Carlos shook his head slightly and challenged himself, you only have to have the courage and the fate.

Looking at the corpses one after another on the ground, Carlos suddenly thought of a fun game.

Immediately afterwards, Carlos was seen slowly levitating all the corpses on the ground using a levitation spell.

Then they were hung on the eaves, and the corpses in rows and rows looked like dried bacon.

In this silent night, it looks so crazy.

As for the magician who was the same as himself, Carlos searched for him.

I found that he didn't have anything valuable with him.

But there was one thing that surprised Carlos.

That was a map, Carlos never thought of it.

This guy actually hides the map on his body.

But if you think about it carefully, you can figure out that this guy seems to be thinking about how to escape from here.

So, it is indeed a normal thing for him to transfer the map to himself without being discovered.

After all, no matter what, only your own body is the safest. If others want to search, you can know it anytime and anywhere 03.

If you don't put it anywhere, such as in the house, if someone else finds it, you will have absolutely no chance to leave.

If you put it on your body, then this kind of thing will never happen. They will not come to the map unless they die.

Just like Carlos looks like now, looking at every winding road on the map.

And the direction he was in was still behind a grassland, and Carlos's face turned slightly dark.

He never expected that he had been flying in this grassland for so long.

In fact, it has always been just making circles on the grassland.

With a sigh, Carlos slowly turned around and walked away.

As for the magician's corpse on the ground, it just continued to hang on the eaves.

If you follow the map and walk forward, you will be about 15km away from a place that looks like a town.

Hopefully, that town should be a Muggle world.

Of course, Carlos also knew that his was just an extravagant hope.

If it is really only 15km away, you can get the Muggle world.

Then it is impossible for the corpse in front of him to leave without him.

He must have understood that he could not leave here alone.

But Carlos is different. It is obvious that Carlos is more powerful than him.

Even without drinking the Drafa potion.

You can also use the intermediate Avada Kedavra. Maybe Carlos will understand it soon.

The magic power in his body should be enough to reach the level of intermediate magic power.

I hope that by then, I will be able to cast intermediate magic at will.

Moreover, Avada Kedavra's proficiency has reached the intermediate level.

You can release it anytime and anywhere, not bad.

What Carlos didn't know was that it was almost two or three hours after he left this hut.

The group of people riding eagles flew the red dragon again.

One of the captains glanced at the black-looking blood stains on the ground.

Then he took another look at the corpses hanging one after another on the eaves of the house.

It was as ridiculous as the bacon, but he suddenly became angry.

His whole face seemed to turn livid.

He did not expect that the ten magicians in his team would be promoted directly at this moment.

You must know that magician, even if you want to defeat him, it will take a while.

But at this moment, the person who secretly killed the magician felt as if he had not been hurt at all.

Could it be said that that person's strength is so terrifying?

"You go on and find a murderer. Remember, you must find him.

Of course, as long as you find it [let me know as soon as you find it].

I continued to call for people to come and catch him. We must catch him, otherwise, our team’s face would be lost. "

After finishing speaking, a captain in front of him slowly flew towards the distance.

After the remaining nine people looked at each other, they all showed a look of fear.

Their captain can understand the current situation, how could they not?

After all, no one is a fool. One look at the situation in front of you can tell that none of those dozen people is the opponent of that one person.

Even if the nine of them are found, what can they do?

But they had to look for it, so the nine people scattered and left reluctantly.

At this moment, Carlos had arrived on a small road not far from this town.

As the night fell, Carlos's eyes gently looked at the brightly lit world in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of thoughts in his heart.

He never thought that he would feel so moved when he saw the lights.

"Hey, I didn't expect that after being away from the light for so long, when I saw the light again, I was moved first instead of scared.

At this moment, we are still about 1km away from the town in front.

Carlos was not in a hurry, and after dressing himself up, he walked in slowly.

There are evil magicians in this world. From this point of view, there are also a lot of evil magicians in this world.

The identities and places they exist in are all shameful places and identities.

Naturally, Carlos also understood that their faces must not be seen.

So Carlos planned to dress himself up, at least a little more evil.

It can be seen from the robe on his body and the broom in his hand that Carlos must be a magician.

Naturally, Carlos has no intention of hiding his identity.

Then when Carlos walked into the town, he realized that he had been wrong again.

In a town, there are all kinds of people, not to mention magicians.

There were old men driving sheep, women who kept arguing with others, and a man who looked like he had obviously lost a hand but had an evil face.

There was also a woman dressed in coquettish and strange clothes, but Carlos could smell a trace of magic potion from that woman's body.

Venom, so to speak, this woman should be here specifically to wait for prey to come, a hunter.

However, the venom should be just an ordinary poison that can make people unconscious.

Turning around to look again, Carlos suddenly found a figure walking slowly beside him.

It was the figure of a magician similar to himself. .

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