Harry Potter: I Have A Proficiency System

Chapter 176: Two-Pronged Approach

Yelena looked at Snape flying towards her in front of her.

Her face was full of vigilance. To be honest, she was more worried about the teacher named Snape in front of her than Elizabeth.

Once upon a time, he studied at Hogwarts for several periods.

At that time, Mr. Snape in front of him showed him what the application of magic was.

Although Snape was not teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at the time, it was obvious that Snape at that time also conveyed some understanding and mastery of magic to them in private.

At that time, Snape's power was also applied to Erin's mind.

"Dear Teacher Snape, long time no see.

Why do we have to fight to the death as soon as we meet?

Why don't we sit down and have a good chat about how to talk about the world.

What should be changed today, what should be destroyed? What should be rebuilt? There are too many problems in the world, right?

"What conveyed from Yelena's eyes was neither waves of calm.

It is not that he is fearless, but that he is crazy, as crazy as a madman.

Even if you only see the madness in her eyes, you can feel what happened to her?

She seemed to have encountered despair, even the lowest level of despair.

Elizabeth also flew over on her broom. She put away the iron sword in front of her, which gradually became smaller again, then shook her head and said.

"Yelena, no matter what you encounter, no matter what happens to you.

What happened to you should not be an excuse for you to frame other innocent people.

Those students have never done anything to you, and those students have never harmed you.

However, you do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.

Even poisoning their food, do you think this idea is right? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous?

"Elizabeth straightened the staff in her hand little by little.

As she waved the staff, it could be seen that there was anger in her eyes.

But Yelena next to her suddenly became furious, and she yelled at Elizabeth over there.

"Shut up, you don't understand me at all. You are the proud son of heaven. You were born in a noble world since you were a child.

You have been the only hope in your family since you were a child. Lily, Lily, have you forgotten your real name?

Or do you think the name Elizabeth sounds nice?

In the world of aristocrats, you are loved in every way, but I have to live in a hellish environment.

Constantly surviving, constantly surviving, constantly, constantly, even if I eat the blood of various corpses, I must survive.

Have you ever experienced that kind of pain? I want to take revenge on this world, and don't let this magical world fall into despair.

In the endless despair, hahahaha, no one can stop me, I want to resurrect the Lord. The great Lord is resurrected.

Then he can come to this world and make this world a Jiaowang again.

Let this world return to God’s reward”||.”

Elizabeth walked quietly towards Irina in front of her, and Snape next to her seemed to have noticed Elizabeth's movements.

As she walked towards Elena in front of her, she knew that Elizabeth was trying to attract Elena's attention to herself.

After Snape nodded, he immediately took out his staff.

He waved fiercely towards Yelena in front of him.


Yelena is also very fast, as in the world of hell.

She who survived has a different understanding from ordinary people.

Just like Snape, he is studying the speed of magic release.

Yelena in front of her was also studying the speed of magic release.

After all, in a world where the weak eat the strong, if you are not fast.

Then all that is waiting for you is death, the destruction of everything.

She quickly leaned down, picked up the staff that fell on the ground, and then raised her body.

The staff was waved towards Snape in front of him.

Likewise, because Yelena's speed is even a little faster than Sneo's.

What he sends is not to disarm you, but to break your bones into pieces.

"Shattered to pieces."

Magic flows in different directions depending on the magic power in each person's body.

So the colors displayed are also different.

If we say that the magic of Carlos' body "is like ten blue oceans."

Then Snape's magic is so bright that even his heart is alive with blood.

The magic of Yelena in front of her was completely black, like pure hell, deep and deep.

The black body smashed into pieces and smashed towards Snape's Expelliarmus.

One black and one red, the two sides seem to be complete with each other.

The two colors that couldn't make up for it collided together, and then exploded towards the surroundings.

At this time, Elizabeth once again had obtained the staff.

Wanting to be almost one meter away from Elena, she raised her staff without hesitation.

"`々In addition to your weapons, everything will be turned to stone."

Elizabeth is also very fast.

There was probably only a little more than a second between them, and he directly mentioned two relatively basic magics, dealing with weapons and petrifying everything.

Although it is said that everything is petrified, it can be regarded as an intermediate magic among the primary magic.

But no matter what, it has a very powerful effect on any wizard.

Just like Irina in front of her, if she just uses ordinary magic.

There is definitely no way to control her body, but it is different with Tongtong petrification.

As long as the magic power in his body is strong enough, he can definitely petrify other people's bodies.

The only difference lies in the petrification time.

However, Snape, who was next to him, also relaxed for a while.

Suddenly, a black shadow slammed out of the potion room. (good)

His body was directly between Irina and Yelena.

That's right, he just blocked the two magics of weapon processing and petrification.

The two magics hit that person at the same time and at almost the same speed.

That black shadow only felt his body numb slightly.

A trembling breath bloomed slightly on his body.

Immediately afterwards, the body trembled slowly, and there was no more movement.

That's right, his body was directly petrified.

The other two black figures in the room took a look at the movement outside.

He immediately ran out and stood with Elena, looking at Elizabeth and Snape.

Snape looked at the scene in front of him, and it was terrible. The men in black in front of him were obviously much smarter than the men in black in the dormitory.

Because they don't like to play close combat. .

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