Harry Potter: I Have A Proficiency System

Chapter 356 You Guessed It Right

This was William's first experience where he only felt his own soul and consciousness.

It seems that he is gradually being taken over by another personality.

That was the birth of another violent personality from the bottom of his heart.

However, at this moment, Carlos looked at William slightly and began to think.

Personality? No, that doesn't look like personality, if it is personality.

Logically speaking, the body should not be completely controlled by another personality.

Even his own personality should not be controlled by another personality.

To put it bluntly, dual personality is when emotions cannot coexist in your body.

The one character that cannot be controlled, the other character that cannot be satisfied.

Another thing born under constant oppression and suppression.

That thing is the soul in your body and another manifestation of the character in your body.

Simply put, when another personality of any soul appears behind your body.

He will have full control over your body.

And when your master personality occupies this body.

Your master personality will also have full control over this body.

The two personalities are completely different.

This kind of thing never exists in another personality and will affect the main personality.

After all, the personality is a paranoid monster.

They won't listen to anyone's opinion.

Because if they are willing to listen to other people's opinions and are willing to listen to what others say.

Then in itself, personality will not be born.

Therefore, it is still difficult to say whether the thing in William's body in front of him is a personality.

Stroking the beard on his chin, the carefully wiped beard has a little prickly feeling.

It made Carlos slightly shocked. He had grown a beard?

Then, Carlos calmly analyzed what was happening in front of him.

What exactly is the problem?

The next moment, Carlos smiled slightly, and he seemed to have found the answer.

"Am I scary? There's a monster inside me.

That monster is connected with my mind and my soul. He seems to be another me. "

Seeing what was written on the piece of paper, the man in the courtyard next to him shook his head gently and said.

"Isn't this your second personality?

Generally speaking, it is their own negative personality.

Form a contrast with his first personality. "

"No! That's not a second personality, there should be something planted in your body.

That thing is taking over your body.

It's really interesting, but that thing seems to be temporarily unavailable.

Let me think about why he couldn't come out.

Was it because of that punch I just knocked him unconscious?"

"Carlos, why do you think that? Why do you think that's not a second personality?

In my opinion, isn't that the second personality that is controlling him and affecting his second personality? "

"What you need to know is that the second personality will only affect his main body.

It will not affect his first personality, and it is even impossible for his second personality to change his body into this.

Look at his body, it is completely transforming into a lizard.

What I am sure of is that his body has been transformed.

Even the soul of another thing was put into his body.

The devil can also be said to be a devil, such as something like Voldemort.

After Carlos expressed his explanation and judgment.

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded from the mouth of the man in front of him.

"Wonderful, hahahaha, I didn't expect that there would be people who could see the real answer.

So, who are you? Why can you see the answer to this question?

How can you know that I am not this guy’s personality, this cowardly guy’s personality?”

"Whether I know it or not, it doesn't matter.

After all, like Voldemort, you will possess someone else.

This feeling gave me an unexpected sense of familiarity.

How should I put it, it seems that I have seen exactly the same thing before when I was here.

But it doesn't matter, no matter what it is, you will only have one result, that is, your soul will be scattered. "

"Oh, let me see how you're going to blow me away.

My body and soul have been integrated with this body.

0…Please give me flowers 00

If you kill me now, you must kill this body.

But you people who think you are noble, can you do it? Do you have the courage to do it?"

Carlos shook his head gently, and turned to look at the man in the Magic Court.

The man smiled slightly and said.

"How about I take him back now, to the magic courtyard.

I believe that with so many magicians in the courtyard, there should be ways to deal with this thing. "

"No, that's not necessary. Haven't you noticed that the birds outside are watching eagerly?

Even though they stopped, they still didn't seem to leave the plane.

Let me think about it, there may not only be a guy like him on a plane.

There may be other guys, those guys control the dense flock of birds outside.

We have to ask first what their requirements are.

As for returning to the Magic Garden, we may have to postpone it for a while. Even Hogwarts. "

This is why Carlos doesn't like flying.

When flying, you cannot control your own safety.

Carlos is on the plane, once he encounters any danger of the plane being destroyed.

Then Carlos has no way to escape.

In this regard, no matter who is strong, the result is the same.

Carlos stood up slowly and said.

"Tie him up and take him around the first class and passenger cabins.

Let his companions hiding in the dark take a look and see if they want to rescue him. "

"Wouldn't this cause some panic?"

"Panic? At present, what is more embarrassing than the flock of birds outside?

People's attention will be focused on things that affect their own safety.

Although, you, a uniformed official, tied up a person in the cabin and ran around with him tied up.

A very weird thing indeed.

But it won't affect those guests, will it?

So Zhang Xin goes boldly and lets see who will stand up and be ready to have a good chat with Zero. "

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