Harry Potter: I Have A Proficiency System

Chapter 194 Don’T Deal With It

Something is wrong, very wrong.

Carlos's face darkened for a moment.

Except for Moya, Ka said that until now, he had never heard of any other Hogwarts students disappearing.

So what is the reason why Moya disappeared?

After the news about Moya spread in the classroom.

Elizabeth found Carlos that day.

Next to her, Dorola looked confused as her mother appeared in front of her.

As for his mother's face, there was a little smile, as if she couldn't see Dorola.

He didn't understand why his mother came to their classroom during school hours.

That Elizabeth smiled slightly, first pointed at her son, and then at Carlos.

"Ka "630" Los, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Carlos knew that Elizabeth must have a talk with him about Moya.

I just don’t know where Moya is going.

What was he going to talk about? Elizabeth smiled and watched Carlos walk out, and the two of them walked to the side alone and talked.

"It's like this. Just a few days ago, a non-staff member of our Cleia family discovered a person in a small town in England.

That person looked very much like Moya, so one of our non-staff personnel followed him for a while.

The last information I received was that Moya seemed to have entered a building and never came out again. "

Carlos's face darkened slightly, something was very wrong.

Two days ago, wasn't Moya still studying well in the entire Hogwarts academy?

Why did he suddenly return to the real world and the Muggle world?

And the most important thing is that when he returned to the Mahua world, he was seen by Elizabeth in front of him, a non-staff member of the Collea family.

This link is intertwined with the other, as if there is an unknown hand controlling the thread behind.

And when Carlos received a letter from his father. after,

He suddenly understood everything. That evening.

Carlos returned to his dormitory with a face of silence.

Then, an owl brought a letter from his father, Denia.

The content inside made Carlos narrow his eyes slightly.

That look was filled with anger, like a volcano about to erupt.

This anger is not only about to explode, it may even have already exploded.

Holding the letter tightly in his hand, Carlos had a chill in his eyes.

He just looked at the night sky quietly.

At the same time, the Lucifer family saw figures one after another, sitting quietly on their chairs.

All of them looked at one of the men with anger in their eyes.

And that man was Mo Yalosifa's father.

Moya Luoxifa's father also had a sense of sadness in his eyes.

He never thought that his son, whom he regarded as proud, would actually do such a thing.

"Everyone, I am calling you here this time, not to judge Moya.

This matter is a matter for our entire Losifer family.

If one of us doesn't handle it well, half of our foundation may be ruined.

It was not easy for the Losifer family to remain silent. The Losifer family once again returned to the ranks of wizard aristocrats. "

Seeing the father of Moya Lucifer, he quietly glanced at Delia in front of him.

Then he nodded slightly, twisted the corners of his mouth, trembled slightly, and said with a smile.

"Break one of his legs, and then carry him to the door to apologize."

Then when he made this suggestion, the group of clan elders around him made no move at all.

In their eyes, only the anger and flames were rising at this moment.

How can it be enough to break a leg?

After a group of people looked at each other, Zeng felt that one of them stood up and said.

"I must apologize. I'm afraid this one leg won't be enough.

If Moya actually did such a shocking thing, then break his legs, no, cripple his limbs, and carry him to the door to apologize.

Namoya's father glanced at the man in front of him who made an opinion.

Then there was anger in his eyes, he wanted to be angry [he wanted to curse.

But he knew he couldn't afford to scold him, so yesterday he sighed slightly...

Is this the declining family and their sorrow?

Likewise, this is the difference between the Lucifer family and the existing aristocratic James family.

The existing wizard families almost seem to be composed of wizard groups.

This means that the entire family is almost controlled by the Internet.

But these declining families have stayed in the real world for a little longer.

Naturally, the rules of the real world are bound to the rules of the Muggle world.

According to the rules of the Muggle world, shares are basically the survival condition of a family.

It's like within a family, it's common for people to have discord with each other.

Delia sighed, Moya's matter was too big, he was equivalent to rubbing a pure-blood family's face on the ground.

Although the family of a pure-blood wizard is not considered a big family.

But no matter what, his connections and relationships are definitely more terrifying and extensive than his Muggle family.

How should the Lucifer family resist?

Just when everyone was at a loss, the two clan elders were glaring at each other.

Suddenly, a crisp bird song sounded from outside the window.

An owl gradually flew over and landed on him again.

He 0.4 pulled out the letter paper from the owl's feet. On the letter paper was the envelope sent by Carlos, with a few words written on it.

"Don't respond yet."

Yes, Carlos is very simple, just these few words, don't respond yet.

After all, it was not easy when this happened.

Although Carlos knew that one of Moya's boys was very arrogant.

But it doesn't mean that he has the courage and ability to do such a thing.

After all, Moya is just Moya, he is just a member of the Wu noble family that does not exist.

He just had the will to have a little bit of magical talent.

Let's not talk about his brain, let's talk about his strength. How is it possible that his strength can defeat a pure-blooded person from a family.

Therefore, Carlos's advice is very simple, that is, don't respond to the James family's accusations yet. .

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