In the dark night, the moon in the sky is like a pair of white hands reaching out.

She looks like a beautiful girl waving to you, telling you to come quickly.

Then, when it passed, it turned out to be a pair of green and red teeth and mouth.

Carlos raised his head suddenly. What had he just dreamed of?

He dreamed of a pair of hands, those hands were so charming.

But when he held these hands together.

A pair of eyes and a mouth actually appeared on the hands.

Then Carlos woke up, when Carlos was about to do something to this mouth and eyes.

He woke up, and Carlos raised his head and looked around.

One leaf after another, hazy and hazy.

With part of his sight exposed, Carlos's eyes seemed to see the sun in the sky slowly shining on the top of his head?

The clear flames were extremely hot.

"During the day? I really couldn't sleep well last night.

I have to quickly find a suitable place that matches the route, otherwise, I may not even be able to get out. "

Even Carlos could feel the hair standing on end of his body when he thought of last night at this moment.

With a gentle sigh, he picked up the broom and slowly flew down from the tree.

Yes, he slept on the branch of a big tree last night.

He really didn't want to recall more about what happened last night.

After all, the whole ground was covered with white faces one after another.

It's really creepy yet memorable.

If not by chance, I find a big tree nearby.

Carlos might have decided last night that he was never going to sleep.

How nice it would be to stay quietly like this until daytime the next day.

After all, there were only three hours left, but luckily, Carlos found a big tree.

Looking at the sky in the distance, the world with clear daylight.

Carlos couldn't help but take a breath.

The fresh air brings you a warm environment, comfortable grass, and what kind of animals there are in front of you.

Carlos walked forward with some hesitation.

The black spot in front of me became increasingly clear in front of me.

Then, the black spots turned into cattle and sheep one after another, which looked very tender and delicious.

Of course, however, Inlos couldn't be sure whether it was the real raw tail.

After all, I had seen the cows and sheep with weird faces last night.

It would be a bit scary if the ordinary, seemingly ordinary cows and sheep in front of us suddenly turned into cows and sheep with eyes.

When Carlos came to the front of the cattle and sheep, he finally saw their appearance clearly.

Two eyes and one nose, what a normal look.

Carlos breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed similarly.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes, because he understood.

If such normal cattle and sheep appear in this grassland, it means that there must be ordinary herders living nearby.

If you find ordinary herdsmen and ask for directions, does it mean that you have a chance to escape in advance?

However, Carlos still thought too much. No matter how you looked at it, these cattle and sheep were just a group of people who looked very ordinary and normal.

It also has some wild cattle and sheep.

Yes, these cattle and sheep are bison and sheep, not artificially raised cattle and sheep.

Moreover, Carlos rode his broom and glanced around him.

Finally, it was discovered that there were hundreds of miles around.

Almost no one can be seen, not to mention the human figure, not even the house can be seen.

Shaking his head, Carlos felt that it would be better for him to leave this grassland as soon as possible.

But seeing the normal cows and sheep on the ground, Carlos wanted to eat meat again.

After all, I am a normal person. I shook my head and expelled my desire.

Carlos, riding his broom, suddenly headed south.

When in doubt, the compass makes the decision, even though I don’t have a compass to know where the south is.

But he could look at the sun. In the sky, Carlos' figure crossed ten black trajectory lines.

Sometimes, he would sigh from time to time, wondering if he had taken the wrong path.

Because he has been flying for a long time and has not yet flown out of this grassland, and he does not know that he will feel lucky for his decision not to eat cattle and sheep.

At this moment, the entire Lucifer family is experiencing an uproar.

Due to the sudden disappearance of Carlos, the entire family began to have illusions about the location of the main line.

0...Please give me flowers...

Of course, only those two family members with magician talents have such fantasies.

For them, if Carlos, a genius, falls, it means that they have a chance to rise to the top.

However, it was also the family that Hurlock returned to that day.

With the help of his father Deyari, Helok began to take over the family affairs.

Under Herlock's steady study and practice.

There were no major problems in the affairs of the entire Lucifer family.

This means that he will accept the position of clan leader.

And that day, Deyari even expressed it at the entire family meeting.

From that day on, Hurlock will take over the Lucifer family in the future.

This means that from that day on, Hurlock was officially appointed as the future successor of the Losiva family.

No matter how the other tribesmen below react.

Whether he disagrees or agrees, it has nothing to do with Deyari.

As long as he makes a decision, he will not change it.

After all, as long as the current patriarch has descendants with magical talents.

Then, any other clan members are not qualified to intervene in the position of clan leader.

Of course, Carlos definitely doesn't know these things.

The changes that have taken place in the Losica family cannot affect Carlos, who is currently running frantically towards the outside of the grassland.

And Carlos feels that he is very tired now.

He felt that strange-looking magical animals would jump out in front of him from time to time.

For example, suddenly a bird will fly in front of you.

The seemingly normal bird suddenly grew a row of eyes.

That row of eyes seems to be telling itself that it can see anywhere.

For another example, a wolf appeared in the grassland.

Of course that wolf is a normal, ordinary-looking wolf.

Two eyes, a nose, and an open mouth.

But his height makes him completely disobedient.

Can you imagine? A wolf would actually be more than three meters tall.

And that wolf didn't seem to be a lone wolf, there was a group of cubs following him.

Such scenes that are contrary to Tiangang appear one after another in this grassland.

That's a scene knife that only appears in the magical forest. .

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