"As expected of a talented student from Hogwarts.

He is indeed the talented potion master student who became famous at Hogwarts.

I can't believe that you can actually make the magical potion that is said to be impossible.

Of course, that doesn't mean the potion is impossible to achieve.

It's the medicine that only exists in books in this world.

You can actually make it. If I read it correctly, the potion just now is the magic trace of increase.

Carlos was slightly startled, he didn't expect it.

The archbishop in front of him actually knew the bottle of magic potion in his hand.

You know, the bottle of magic potion you used went through dozens of procedures.

It was even remade after constant processing on the book.

The archbishop in front of me can be recognized clearly at just one glance.

He recognized the potion in his hand and what kind of potion it was.

Shaking his head, Carlos secretly became wary.

The information about the archbishop in front of me records that he is a guy who likes or is very good at playing with people's hearts and deceiving them.

But it was never said that he was a very skilled potion master.

Of course, although not a true genius yet.

It seems that it is impossible for people to have the energy to do two things at the same time and often two things

First of all, the archbishop in front of me is obvious.

He is a madman who is good at playing with people's hearts.

He has become extremely proficient in playing with people's hearts.

Then it would be impossible for him to be as proficient in other aspects.

Just like Carlos, just like Harry and the others.

This is what Carlos is like, regarding potions and magic.

Eventually he gave up magic and became proficient in potions.

The same is true for Harry, of course, serving in Harry's small team.

After all, there is a girl named Hermione who is also very talented in potions.

Shaking his head, Carlos slowly took out a bottle of magic potion from his bag again.

This bottle of magic potion is equivalent to the previous bottle of magic potion. It is a bottle of white magic potion.

The white potion seemed to be covered with a light blue substance.

Immediately afterwards, Carlos smeared the potion into the palm of his hand.

The next moment, Carlos held the hand of the staff.

It was as if in an instant, the invasion of the magic medicine reached its peak.

Magic power began to burst out continuously, whether it was Shenying Wufeng or any other magic.

As long as it is displayed in the hands of Carlos next.

Carlos can enhance it, almost 3 times the power.

In other words, it is not as powerful as a primary magic that can be transformed into an intermediate magic.

Of course, this potion has a side effect.

Because the power was forcibly increased, it was not suitable for the staff in front of him.

It is easy to damage the core and structure inside the staff.

In this case, the staff in your hand will be damaged during the shelf life.

This is damage to the internal structure and is a normal symptom.

Immediately afterwards, Carlos saw the staff in his hand, gently, point by point pointing at the archbishop in front of him at this moment.

Even so, Carlos has to do this, I don't know why.

He felt that a premonition of danger was slowly rising in his heart.

This feeling seems to come from my surroundings, or perhaps from the bottom of my heart

Then, Carlos slowly raised his staff and rushed towards the body of the archbishop in front of him.

In an instant, the staff in his hand once again cut towards the archbishop's head.

Seeing that the archbishop's head was cut off by Carlos in front of him again.

The archbishop slowly shook his head, his face.

There was no surprise at all, as if he had already guessed that there would be such a result.

There was a crackling sound, and then his head fell to the ground again.

Then the next moment, just as Carlos was retreating backwards.

He found that inside the archbishop's broken neck just now.

It seemed that a little bit of black air was spreading out.

The black air gathered into a point, then a line.

Finally, it was a huge palm.

All this happened too fast, so fast that Carlos didn't even react at all.

Just look at that hand, it seems to have grabbed Carlos' body.

His face sank slightly, and the bad premonition in his heart was realized directly.

Carlos quickly retreated to the back, and then no matter how fast he was.

No matter how fast his reaction ability was, there was still no way.


Avoid the attack range of the palm in front of him.

This black palm was also very fast.

So fast that Carlos didn't have time to react sufficiently.

Carlos's face sank slightly.

Then, he suddenly raised his staff, and the shadow was sharp.

The sharp blade seemed to be able to cut through the air in an instant.

However, when the blade faced the black shadow in front of him, it was just like touching the air, like touching the virtual element.

When the head of the archbishop fell slowly on the ground, on the piles of corpses.

From behind the shrine, something grew up again.

Slowly, it turned into the body of the archbishop again, and then walked over.

Seeing that Carlos was being chased by the black hand at this moment.

At this moment, the archbishop smiled slightly and quickly rushed forward.

In his opinion, as long as he attacked from both sides, Carlos in front of him would be as easy as catching a turtle in a jar.

And is the truth really that simple?

Carlos seemed to be ready.

His other hand reached directly into his bag.

With the staff in his hand, he quickly chopped at the black shadow in front of him.

On the opposite side, the archbishop and the black shadow were both excited to catch Carlos.

Suddenly, they saw black liquid splashing towards him one after another.

These black liquids were dragged directly on their bodies in an instant.

With a plop, the burning feeling, the scorching feeling, and the endless pain continued to come from his body.

The archbishop seemed to feel that his body and soul were endlessly suppressed at this moment.

The painful screams seemed to come from his mouth.

Of course, the screams were more painful, more disgusting, and more terrifying than his.

But it was from the black shadow at this moment.

The black shadow never thought that one day he would actually be attacked and hurt in reality. So he quickly abandoned the archbishop and ran into the shrine, leaving only the archbishop behind. He looked at Karustu in front of him with an incredible look on his face.

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