At least it was completely different from the Molina Carlos saw when he was on the grassland before.

At that time, Molina felt like an ignorant little girl without any brains.

But now she seems to be a changed person.

She looked at the Uwulas in front of her, and then thought about how to deal with her.

Molina thought of the scene when she met Carlos on the grassland.

Carlos seems to like to face the enemy head-on, but he is different.

There is no way for him to be the same as Carlos, because his strength is not as strong as Carlos.

Molina was thinking about it, and suddenly she found that her figure had arrived. Next to Uras, the staff in her hand pointed fiercely.

"Shattered to pieces."

The fierce light flashed away, and a bang sounded.

When Molina was shattered into pieces, she didn't hit Uras directly.

Instead, it hit the ground next to him, with a clang sound.

The ground was shattered into pieces by this blast, and a broken stone was directly smashed out.

The stone was suddenly lifted up, and then formed a shelter created by magic.

Molina quickly ran towards the shelter.

And at the next moment, Uwulas' magic also came in front of Molina.

There was a bang, and the body was also shattered into pieces. But obviously, the power of this shattering body is even greater.

It hit the ground directly, making a circular dent in the entire ground.

But Molina's figure had already arrived behind the raised stone, pointing slightly with the staff in her hand.


Uwulas smiled slightly, and there was a smile of ridicule on his face.

It seemed ridiculous that Molina was still using Expelliarmus at this moment.

For her, Expelliarmus poses no danger at all.

But at the next moment, she was about to avoid the magic coming from in front of her.

But she suddenly felt a magic force coming from behind her.

This magic hit him very quickly, hitting his body in just an instant.

There was a bang, and the light of Expelliarmus covered the entire range of his body.

Ullas only felt his arms numb slightly.

Then the staff in his hand suddenly broke away, and then splashed on the ground.

There were two clicking sounds, and the staff rolled slightly on the ground, slowly rolling towards the distance.

At this moment, Uwulas looked at his empty palms with a look of blazing wealth and strange tongue.

She didn't expect that she actually lost, and she lost in such a weird way.

It was as if all this was expected by Molina.

Next to him, the teacher from Dexelin School shook his head slowly.

She turned to look at Carlos on the other side of her and asked with a strange look on her face.

"Does this not violate the rules?"

Carlos smiled slightly, as if he didn't care at all.

He pointed to the mirror on the stage in front of him and said.

"Didn't we talk about this college competition before?

We must strive for absolute truth. When we are in the wild, no one can give us a chance to fight openly, right?

In my opinion, as long as it doesn't cause thousands of deaths. Do not maim others.

Then no matter what means are used, it doesn't matter.

After all, having magic props on your body is also a means of strength, isn't it?"

After Carlos finished speaking, he continued to look at the arena in front of him quietly. Although Carlos was just a student, it was true.

But the long time he spent on the grassland made him understand one thing.

That is, if you can survive, you should do whatever it takes.

On the grassland, Carlos met many, many people and many, many monsters.

The methods of these monsters, if Carlos didn't have more eyes and more methods.

Then he might not even be able to walk back to Hogwarts.

The teacher smiled slightly, nodded, and agreed with Carlos.

"Indeed, when dealing with enemies [whether it is releasing magic.

It doesn’t matter whether you use magic props or not. These are all personal means and personal understanding.

There is also personal strength, and sometimes strength is not only reflected in magic.


Magical Props is also a good course. "

At this point, the battle against Ullas in the ring is temporarily over.

There was a burst of anger, jealousy and fear on Ullas's face.

To be honest, she actually has magic props. But she didn't want to use it so soon.

In her opinion, it is too early to use it at this time.

But he completely forgot one thing, between the two magicians.

In the battle between these two people, no matter what, the best choice is between the player and the enemy.

Whatever abilities you have, the best thing to do is release them as early as possible.

And Ullas was defeated by his own arrogance.


Monina smiled slightly, looked at Uwulas in front of her, and then spoke slowly.

"I remember that your family also has many magic props.

Why wouldn't you use it? Let me guess, oh, right.

Maybe you think that you don’t need any magic items to deal with me?

How pitiful. Could it be that you have forgotten something?

I entered this school through the top three in the school, do you think my magic talent will be poor?"

After saying that, Maureen walked towards the back of the ring.

The whole audience burst into applause, and even whistles like gangsters could be heard.

Of course, those magicians who consider themselves noble would not make such a sound.

Only those bastards, some Muggles, and bastard students would make such noises.

Now the atmosphere was pushed to its peak in an instant, and students one after another were slowly walking onto the stage.

But the next moment, Carlos suddenly found a familiar figure standing in front of the ring.

This familiar figure was so calm, but his eyes were full of endless anger and chill.

Herlock, yes, this man is actually Herlock, Carlos's younger brother.

Carlos looked at his brother, walked to the center of the ring, which was also the highest point of the ring, and then looked down.

His eyes were only staring at a figure in the audience at Hogwarts. .

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