In the dark chamber, a lantern was slowly lit, and under the light, the figure of this man slowly walked forward.

He looked old, but firm, and walked forward without any doubt in his footsteps.

And in a certain direction in front of him, there was also a light at the same moment.

However, this lantern is hung on the wall.

Dumbledore glanced at the lantern in front of him and shook his head slightly.

Then, he slowly turned the handle of the handle.

The next moment, it was like countless magic lights were flashing.

Between the light and the light shining on each other, a force is gradually beginning to emanate.

That power seemed to be as overwhelming as the sky, constantly making people feel intimidated.

Dumbledore, the light dissipated, revealing a mural at the end of this secret room.

There is nothing else in the mural, it just describes a person.

Describe the whole process of a person from birth, baby, then to growth, boyhood, then to youth, adulthood, and finally to old age.

However, don't think that this is describing an ordinary person's life.

Otherwise, it was a big mistake, Dumbledore could see it.

What this mural depicts is not a person's life, but a person's cyclical life.

There are many things depicted on it, such as the clock painted at the end.

And Dumbledore knew that the person described was Voldemort.

Looking at the end of the mural in front of me, hi wrote a few big characters, loop.

Dumbledore knew that this was another reminder to himself.

It's not just Voldemort who is circulating, but also himself.

Voldemort kept going through cycles and rebirths, and he kept trying to stop him.

In the end, I failed again and again and made mistakes again and again.

This has led to this world falling into desperate situations again and again.

And murals give you your own answer, which is both the result and the process.

Of course, none of this mattered, Dumbledore finally made up his mind.

He was ready to end all cycles this time. Voldemort could be reborn and survive continuously.

But I can't do this.

"I am a human being. A living human being. At least before a human being dies, he must die as a human being, not as a demon."

Opened the door to the office and walked out of the secret room.

Dumbledore was still as usual, with an amiable smile.

Under that smile, no one could see the majesty of his injuries.

Snape, who had just finished class on the other side, smiled slightly.

He felt that this class was very comfortable, and at least it allowed him to see another side of Carlos.

Compared with Carlos' cautious and gentle side, this time Carlos' love is like a ferocious beast.

"However, there are ways to deal with ferocious beasts, those ferocious beasts in the magical forest.

Wasn't it the same in the end, being subdued one after another?

Carlos, no matter how ferocious you are, the final result will be the same, right?"

While taking Snape, he walked towards his office with a happy face.

But suddenly he found that there was a pair of eyes staring directly at him.

This pair of eyes contains various meanings.

To be honest, this was the first time Snape saw the principal looking at him like this.

Those eyes were full of expectation, full of apology, and seemed to be contradictory.

Various emotions were mixed together. At this moment, Snape turned around and found that the principal had disappeared.

Carlos, who was in the classroom on the other side, was slightly stunned and patted his head in annoyance.

He couldn't help it, but he also knew that Snape's purpose was to test him.

Regardless of attitude or strength, everything is just an attempt to pull oneself into [ten completely invisible roads.

But similarly, Carlos doesn't care. To him, he has offended so many family members.

What if he offends one or two more people? What Carlos is worried about is not that.

What he is worried about is that because of the situation here, all plans will be advanced for the exam.

In that case, all your preparations will be in vain.

"Voldemort did not die in the first term but escaped.

Then he must rush before Principal Dumbledore and Snape make plans.

Kill that guy, but not to mention killing that guy now, even finding him is a relatively difficult task.

And the most important thing is that this guy Voldemort can be resurrected with the help of other people's bodies.

He is a guy who is very difficult to kill. Seal him? That’s not right either. "

Maybe the two classes were put together for a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

So at this moment, Harry and Ronald were still staying next to Carlos.

Harry looked at Carlos in front of him with a strange look on his face. He seemed to be wondering all kinds of things in his round glasses.

"々Karos, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking that sometimes, this world really doesn't exist based on our will.

Some people and some things may have their own reasons for existing in this world. "

Time passed by in a hurry, and soon came the annual Hogwarts House Quidditch match.

In Carlos's words, this is simply a game of basketball.

Of course, Carlos will definitely not participate in this competition.

With such strength, the only person who can participate in this competition is Harry next to me.

As for Ronald and Hermione, they just sat quietly next to them and looked down.

There were only two teammates, spraying each other, next to Carlos.

The viewing venue is right next to Carlos.

Herlock was watching quietly. He looked at Carlos next to him with a puzzled look on his face, and then asked strangely.

"Brother, what kind of game is their so-called Quidditch?

Why do I seem to have never heard of anything like this?"

"In reality, this kind of competition doesn't exist at all, just take a look.

This is a game that only magicians can play.

Moreover, he tests the magician's balance in magic power and the balance on the mold broom.

It's a very interesting competition, but of course I won't participate. "

Sometimes Carlos wonders, is there any difference between this game and real hockey games?

There were shouts and shouts all around, and countless people were constantly shouting various words at each other.

It can be seen that the people in each of the four major colleges live in complete harmony with each other.

Of course, this kind of harmony only arises from scolding. .

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