"Shadow people have appeared, and they may be hiding anywhere in the world.

They may pretend to be anyone around you.

In my dream, I saw that world.

In destruction, pain, sorrow, everything died in the flames and died in the hands of the shadow people.

In my dream, I can see such a terrible picture.

That means that dream may become reality.

He may come to our world.

Everyone, the responsibilities inherited from our ancestors have begun to show up in our generation.

We want to pursue our destiny for our entire family and for the inheritance of the Schloch family.

The old man stood up slowly and hit the ground on his body bit by bit.

He is like a devout fanatic.

He said to the group of juniors from the family in front of him.

Similarly, it reveals the relationship between the family and their ancestors.

The belief in 03 bloodline, inheritance and memory is a fanatical belief.

Even Carlos next to him could feel it.

Even though Kachia next to her was so calm, there was something in her eyes.

I can still feel the vigorous explosion and growth of the power of faith.

That cannot be stopped by casual will.

In fact, Carlos also understands that if it were him.

I may, but I can't stop this belief from multiplying in people.

It doesn't matter even if he can't stop it. Carlos feels that he shouldn't be able to stop it.

He glanced at Kachia next to him, and then slowly asked.

"One thing I don't understand is what your so-called family wants.

In other words, what are your thoughts? What is it that you have always inherited?

What do you believe in? Is it the God of Light?

But isn’t the God of Light believed by all of us?”

"Oh my God, Carlos, you don't know that yet, do you?

The Schroqi family has never believed in the God of Light, but in the God of Balance.

Yes, what we believe in has always been the body of trade-offs.

Of course, the God of Weighing has another special name.

He is the name represented by all of us believers, the Array of Scales. "

When he thought of these words, Carlos's eyes flashed slightly.

Did he understand? He finally understood why the Schloqi family had been able to survive from ancient times to the present.

Without being suspected by others, there will be destruction.

Why are many people in the Schloqi family even willing to help themselves escape.

Don't think Carlos is stupid, Carlos is very smart and he is also very careful.

He could tell at that time that someone was helping him behind the scenes.

Help yourself to return here and return to the entire Lucifer family.

So Carlos also understood very well that under such circumstances.

There was only one family at the scene, and it was the family most likely to be helping him, and that was the Schloch family.

For example, in the Schloqi family, Ka could have arranged for more people to stop him.

All you need to do is let the bunch of bastards from Corning Town enter the town and arrest you.

But they didn't do this. Kachiya's ultimate goal was to let herself go and let herself come back.

Because the only thing they have to do is balance.

Balance all family relationships.

If he had died on the grassland at that time, it would have been one less card for the Lucifer family.

It's like the declining family is missing a trump card and a trump card.

Under such circumstances, the declining family will become a mess.

There is no way to compare a piece of loose sand with a piece of stone.

The old man walked slowly from the platform above.

His hand holding the cane didn't tremble at all, and his figure was firm and powerful as he walked.

Next to the old man, the current patriarch of the family glanced at all the juniors around him.

Then he slowly followed the old man down.

But at the next moment, the old man's body had already arrived in front of a boy.

He looked at the lines on the man's face.

Seeing his passionate eyes, he smiled slightly.

Then, he slowly raised the crutch, and the crutch rose little by little.

The next moment, there was a bang without any hesitation.

The old man just smashed the crutch at the man in front of him.

The moment the man saw the crutch, his expression darkened slightly.

He was a little frightened at first, and then calmed himself down.

After all, it's just a cane, so what's there to be afraid of?

But the next moment, the crutch hit your body, causing a heavy pain.

Then his body hit him like a metal hammer.

There was a bang, and his body was frozen like this, sitting on the chair behind him and not daring to move.

"The most interesting thing about shadow people is that they will transform their bodies into the people they see.

So like this group of shadow people, generally speaking, it is difficult for us to find out whether they are real or fake.

Under such circumstances, we have only one solution.

The way to identify them is to hit him with your fist.

If the shadow person's body 087 is harder than the human body.

Then there will be a banging sound coming from their body.

Try it, everyone, punch another companion next to you.

As for you, don't hide anymore. I have seen the existence of shadow people in my dreams, and it is the same now.

The face of the man in front of him changed slightly.

He slowly raised his head, and his original arrogant expression suddenly disappeared.

What came next was an extremely arrogant face.

He looked at the old man in front of him, stretched out his hand, pointed his fingers at the old man's face, and then spoke word by word.

"Hahahaha, I really didn't expect you to actually know the existence of our shadow people.

It's great that you actually know about our existence.

Now it doesn't matter even if I die.

They will definitely engrave their names on your foreheads.

Pour their blood into your body.

Hahaha, all this will be over, and our people will finally be able to win this war."

The shadow man had a crazy smile on his face.

Then the next moment, the moment he looked at the old man in front of him.

His body quickly flashed to the side, and then his body quickly started to run toward him in the distance. .

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