Harry Potter: I Have A Proficiency System

Chapter 228 Someone Is Coming

Carlos sighed, he didn't come early or late, so he just came at this time.

I just started eating and you came over.

However, those dozens of figures, who looked so powerful, were indeed not particularly easy to deal with.

I saw that Carlos didn't hesitate at all.

Holding the staff tightly in his hand, he quietly looked at the figures of 20 people flying over at this moment.

Then he slowly walked beside the eaves.

In the sky, more than 20 eagles were flying towards Carlos.

In their sight, there were also several corpses hanging above the eaves.

Those corpses were swaying like this, and the world was even full of pits, with blood holes one after another, looking like they were being bullied.

Then, only Carlos knew that the owners of these corpses were not innocent people.

They are the real murderous demons.

So Carlos treated them without mercy at all.

Even after they died, crows pecked their flesh to death, and they didn't even think about it.

When the more than 20 people saw these six corpses hanging on it.

For a moment, anger directly filled their minds.

One of the leading figures turned his head and glanced at the faces of the surrounding masks.

A touch of green suddenly appeared in his eyes. He looked inside the house, then looked next to him and said.

"When 10 people go into the house to search, they must find them for me. Whoever finds them first can eat a sheep first."

At this moment, Carlos couldn't help but shook his head. Sometimes, he felt that it was a good thing that his ears were sensitive.

But at this moment, he would rather not let his ears become sensitive.

To be honest, if it was last night, he might not have any feelings.

But today is different, a sheep, what is that?

In a boy's mouth, that is a real person.

The moment he thought of that scene, Carlos shrugged and felt goosebumps rising.

The 10 people behind nodded and quickly ran towards the house.

The eagles landed in circles around the house.

Carlos glanced at them, and then slowly floated up.

Just like this, he slowly walked on the ceiling, looking at these 10 figures, and then entered the house directly and started rummaging.

This house is just an ordinary three-bedroom house.

This house seems to be relatively normal, but similarly, there are relatively few rooms in the house, only 3 rooms, plus a kitchen, there are only 4 rooms at most.

If you look at it this way, if 10 people came into the house and rummaged around at the same time, it would only take less than a few minutes to finish the photo.

However, there were still 10 people flying in the sky, but they were slightly stunned.

Especially the captain who took the lead, his face darkened slightly, and he seemed to feel a bad premonition.

And at this moment, something weird happened.

Because until now, it seems that no companion has come out of this house.

It should take just a few minutes to search all three rooms in this small house.

However, things were beyond his expectation.

"What's going on? What are you doing? Have you found anyone?

If you don't find anyone, come out quickly. "

At this moment, the captain was still aloof and spoke with a majestic face.

The moment his voice reached him, it was in the ears of a certain voice in the room.

The figure raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and Lu Chi gave a mocking smile.

It seemed that he heard an echo coming from inside the house? At this moment, the boss's face darkened slightly.

There was anger and murderous intent in his masked eyes, and he roared fiercely.

"Come out here, do you hear me?"

The traces of dusk, accompanied by the passing yellow moon, seemed to be shining on the earth at this moment.

The eyes of the figure on the grassland seemed to be slightly chilly.

Because he understood that since there was no sound or news coming from inside.

It means that those are the 10 people who entered the room to discuss before.

They may have all been killed. Damn it, is it true that the murderer is still inside?

The boss didn't feel any fear, in his opinion.

A murderer in front of him is nothing more than catching a turtle in a jar.


Since he is trapped inside, if he wants to escape, there will be no possibility.

In this case, all he had to do was dive and catch the tortoise.

I only saw this figure riding an eagle in the sky, and smiled slowly.

Then, he waved his hand, and the next moment the nine people behind him followed him and slowly fell downwards.

Among the nine people, one man walked to the front, and then he raised a staff.

The faint light on the staff flickered slowly.

The next moment, a familiar spell sounded directly from his mouth.

If Carlos saw it, he would find a staff.

Although it looks like a staff, it is actually just a piece of wood, slightly smaller. Shape of wood.

However, the wooden wires are still there, which means that he can still move through the guide.

Sure enough, the wooden staff was slowly raised.

The next moment, the light that shattered the body and bones hit the room where Carlos was leading.

There was a rumble, and Carlos was staying quietly on the eaves.

He originally said that he would wait for everyone who came in to open the door and kill him.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard a roar coming from below me.

Then another roar sounded, and each roar seemed to be testing its own distance and position.

Carlos shook his head. Of course he understood that he was testing my position.

And the most important thing is that what the person in front of him is playing is not something else.

But the magic of shattering bones.

Every time the body-shattering magic was thrown out, a hole was left in the wall.

Although the hole is not wide, it seems to be very deep.

Then came the second, third, and fourth.

Every time a hole is made, a ray of light will slowly appear.

The moment Carlos saw the light coming, his body quickly retreated back.

He knew it was a shattering spell.

He also understood how terrifying and powerful it was to be shattered into pieces.

So Carlos stayed on the ceiling and waited for a while.

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