The corners of the old man's mouth were slightly raised, revealing a kind and kind smile.

However, this kind and kind smile looked like a crazy devil in the sight of the woman in front of him.

He walked towards the woman, then pointed at the woman's head bit by bit and said.

"I'll give you one last chance. Tell me, where is your territory?

Where is your gathering place? And where is your so-called Lord?

As long as you tell me, I can let you live, and I will definitely do what I say.

The old man took off the hood on his head.

The face that was revealed was a little old, but kind, a little kind, but a little crazy.

The staff in his hand slowly drooped down.

That woman's face was full of fear. She had seen this person before.

She had seen this face and that face more than once in their gathering place.

That face was the face of Dumbledore, whom Voldemort regarded as the most terrifying enemy in their organization.

"How is that possible? You, you are Dumbledore, why are you here?

No, how dare you come here? This is the territory of all our corpse eaters.

Our Lord is about to be born, and until the moment our Lord is born, you, Hogwarts, will be the righteousness of all the wizarding world.

Those who think they are righteous will die, hahahaha.

I can't possibly tell you where our organization is. "

Seeing her smiling, Dumbledore smiled, and then, the staff in his hand pointed directly at the forehead of the woman in front of him.

The next moment, his eyes showed a trace of indifference.

Indifferent, as if there is no emotion at all.

The feeling was as if killing a person in front of him was better than killing a dog. This was the case for him.

"You know what? I don't like killing, killing is a very painful thing for me.

Watching human life gradually begin to submerge and dissipate in front of me.

In the end, I had no choice but to reach out and try my best to seize the last possible opportunity.

This is the most desperate moment before death, so I hate killing.

But what I hate even more is that some people don't take me seriously...

Yes, Dumbledore hated that.

These corpse eaters think they have an excuse to resurrect the Lord.

How dare you invade Hogwarts College? You must know that inside Hogwarts College, he is presiding over it and he is guarding it.

How dare these guys do this? How can they do this?

Ever since, Dumbledore became angry. When he became angry, he finally let the group of people opposite him see what fear was.

"The world of memories." Dumbledore

As soon as the voice sounded, the staff in his hand gradually lit up with a ray of light.

The light enveloped the whole body of the woman in front of him.

Starting from the center of her forehead, and then gradually dispersed to various parts of his body.

As the light enveloped her, Dumbledore saw the world in the light and memory of the woman in front of him.

He saw this woman standing on a white altar with a group of people.

They then slowly knelt down, almost frantically, and kowtowed to the statue on the altar.

However, that statue was carved out of stone, and even seeing his face, Dumbledore knew that it was Voldemort's face.

That face was full of all kinds of evil and desires.

Dumbledore nodded. Sometimes he felt that maybe Hogwarts College had been peaceful in the past few years.

Therefore, many people think that the people in this academy are too kind. Should kind people be bullied?

So, Dumbledore is ready to show everyone in the world that kindness should not be bullied, but should be praised.

"I found it. I can't believe that your number has grown to so many in such a short time.

But I'm sorry, recalling the world has a side effect, that is, it is accompanied by the emergence of memories.

The memory will also leave directly without coming back to your mind.

Although I don't know how many memories I have left, you will definitely be unconscious for a while. "

After he finished speaking, he saw Dumbledore standing up and then slowly continuing to move in the direction in his memory.

That's right, this time Dumbledore got angry, and it can be said that he took action directly, which shocked the entire magical world.

On the other side, inside Hogwarts Academy, Carlos looked at the newspapers one after another in his hand.

Each newspaper contains detailed records of various things that have happened in the magical world in recent years.

Of course, one of the most widely circulated things among these newspapers is the north direction of Green Prairie.

Voldemort's corpse-eating altar suffered a horrific attack.

Destruction is lingering here, and the flames are eroding the earth and engulfing the entire soil.

Afterwards, someone took a look and found that it was on the altar.

There are many people lying dying. Of course, they are all lying dying.

Yes, not many people lost their lives, but the scariest thing was.

On the altar, there were several huge holes.

The cracks continued to extend from the middle to all directions, like a spider web spreading to the surroundings.

Carlos twitched the corner of his mouth, even though he guessed who did it.

But he just didn't say it. Yes, Carlos could think that this matter must have been done by that old boy Dumbledore.

Only Dumbledore, with such strength, dared to single-handedly break into the enemy's base camp to cause trouble.

If Carlos is asked to do such a thing, Carlos can express it.

He doesn't dare to do such a thing, (Qian Dezhao) That's right, he just doesn't dare.

This is not a question of courage, but a question of ability.

Dumbledore, as the most powerful and talented magician in the entire wizarding world.

Likewise, he is respected and admired by many people.

From this point alone, we can see that Dumbledore's influence in this world is strong enough because of his strength.

After all, the strongest principal in history does not live up to his reputation.

The time for class finally arrived. This time, it was still Snape who taught Carlos and his class.

Snape was seen holding the staff in his hand, and then continued to lead the group of students in front of him to the second training room.

But this time is different from the last time. If the last time was just training on the diversion of magic and the control of magic power.

So this time, Snape was going to teach the group of students in front of him a new magic. .

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