am good at, In fact, I'm happier than you are, and I look forward to your continued enthusiasm for transfiguration, Wright."

Wright nodded seriously. The importance and high value of transfiguration no longer needed any other proof.

"Then in the next time, you have to take the upcoming final exam seriously." Professor McGonagall said, "You have spent so much effort on practicing Animagus this year, Wright, you should not give up on other subjects. Study, right? You should still be able to get first place in the third grade, right?"

"Didn't fall behind! As for the ranking, I should be able to keep it!" Wright quickly shook his head. What else could he say, except that he was worthy of being Professor McGonagall, who could talk about the final exam at this time.

"That's good. I don't want to see Professor Flitwick complain to me that Wright only pays attention to transfiguration." Professor McGonagall joked with a smile, "Let's go back to the castle now, time is up. It’s curfew, don’t break the school rules, otherwise I won’t show mercy.”

Just as Wright was walking towards the castle with Professor McGonagall on his arm, Chang Chu and the four others on the other side also ended their chat with Hagrid and prepared to come out from him.

After the four said goodbye to Hagrid, Ron was the first to run out of the cabin. During the chat just now, Yaya kept pestering him, making Ron very irritable.

"Are we really going to find those damn big spiders?" Ron said with a look of disgust. He had an indelible childhood shadow about spiders.

"What else?" Hermione asked, "The only information Hagrid can give is Aragog. No matter what we ask, he will always use Dumbledore to prevaricate us."

"If we add the crow that Wright gave us, our next step must be the Forbidden Forest." Harry said.

"But in this case, are we always in Wright or Dumbledore's plan?" Chang Chu scratched his hair and said strangely, "It's like we are playing some kind of breakthrough game."

The Gryffindor trio nodded sympathetically.

"Then do we want to play this game?" Chang Chu asked.

"It's not so easy to get 100 points from the academy." Ron sighed, "It's still 100 points for each of you. We passed such a terrible level last year, so we each gained 50 points."

"It seems we have to go to the Forbidden Forest this time."

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