At this moment, the scene before him reminded Carlos of many things.

For example, these people who only appeared in the fantasy world ride giant eagles and so on.

At this moment, the giant eagle appeared in front of him, but this time, it looked different from other eagles.

Could it be said that there are still giant eagle knights in this world?

Shaking his head, Carlos stopped thinking so much.

The broom quickly shuttled through the air, and in the dark night, there was a brilliant light under the moonlight.

It was dark at the moment, and Carlos couldn't calm down to look for the Big Dipper in the sky, and then find the direction.

He could only quickly escape in the dark night.

However, his eyes were fixed on the house in the distance that seemed to be quite different from his own.

That's right, don't think Carlos is running away unconsciously at this moment.

Carlos's eyes and his figure were actually not far from this house.

This means that if Carlos wants to find him.

You can find the right direction to leave here anytime and anywhere.

As for his current purpose, he doesn't want to leave here.

Because in his opinion, he just walked aimlessly in this grassland.

The final result could only be to fall in this grassland.

Carlos looked behind him and saw the knight who was constantly heading towards his best.

In his eyes, Carlos had a little smile.

The next moment, Carlos slowly stretched out his hand, and the staff slowly unfolded in his hand.

This staff is just a relatively advanced general-purpose staff.

The pattern on it looks like a dragon, constantly soaring in the sky.

Of course, this is just a not very powerful dragon.

Carlos narrowed his eyes slightly and saw the figures suddenly chasing behind him.

Especially the eyes of one of the boys seemed to be filled with all kinds of desires.

"Avada Kedavra.

Facing an enemy like this, it is absolutely impossible for Carlos to leave any trace of wealth behind.

Because he understands that once he keeps his hand, there is no need to say what the final result will be.

The black light flashed in the air, of course.

This light just flashed in Carlos's eyes.

In the eyes of the group of people behind, nothing appeared.

That's right, in the eyes of those people, Carlos in front of them just waved his hand gently behind them.

Then with a bang, a person's body flew out of the air.

The terrifying power left a trace of death on the man's body.

As the man's body flew out, it hit the big tree next to him.

The sound of banging kept sounding, which was the sound of the big tree being hit again and again, and the leaves on it kept ringing.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the man had stopped breathing, lying quietly on the spot, closed his eyes, and there was no movement.

All this happened so quickly, I was caught off guard.

No one could even react.

And at the next moment, the staff in Carlos' hand shone with light again, and he smashed it out again.

The boy just watched as another body next to him flew out fiercely, hit the wall behind, and then stopped breathing.

All this happened so fast, until in the end, the only thing left around me was my own moment.

Only then did the boy react.

I kept chasing this person, thinking I was chasing this prey. In fact, he was the hunter, and I was the prey.

This moment was the beginning of the little boy's face full of fear.

He turned wildly and tried to escape behind him.

And Carlos also turned suddenly.

He gave chase, and just like that, once he chased and then escaped, the positions between the two sides changed.

The boy looked behind him at Carlos, who was suddenly chasing him, with a sudden look of fear on his face.

He wanted to be angry, to yell, to scold Carlos for his immoral behavior.

But Carlos didn't care at all.

Still chasing him crazily, he kept running ahead.

"Everything is petrified."

A ray of yellow light suddenly hit the boy.

Just when the boy thought that he would be like his companions around him.

When he was directly killed by this ray of light, he found that his body seemed to start to stiffen.

Without anyone's control, the eagle actually began to become a little at a loss.

The boy above holds the reins in his hands.

But his body was unable to move at all.

The eagle below began to slowly land towards the ground, and Carlo also landed below.

Just like this, the boy looked at Carlos quietly in front of him.

Slowly walking towards him, the distance between the two people changed from a few meters at the beginning to one meter, and then finally became more than ten centimeters.

Looking at the figure of the boy so close to him in front of him.

Carlos smiled slightly. At this moment, Carlos's smile was like a devil, so scary.

"々You know? There are many tortures in this world that can make people feel very painful, but they are not.

For example, I can make you feel pain at this moment without letting you die. "

With that said, Carlos slowly raised the staff in his hand.

The exquisite staff made of wood gradually began to occupy the boy's eyes.

The next moment, the staff slowly touched the boy's heart.

All the petrification gradually disappeared from the boy's body. (Lee’s)

The boy's body fell down from the eagle's body.

He fell to the ground, covering his heart with pain on his face.

That kind of heartbreaking pain is like countless steel needles constantly drilling into my heart.

That feeling of pain cannot be eliminated no matter what.

Ah! A painful scream sounded from the boy's mouth.

He beat the ground frantically, trying to delay the pain.

But there is no other way. The international feeling is that there is no way to describe Ping in any words.

And Carlos, so quietly looking at a little boy on the ground in front of him.

Watch him rolling, flopping, and trembling.

"Answer my question, and I can let you leave here peacefully.

Yes, I can let you live.

But if you don't answer my question, then what you have to accept here is life worse than death.

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