Harry Potter: I Have A Proficiency System

Chapter 172 Another One Comes

The two figures who walked out quickly from the dormitory building looked at the other figures who had fallen on the ground in confusion.

However, just when one of them wanted to help, he found that he also fell to the ground.

Just like that, of these four people, only one person was left standing quietly watching everything.

His eyes flickered for a moment, and he wanted to take out his staff and swing it at Snape fiercely.

In the staff, a light yellow light seemed to be that demon.

It is monstrous and makes people feel helpless, roaring and makes people feel collapsed.

"Avada Kedavra."

Yes, that's the dark magic, Avada Kedavra.

Snape looked at the man in front of him, how dare he release such deadly magic.

In an instant, the anger on his face could no longer be concealed. He raised his staff and wanted to teach the man in front of him a lesson.

Then the next moment, he heard a crisp female voice from the side.

"Get big fast."

The moment the crisp female voice sounded, he saw the small sword flying in front of him.

The sword hit that person hard, and Avada Kedavra was also blocked by an iron sword.

Under the collision of light, Avada Kedavra was like this, directly under the impact of the iron sword, scattered towards the surroundings.

Sneo's face was filled with shock when he saw the scene in front of him. 617 He didn't expect that a girl's strength could be so terrifying.

When I first started, I heard that the principal had hired another female teacher.

As the black magic teacher of the junior class in the entire academy, I was a little confused.

But what he didn't expect was that this female teacher was so powerful.

The light brought about by the rapid growth shrouded people's heads.

Unlike Avada Kedavra, Rapid Transformation can only make food larger.

Similarly, if your magic power and your accuracy, coupled with your identity, are a high-level magician.

So the threat brought about by the rapid expansion is absolutely terrifying.

Just like Carlos, Carlos used the method to quickly grow in size, and then drank the Farad potion, under the control of such blessing and magic.

The power brought about by the rapid growth is absolutely terrifying.

He can even directly magnify objects tens of centimeters hundreds of times in an instant.

Although, this female teacher can only enlarge the image fifty or sixty times.

However, even if it is only fifty-six or ten times, it is fatal to this small iron sword.

The only figure who could still fight had just walked out of the dormitory building.

Seeing a female teacher in front of me, I saw the terrifying power brought about by her rapid growth.

In an instant, his face turned dark.

He first glanced to his left and right, then his face was filled with fear.

But the next moment, the magic was already hitting his face.


He only heard a scream coming from his mouth.

The figure's body flew directly behind.

The intermediate level Avada Kedavra is actually not a big threat to the two teachers in front of them.

But Snape breathed a huge sigh of relief. Because once this happens, he will use Avada Kedavra, the magician in the middle, and escape into the cafeteria.

Then it is fatal to the students here.

So far, even there are many students in advanced classes.

They still only have the strength of mid-level magicians, and even they can only use one or two intermediate magics.

How can we block the enemy who can use the intermediate Avada Kedavra?

However, Snape's face darkened slightly when he thought of Carlos.

That bastard Carlos doesn't count. No, Carlos and Harry don't count. Those guys are perverts.

The next moment, I saw Sneff, walking up to the man in black [then slapped him on the face ten times and asked him.

"What are you doing here?"

The man in black did not answer, but moved his body slightly towards the back.

He seemed to be trying to protect something. Snape could tell in his actions in an instant.

He immediately reached into his back pocket.

The next moment, he took out ten small blood-red porcelain bottles from his pocket.

The red liquid in the small porcelain bottle is still flowing slightly.

That small bottle of red liquid, although not much, is indeed worth tens of thousands of dollars in the market.

You know, in the entire magical world, there are only four places where dragons are still alive in this world.

There is one magical forest in Hogwarts, but the other three places are different.

There is a place that is still a place of great difficulty and danger.

The black dragon's blood that exists there can only be useful to black magicians.

And things like dragon blood, even under such rare circumstances.

Coupled with the fact that he himself is powerful.

Naturally, it was raised to a considerable price, where a drop of cold water is equivalent to ten thousand gold.

"I see, this is your purpose.

However, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like it’s just for this one thing.

Tell me what your other purpose is? How many of you have come to Hogwarts?"

The man in black's mouth twitched slightly, and then he wanted to snatch back the bottle of dragon blood.

There was a trace of panic and anxiety in his eyes.

But Snape shook his head, then raised his hand and hit a man hard.


Just for a moment, everything in this man's head seemed to become a little blurry.

Consciousness began to fall into stagnation.

That sense of intoxication, that sense of miniaturization, suddenly made his body sink in.

With a bang, he closed his eyes and could no longer hold on, lying on the ground.

He closed his eyes and finally fell asleep directly. Elizabeth, who saw the scene in front of her from behind, came over.

Then he glanced at the bottle of red liquid in Sneo's hand and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Is this dragon's blood? It doesn't look like anything. It's different."

"Do you know the biggest difference between dragon blood and human blood?

Once human blood falls into a glass of water, it will be diluted directly by the water.

But dragon blood is different. Dragon blood is condensed together and will not be diluted by water.

This is the scariest thing about him, and why dragon blood has the ability to eliminate hundreds of poisons.

"If it can't be diluted, how can we give this drop of dragon blood to all the students later?"

"This is not one drop, but two drops. There is no problem with the quantity. Moreover, I did not say that the dragon's blood should be diluted with water."

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