Harry Potter: I Have A Proficiency System

Chapter 320 There Is Still Something To Do

"So, the Schlochi family is also interested in joining forces with us?

Are you going to explore the ruins of Kekeda? But why?

I'm very curious. Could it be that, for them, the ruins of Kekeda? Are they really that tempting?"

Deria looked at Carlos in front of him and asked slowly.

Carlos did hesitate for a moment. He didn't know whether he should answer.

After all, he was no longer the heir to his father's question.

If the decision of the whole family changed because of some of his words.

If the direction of the family changed, it would not be a good thing.

Because the family is still too dependent on him now.

Until the degree of dependence will become greater and greater, and even cannot do without him.

After finishing his studies at Hogwarts, he may be promoted to a senior grade.

After being promoted to a senior grade, he may graduate next.

After graduating from Hogwarts College, Carlos must go somewhere else.

So Carlos was wondering, before he left, should he really leave Carlos's 03 problem behind? This is not a good thing. After thinking for a long time, Carlos sighed, let's talk about the future in the future. As for now, Carlos can still explain some issues clearly. "It's actually very simple. The entire magician society is in decline, and the nobles are headed by us. Under such circumstances, a Slochi family that strives for balance. What purpose will they have? Don't you know it yet?" Delia was slightly stunned, and then he immediately reacted. What purpose? In fact, there is nothing too difficult. Isn't the purpose those very simple questions? Whether it is the Slochi family or Elizabeth and others. They all came for Carlos or the current reputation of the Lucifer family. The Slochi family wants balance. Then of course they are willing to cooperate with Carlos and the Lucifer family. The purpose, in addition to wanting Carlos to tie up Yi's exploration, chariot and sharing of interests. Second, I want everyone in the world to see the Slochi family.

The intention to form an alliance with the Lucifer family will once again be discussed on the topic of noble balance.

Whether it is the Magic Courtyard or those academic organizations.

These are possible results.

Will we see the balance between the nobles in the Magic City?

Of course, we are willing to see that once a balance is achieved.

Then the fight between nobles will continue.

This fight will bring another kind of prosperity to the entire magician.

After Carlos explained all the interests, Delia in front of him smiled gently.

"You have an idea in your mind, right?"

"First of all, let's not worry about the balance issue now.

As for the current decision of our Lucifer family.

We all have different ideas for all other pure-blood families or mixed-blood families.

In their eyes, we may be wrong, but we have been following this path until now.

So whether we unite with the Slochi or not.

The final result may be to part ways with them.

The declining family will further generate powerful power to influence the nobles of the entire magician society.

So under this premise, we will further enhance the heritage of our Lucifer family.

Obtaining further benefits is the most critical issue. "

Carlos smiled softly and looked at the figure in front of him.

Then tell your own answer, which is Carlos's answer.

For Delia, it doesn't matter.

In Delia's view, maintaining the current Lucifer family is the most basic development of the family.

Then there will be no other problems.

So for now, since the interests of the Losiva family and the Sloqi family are consistent.

Naturally, interests are the criterion.

It is also something that, for now, is beneficial to the Schloch family.

Now that the Lucifer family has reached the most basic leadership position at this moment.

Then, next, Delia looked at Carlos in front of her again.

Then he took out a letter from the drawer in front of him.

Then, he handed the letter to Carlos in front of him.

Picking up the delivery envelope and looking at it, Carlos frowned slightly, really missing his mother.

Delly actually went to the leader of Hogwarts directly because of the incident in South Africa.

Could it be that he didn't know? Judging from the current situation of Hogwarts.

Even if he goes to the boss of Hogwarts, what's the use?

Dumbledore in Hogwarts may still be worried about the situation of the evil gods around the magic school.

Carlos sighed, then shook his head gently.

"No matter how serious the situation in South Africa is, Hogwarts will never agree.

South Africa will not agree to the request, at least for now.

Hogwarts, inside now, there is still a pool of Tuanchi that has not been dealt with.

How could they go in a hurry? South Africa has solved the problem. "

Delia also understood the meaning of what Carlos said in front of him.

They are not in a hurry to solve the problem in South Africa now. Someone will definitely help them solve it817.

There is no need to worry for the time being, the main thing to worry about is Voldemort and the others.

After Carlos thought for a while, he glanced at Delia in front of him, and then stretched out his hand.

Then Carlos didn't say what he said. A small stone, and then smiled slowly.

"This is the stone that the Shloch family promised to give me in order to thank me for my previous help.

This stone was ripped off from the Demonized Stone.

Although it is small, I am thinking, is it possible to transform the stone into treasures all over the body?"

When Delia saw the interested expression on the son in front of him, he understood.

His son Carlos may have to retreat again.

In Eastern terms, it should be a retreat.

That's right, Carlos is going to retreat to study the medicinal properties of this stone and see if it is possible to make it into a potion.

The Demonized Stone is, after all, a very terrifying thing.

In other words, in the hands of people who use it well, it is a good thing, but in the hands of people who use it poorly, it is a very terrible thing.

Shaking his head, Carlos no longer discussed so many things with Delia in front of him.

He can just solve some family matters, and he still has to do things that interest him. .

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