Delly frowned slightly. To be honest, these people were not conspicuous.

They were group after group, among the crowd, wearing gray and simple clothes.

It seems to be meaningfully integrated with the surrounding environment and the surrounding people.

Looking at it this way, it is difficult to see any difference between them and the people around them.

Even at the beginning, Delly just treated them as a group of ordinary people.

If Delly hadn't accidentally discovered some of the people who kidnapped her before among this group of people.

He may never find the so-called ordinary people.

It's just an excuse for them to hide themselves.

At this moment, around Delly's room + Fang.

Layers after layers of figures are densely covered, here -.

It was as if they were already ready to do something.

At the front of this group of people was a man in gray clothes.

The believer who slowly took a look at his life.

Then, he waved his hand, and the next moment, he was in Delly's sight.

The crowd in the entire street suddenly stagnated slowly.

The people who were constantly moving around, even those who were not wearing gray robes, began to slowly become abnormal.

Delly didn't hesitate at all, after discovering something was wrong.

She reacted immediately and quickly grabbed the broom and staff next to her.

It rushed out fiercely towards the sky in the distance.

And at the moment she had just escaped, there was a clang.

The door to the back room was suddenly knocked open.

One of them rushed in from outside.

But just as Delly glanced over from the corner of her eye.

Only then did he realize that that person was still someone he was very familiar with.

The person he deceived himself is so good.

I can't believe that I can't find anything even if I try hard to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

Delly's body has already flown into the air along with the young broom.

At this moment, he was leisurely high in the sky, watching that figure break into his room.

Then he smiled slowly, a figure that may not be known to him until now.

I was watching him quietly outside.

If he hadn't told me that he had a clue.

Then he deceived himself into a certain place.

It is impossible for me to be directly attacked by that guy, directly surrounded, and then captured accurately.

After all, what you need to know is that Delly herself is very strong.

Regarding magic talent, not to mention it is one of the best in the world of magicians.

But at least he is a genius.

In addition, Delly has been surviving in this chaotic environment all year round.

So much so that she felt a sense of caution in her heart.

This sense of caution is her only way to survive.

So before encountering anything.

Delly knows her own heart and constantly asks herself.

Is there any danger, just at that moment?

The moment he noticed something unusual about the crowd, he rode his broom and flew high into the sky.

Just like the original Carlos.

So I have to say that the lady in front of me is simply a replica of Carlos.

No, she is Carlos' mother.

At this moment, a certain figure who had already broken into the door, his face darkened slightly.

In the morning, he had already received news that Delly was in this hotel.

But what he still didn't expect was when he broke in on his own.

Only to find that Delly had disappeared without a trace.

He believed very much in the words of that group of believers.

In other words, he must believe it.

After all, the will of those believers no longer belongs to them.

At this moment, as long as they organize what they want to do, what they want to do.

Those believers will help them as if they were a holy edict.

So once those believers find any point, they want to get something.

Then what they say must be true.

At least when they saw it, it was true and they couldn't lie.

A group of believers who can't lie, after seeing Delly.

Naturally, there will be no lies or deception.

However, at this moment, Delly seemed to have already noticed their arrival.

He had already fled towards the distance, which made him very angry.

At one point, he wanted to curse angrily, but the boss next to him slowly patted his shoulder, then slowly shook his head and said.

"If there is no way to find that woman, then don't look for it for the time being.

Let’s start our plan first, and we can’t stop planning about the gods.

0…please give me flowers…………0

No matter what kind of strength that woman has.

No matter what kind of existence is behind her.

Once the plan starts, no one can stop it. "

Yes, according to his words, once this plan starts.

Then the arrival of the gods will be unimpeded.

At that time, the beginning of the plan will also mean the end of everything.

However, what this man did not know was that among his followers were ministers.

At this moment, there was a figure, also wearing a gray robe, even covering his head.

Cover his eyes and face.

Slowly holding the staff, he looked quietly at the figure that had jumped out in the sky.

At this moment, other people's eyes are only paying attention to the hotel minister in front of him.


But only this person's sight was already focused on the sky.

Shaking his head, Carlos gently covered his face.

Without any hesitation, he slowly turned his head and glanced at the believers one after another.

Those fanatical faces made Carlos feel creepy.

It seems that it is exactly what his mother Delly said.

The situation in South Africa is really urgent.

The spread of evil gods here and the trust in evil gods have reached an extremely terrifying level.

It's as if they don't believe in evil gods at all.

But they believe in their family members.

It was so terrifying that Carlos in front of him was horrified for a moment.

He doesn't understand what's wrong with the people here?

Could it be that it's just because they have no hope in life?

Is that why you put everything you have into something that is invisible and intangible?

But no, there are not only poor people among the so-called believers.

Why do those noble and wealthy people behave the same way?

Is it possible that the same is true for those noble and wealthy people?

It is also because they have reached the end of their lives. Do they want more life?

Carlos didn't hesitate at all. He slowly began to walk forward with the crowd.

He began to retreat towards the back.

At the same time, Delly was preparing to float in the sky.

Suddenly, I saw a gray figure waiting for me below. .

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