Edward, Sloach, this person is the most talented student in the Sloach family.

Of course, compared to the few people who are famous in Hogwarts College at the moment.

Edward is still a little worse, but Edward is at least in the entire Sloach family.

For today's generation, it's enough to be considered a genius.

Therefore, this is why Dak thinks that the Sloach family has been in ruins by now.

Because of the entire Sloqi family, the head of the huge family and the younger generation of the branch family.

There are almost 200 magicians in total, but the only one who can really leave his name in the entire magician society is Edward.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

Dagur slowly turned around, his eyes just staring at Edward in front of him.

Then he slowly pointed at the piece of paper in front of him.

"You should read the contents of the note first and then talk about it."

Then, he frowned slightly, Carlos, the name Carlos.

It was so loud that Edward felt that his name should be left in this Hogwarts.

In Hogwarts, compared to him, the mystery of his genius is still not worthy of the name.

Perhaps, only that legendary genius, Harry Potter, could look down on Carlos.

"Father, do you mean to say that this genius is now at Ludby's?

But why? Why is he there? He's not already. "

Dark nodded.

"Yes, the news that Carlos is dead was released by the James family.

But none of us know whether Carlos is really dead, or all of us are just weird.

Is Carlos's death real or fake?

Now it seems that this news is a bit too real. Do you understand, Edward, now you have a very important thing to do. "

Edward nodded slowly and put away the wooden sword in his hand.

Then he inserted the sword into the scabbard with a respectful look.

Immediately afterwards, his right hand grasped the hilt of his sword.

He knelt on one knee and blocked his heart bit by bit with his left hand.

There was a solemn and serious look on his face.

"Yes, father, of course I understand what you mean. The Sloqi family has been working hard to protect balance all their lives, and I have been working hard to protect balance my whole life.

Edward, in an instant, understood what his father wanted him to do at this moment.

After he nodded, he turned and walked away.

Outside there at the moment was his butler, holding a long Western sword and handing it to him.

This Western sword is engraved with patterns made of light sapphire.

After receiving the Western sword, Edward walked towards the distance little by little.

There was a special person outside to pick him up, and the driver was already ready to go.

Duck nodded, he was still very happy.

After all, the entire Siqi family has this successor.

After all, an ancient inherited family cannot simply collapse under such circumstances, right?

In that case, the final ending won’t be pretty, right?

Carlos on the other side slowly touched the white paper in his hand.

Then he sighed, and he was fooled.

After leaving that small town, Yin Luoqi embarked on the journey back.

Of course, fortunately, he also got a note placed on the chest of the lady.

Drawn on the note is a map that leads directly to leaving this town.

This line can directly lead from this town to the town on the other side.

And in the town over there, you can directly enter the Muggle station.

That's right, Carlos can finally leave this sinful place.

History has gone through for almost two full months.

Even Carlos himself didn't know what he had become.

He only felt that he was unkempt at this moment, with long hair and a long beard.

You can't tell at all that you look like a young man at this moment.

After all, young people will not become like this, even worse than a beggar.

After sighing, Carlos continued to sit on his bed, and then ran towards the distance.

While flying in the air, he suddenly saw a figure in front of him.

He was riding a broom and kept flying towards the front.

In Carlos's eyes, alertness suddenly appeared.

0…Please give me flowers………………

In this vast grassland, in this place with no villages or shops.

Such a person actually appeared again.

Carlos felt very strange, who is this person?

The man held the map in his hand, with a stupid look on his face, and kept looking at every point on the map.

She is a girl, a very beautiful girl.

Of course, from Carlos's point of view, this was a girl, although her face had a little bit of a pockmark.

But her face is pretty good.

His fair face could indeed cover his pockmarks.

That girl seemed to have noticed Carlos hurrying up from behind her?

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she also showed a vigilant look.

Yes, Carlos knew that this was the expression he should show when meeting a stranger in the grassland.

Like that evil magician, and like Kachia.

The feeling in their eyes is very strange.

Carlos didn't know why, but suddenly, he felt very nostalgic at this moment.

The girl in front of me saw Kaluo chasing after her.

He quickly rode his broom and flew towards his front.

And Carlos quietly flew forward on his broom.

In this way, the two of them were chasing each other, just like a murderous demon chasing a young and weak girl.

And that weak girl seemed to finally feel an explosion of anger.

She slowly stretched out the staff in her hand, and then quickly waved it towards Kallus.

Her voice was very stern, but very pleasant.

It's like it's because of the little pepper.

"Stop, if you come here again, I will be rude to you. Let me tell you, I am an intermediate magician."

Carlos was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed disbelief.

The face of the girl opposite showed a burst of scorn and indignation.

She looked at the tip of Carlos's nose and wanted to continue to curse, but Carlos spoke slowly and harshly.

"Excuse me, this beautiful lady, why do you feel that I have been following you all this time? Not because we two died on the same road?"

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