At least in their eyes, every magician can become an intermediate magician as long as he learns an intermediate magic.

Carlos looked helplessly at the figure in front of him who kept walking towards him.

Just when Carlos was about to kill Naidek in front of him.

This person appeared, and he seemed to want to be a peacemaker.

There seemed to be a smile in his eyes, as if he was born with a smile.

"Dear friends, have you forgotten?

What are the rules of our town? We don't allow fighting and fighting each other here."

Carlos sighed, the person in front of him was not the one who recorded his identity.

He didn't even know the name of this person, but he asked him to stop as soon as he came. Carlos felt that he had underestimated himself a little bit.

"Well, you want me to stop, then can you tell me why?

Is it just because of your words? Is it just because of the so-called rule of not fighting?

Then does your rule only apply to special people?

I'll give you a chance, get out of the way, I don't want to kill you, I just want his life.

As for you, I can take it as your sophistry, I'll let you go this time."

Carlos's staff was still quietly pointing at Nadek in front of him.

Nadek's eyes were also filled with anger and surprise.

He didn't expect Carlos to be so brave.

When facing the arrival of the executor, he dared to say such words.

But it was precisely because of this that Nadek showed a look of excitement.

Because he knew that the executor had unlimited power in this town.

As long as they were found, they would see anything that broke the rules.

Then he will take action, and as long as there is resistance, they will suppress him directly.

The face of the law enforcer darkened slightly, and his brows frowned slightly.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Carlos, with a smile in his eyes, and he slowly spoke again.

"My friend, I will give you one last chance, put down your weapon, put down your weapon immediately.

Otherwise, I will treat you as an invader.

I think your name has been recorded in our record book.

Once you are regarded as an invader by us, your identity, your name, and your location.

will be known by all our enforcers.

At that moment, you will be hunted down by all the law enforcers."

Carlos felt that he had given him a chance.

And similarly, he felt that he had given him a chance to make him feel that he could not beat him.

"Thunder explosion."

A flame fiercely turned out from Carlos's staff.

It hit the law enforcer on the other side, and the law enforcer's sight

At this moment, a ball of flame appeared at the moment of hitting.

I didn't even hear Carlos say a word.

That's right, Carlos only needs to think about it in his mind.

He directly released this magical red flame, and finally hit the body of the law enforcer.

The next moment, the law enforcer quickly retreated behind him.

Then he quickly pulled out a shield.

This shield looked much more delicate, and he wanted to block the thunderbolt flame in front of him.

Unfortunately, a roaring explosion sounded instantly.

Flames filled the surroundings, spreading and extending around it.

Then it wrapped around the wooden shield, and the flames slowly burned and burned the wooden shield, and finally pulled it away bit by bit.

"This is the second warning, if you dare not listen to my warning next time.

Then I won't show any mercy anymore. You have to remember that I am in a very bad mood right now. "

At this moment, the law enforcer finally reacted.

The Carlos in front of him was not telling lies, nor was he trying to scare himself.

He really dared to take action.

And once Carlos takes action, it can be said to be death or injury for a few draws.

He stretched out his palm and held it slowly, as if he was holding a certain ray of power and a certain ray of light in the air.

Then, Carlos stretched out his fist and smashed it slowly.

A fist hit the head of Nedek in front of him.

Nedek's body flew out fiercely under the fist here.


There was a bang, and Nedek's body was seen flying out at the same time.

His face also darkened slightly.

At this moment, the law enforcer over there also looked at Carlos with a gloomy face.

Looking at Carlos, it was as if he was filled with hatred for Carlos.

Carlos didn't use magic, but punched.

Every punch hit Nedek's face, making Nedek's face twitch uncontrollably.

At this moment, his second staff had already been disarmed by Carlos.

There are no weapons on his body that can be used.

It can only be said that he let it get stuck on him, act arbitrarily, and swing his fist at will.


Dong-dong-dong, it hit him again and again, and his head hit the ground.

One dent after another was made.

A thin crack in the pit also extended towards the surrounding area.

Carlos smiled slightly. He was smiling, but his hands were still beating and hammering.

At this moment, in Carlos, this law enforcer can see two faces.

It was an angel and a demon, constantly trying to persuade Carlos to keep his hand.

But Carlos completely ignored the advice of these two guys.

Instead, he insisted on hitting the young man in front of him.

Sure enough, after receiving this message from the sender.

The other law enforcers in the surrounding town also began to walk over to where Ji was gathered.

The moment they saw the current scene, their faces turned slightly dark.

An enforcer immediately went up to stop Carlos.

However, Carlos did not stop at all.

He swung the staff in his hand fiercely and hit his law enforcer directly.

The force that shattered the body and bones hit the law enforcer with a loud sound.

The sound of clicking sounded constantly on his body.

The bones shattered and gradually began to leave tiny cracks one after another.

His body just hit the wall behind, and even made a hole.

Before the man had time to scream, his body was lying on the ground and he would never come back. .

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