Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 305: Days at Beauxbatons

In today's Europe, exchanges between the three major magic schools, Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang, are not frequent. Since the Triwizard Tournament was founded more than 700 years ago, it is too dangerous and After being called off due to too many deaths, the three major schools have not communicated with each other for centuries.

At present, any student in any magic school may only know about the other two schools to the extent of "Oh, it is also one of the top three schools in Europe like our school." Some students even estimate that they don't even know about the other two schools. The full names of Europe's three largest companies cannot be named.

Compared to Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, whose specific location is unknown, information about Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is more public.

The word Beauxbatons may originate from the French "beaux batons", which means "beautiful wand". This may be the reason why Beauxbatons' school coat of arms has two golden crossed wands painted on it.

This is a magic school located in Beauxbatons Castle in the Pyrenees Mountains in southern France. The current principal is Mrs. Orim Maxime, a powerful mixed-race witch with a "big frame".

Although there are rumors in the market that Madame Maxime is a mixed-race giant of unknown origin, this statement has never been proved by any definite evidence, so it is not widely accepted by people.

Due to geographical restrictions, most of Beauxbatons' students come from France, but there are also many young wizards from Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands studying here.

Unlike Hogwarts, Beauxbatons students take their O.W.L exams in their sixth year instead of their fifth year, and then take the exams the following year. In addition, Beauxbatons also offers a special alchemy course, which Hogwarts does not have.

Of course, there have been rumors before that when the students of Hogwarts pass their O.W.L.s exams with excellent results, the school will have a hidden alchemy course waiting for them to choose.

But Wright was able to confirm that this rumor was false. Hogwarts did not offer alchemy classes, and there was no alchemist to serve as a professor, unless Dumbledore had the time and energy to hold such a position concurrently. .

Different from Hogwarts Castle, which is located on the vast plateau and adjacent to the deep black lake, Beauxbatons Castle is a beautiful French palace located in the mountains.

There are no extra auxiliary towers. The white main body of Beauxbatons Castle is surrounded by majestic gardens and fountains built using magic. Its layout highlights the symmetry of the axis, and a large number of French columns, carvings, and other details are used in the details. The lines and the construction process of the castle are extremely delicate.

In addition, the open space structure, magical flowers and green plants everywhere, and finely carved furniture all create an idyllic atmosphere as a whole. Looking down from the sky, Beauxbatons Castle is like a milky white pearl dotted in the nature of the mountains, full of noble and elegant charm.

Normally, Beauxbatons maintains a cordial and warm relationship with Hogwarts. In previous years' Triwizard Tournament, there was also a very healthy competition between the two magic schools.

For example, Beauxbatons has won the Triwizard Tournament a total of 62 times, while Hogwarts has won a total of 63 times.

Considering that the Triwizard Tournament is held every five years, the total duration will not exceed seven hundred years. So it can be said that this competition has always been a platform for Hogwarts and Beauxbatons to show their friendly demeanor to each other. As for Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, well, it's always been about engagement.

However, if Wright, a former Hogwarts student, was forced to evaluate his experience in Beauxbatons these two days, it would be "traditional".

The wizards living here are very different from the open-minded French people outside. It seems that the word "rules" was created just for them.

The most obvious manifestation is that since the establishment of the school, Beauxbatons has been adhering to a tradition. Every student entering the school will be taught this: when the principal enters the room, the students must stand at attention and cannot sit down until the principal takes his seat. , this is also to reflect the students' respect for the principal.

But come on, Dumbledore, the invincible, unparalleled, best in the world, unique... (18,000 words omitted here)... has never done this at Hogwarts. It is difficult for Wright to use such respect. He treated Mrs. Orim Maxim with the same attitude, even though he knew that Mrs. Maxim was likely to marry Hagrid in the future.

Since he was not able to accept all these complicated rules, the place where Wright spent the most time in the past two days was next to the huge fountain in Beauxbatons Castle, because based on his experience, a witch of Madame Maxime's age would , I won’t often go to such a place full of young people’s romantic atmosphere.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case.

In addition, unlike Hogwarts and Ilvermorny, Beauxbatons does not have the habit of sorting into houses. Freshmen in each class will only be divided into a whole grade according to their age, and then receive instruction from the school.

Because of this, Wright should have been assigned to the fourth grade, but after some arguments and a show of strength, he was assigned to the sixth grade.

Well, that was the grade where the famous mixed-blood Veela Fleur Delacour was.

However, as an exchange student (temporarily thrown over), Wright still has considerable freedom of movement, so he does not have to go to class, listen to lectures, write homework, and submit reports every day like a normal student. Everything about him The final report of the event was to two old monsters, Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel.

But one of the two people was busy searching for Horcruxes all over the world, and the other was idle at home watching TV programs for ordinary people. How could they have time to care about what Wright, an exchange student, was doing in Beauxbatons?

If it weren't for Dumbledore not wanting Wright (actually Verita) to return to Hogwarts this semester, Wright might have been active in Beauxbatons during the day and went straight back to the Ravenclaw common room to sleep at night! Maybe we can continue to consolidate our close relationship with Chang Chu!


Wright accidentally broke off the little finger of his left hand from the Nicoléme stone sculpture standing in front of the fountain. Curling his lips, he threw the finger onto the palm of the Nicoléme stone sculpture.

In Beauxbatons, a considerable part of the architectural decorations were funded and built by Nicolas Flamel and his wife. For example, this huge fountain was built by Nicolas Flamel himself. It was even named after him and the Perenal couple. Named after people.

Created by Nicoléme himself, this fountain is naturally not as simple as its appearance. According to legend, this fountain also has the good function of self-healing and beautifying the skin.

Looking at the little finger gradually melting into the stone sculpture, Wright thought with malice: Maybe Nico Flamel built this fountain to see if any fools would swim in it for the illusory skin-beautifying effect. of!

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