Seeing these 14 people dispersed, Carlos breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, if these 14 people really want to fight with him, Carlos doesn't know what to do.

After all, Delafa's medicine has side effects.

Moreover, the effect of the medicine only lasts for a short time, if the opponent discovers it.

The opponent only needs to hold on for such a short time, and then he will basically be captured without any help.

The girl next to her breathed a sigh of relief first, and then she turned to look at Carlos with a curious look on her face.

Then he asked with a curious look on his face.

"Wow, you are so strong. I never thought you could be so powerful.

He actually killed a person with a single use of black magic.

Even I didn't react to your black magic words.

And you just seemed to be able to cast a spell without reciting a spell at all. That's how you did it. "

Carlos didn't want to answer, he didn't have any ideas right now.

After shaking his head, he turned around and continued to ride away on his broom.

The girl, on the other hand, followed Carlos' figure and flew towards the distance.

Time passed little by little, and the side effects of Drafa's medicine began to rise little by little, and little by little the cloth satisfied all its positions.

The girl next to her showed no intention of staying away from Carlos.

It seems that in her opinion, Carlos next to her is more reliable than anyone else next to Xu.

At least for now, it's better to follow Carlos.

And Carlos doesn't want her to follow him now.

Because of the onset of side effects, I had to find a place to rest as soon as possible.

If there is such a stranger next to him, whom he is not very familiar with.

Then, your heart will never calm down, and may even be dangerous.

Shaking his head, Carlos said to the girl next to him.

"Why are you still following me? My speed is already so slow.

If you don't speed up, you should stay away from me.

Look at what I look like now, like a beggar, it must have a bad influence on you~~. "

The girl glanced at Carlos, what is that? Then she shook her head and said.

"Okay, okay, just think that I just saved my life for you, and let's return the favor to you!

I know that the Delafa medicine you just used has side effects.

Wait a minute, let's find a place casually. You can rest quietly for a while. I will help you protect your safety. Don't worry. ’

Carlos looked at the girl, he had no idea.

The girl who was traveling with him on this journey was actually a very knowledgeable person.

And she actually knew that Drafa's medicine had side effects.

It seems that his family should still be a good family.

"I said this just because I was worried about you. You really are."

"Worried about me? Why are you worried about me? Are you worried that I will harm you?

Don't worry, although Drafa's potion is indeed very precious, it requires dragon's blood to make it.

However, it doesn’t mean that there is no such thing as dragon blood in our family.

When I was young, I broke a bottle of dragon's blood, and my family still comforted me. "

At this time, even Carlos was shocked, and a bottle of dragon blood was broken to comfort you.

This sounds a bit strange.

Carlos was thinking about what would happen if his son produced a bottle of dragon's blood in the future.

When the time comes, it won't be him who I comfort, but the bottle of dragon's blood that will comfort me.

Sure enough, girls have innate advantages.

With a sigh, Carlos turned his head and looked around.

Then he landed in the mountain next to him and hid in the cave.

Carlos raised his head, glanced at the girl in front of him and said.

"If you really, really want to repay me more favors.

Just remember, don't do anything to me, and then we can still be friends. "

After saying that, Carlos slowly closed his eyes and lay down.

That feeling of powerlessness continued to penetrate deep into his bones and every direction in his body.

Carlos felt pain and weakness.

That feeling is inevitable no matter what.

Immediately afterwards, Carlos' body fell heavily to the ground, and then fell asleep.

The girl sighed, then shook her head.

Although he was very angry, just before Carlos fell asleep.

He also looked distrustful of his own words and expressions.

But Carlos saved him anyway, and he couldn't.

Look at Carlos lying down like this, with a look on his face that doesn't care about his danger.

He is also his own savior and benefactor.

Shaking her head, the girl came to Carlos' side and looked at him.

Then time passed little by little, probably in the early morning of the next day.

Carlos opened his eyes faintly. He was glad that the girl in front of him did not kill him.

He was also glad that he saw the right person.

When Carlos woke up, he no longer worried about his life safety, and then began to inspect his side and inside his clothes.

After discovering that all the things on my body were still there, I breathed a sigh of relief again.

As expected from a big family, it just needs to be more atmospheric.

At this moment, the girl was lying on the other side, quietly asleep.

When the girl woke up, Carlos was sitting next to her, chewing a piece of fruit.

In the other hand, he held a map and was looking and searching.

That's right, Carlos is looking for a quick direction to that small town.

When the girl woke up and looked at me, she shook her apple and asked helplessly.

"`々For the sake of your life and safety, I did not go out to look for anything to eat all day and night.

Fortunately for you, you actually went out (Li Zhao's) to look for food while I was sleeping.

Could it be that you are not afraid that something will kill me while you are away? "

Carlos shook his head, and then pointed to the location of the hole next to him.

There is a big tree there, and you can just see that the big tree is covered with fruits one after another.

"Don't worry, I was watching you when I was getting the fruit last night and I won't let anything happen to you."

The girl shook her head, saying that this man was really not a gentleman enough.

Why don't you comfort yourself? After thinking about it, the girl said it was better to forget it.

She walked over and picked the fruit, then sat in front of Carlos and spoke slowly.

"Hello, my name is Lorena, your, what are you doing?

Since the two of us are already friends who have suffered from the disease, you should also tell me your name, right?"

"My name is Carlos."

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