"Sorry, sir, you may not understand what I mean.

Only you can use it, and only you can apply for it.

But what I want to tell you now is that I am the only one who can save you now, do you understand?"

Perhaps he could feel the pain and swelling in his arm just now.

At this moment, it has gradually begun to return to its original state, and the cold feeling gradually came up.

But his arms still can't use the strength, which is normal.

Generally speaking, it does not matter whether it is a person's limbs or a person's body.

They are all supported and moved by the muscle fibers of the body.

The moment when muscle fibers reach their ultimate limit of fatigue.

Naturally, the body cannot use the calendar easily.

For example, just now, Carlos could clearly feel that the muscle fibers in his body were slowly recovering.

But there is no way to use "850" because it has reached the upper limit of fatigue.

So there was no way to continue lifting it.

Looking at Carlos in front of him, that serious look.

Tisilt finally knew Carlos was serious.

He nodded, now that Carlos had determined that there was a way to save them.

So even if it is violated once, what does it matter?

At worst, I'll write a review next time.

Just explain what is going on here clearly.

Compared with other punishments, your own life is the most important.

Next, without hesitation, he walked to a small corner next to him.

He suddenly took out a hammer and knocked hard on the wall.

A clang sounded, followed immediately by the next moment.

I saw a small box popping out from the wall in the corner, yes, the wall of the airplane.

That small box is a relatively thin box.

Of course, compared to the box, Carlos at this moment called it just a gap.

It's just a gap that can only hide a staff.

After taking out the staff, Tislt handed the staff directly to Carlos in front of him.

Carlos nodded and said as he picked up the staff.

"I saw it before when I was dealing with those robbers here.

There were only two robbers in the nose, so that was our target.

That is to kill the two robbers directly as soon as possible. Remember, they must be killed directly, otherwise, the entire plane will be in danger. "

"So what do you want me to do?"

Tislt looked at Carlos in front of him in confusion.

And Carlos smiled softly.

Immediately afterwards, he put a coat he carried with him on his back.

He slowly put his tired arms under his coat.

Not letting others notice, he held the staff tightly with his other hand.

Carlos just walked slowly towards the nose of the plane in front of him.

"Next, both of them will be petrified in place.

What you have to do is to remove everything from their bodies and bind their bodies before they are petrified.

The things here refer to weapons. Yes, remove the weapons first, and then let them restrain them.

Because Carlos is not sure of the magic history in his body now.

How long can he support himself in releasing magic?

And Carlos can't swallow Delafa's potion now.

After all, there are not just ordinary people among the robbers.

If it were just some ordinary robbers, Carlos would not have hesitated at all.

He had solved it long before.

But judging from the flocks of birds outside and the lizard man with scales all over his body.

Plus the other people who had just fought with him.

It can be seen that they all have some strange powers in their bodies.

And these strange powers are very easy and simple for them, the demons, so Carlos also understands.

He must keep his trump card.

Only by keeping his trump card can he win.

Then the trump card can play its role.

Carlos walked quietly towards the nose of the plane.

Then the staff in his hand slowly pointed in front of him.

In fact, Tisert has the password and key of the cabin door.

His hand gradually began to enter the password, and then the key went into the keyhole little by little.

Although Carlos felt that Tisert was risky to do this.

But in order to let the enemy relax his vigilance.

Carlos had stopped in place without moving....

This would give the enemy the illusion that there was only one person on the other side.

However, the next moment, Carlos found that he had underestimated the vigilance of the robbers in front of him.

The moment the key was inserted into the keyhole, a voice came from the opposite side.


When the voice sounded, Carlos and Tisert followed.

They looked at each other with horror, and the next moment, Tisert pretended to be calm and said.

"Well... Hello sir, your companion just asked me to give you something.

I don't know why he wanted me to give you a piece of wood."

The one on the opposite side was confused, and then he smiled gently.

It seemed that a cry of exclamation came from Kongma.

Wand, I didn't expect there was a wand on the plane.

It's not that there is no doubt, although there is a trace of doubt.

But these two robbers didn't have any heart.

In their opinion, the entire plane has been controlled by them.

Especially in their hands, there are still the lives of two captains.

The two of them were not afraid of death, so they would not worry about the destruction of the entire plane.

But the passengers on the plane one after another, or the flight attendants.

They were all afraid of destruction and death.

So when the door was slowly opened.

Their eyes were vigilantly staring at Tiselt in front of them, and their weapons were pointed at him.

Then when 2.4 and the other two looked at Tiselt with joy.

He found that he did not have a staff in his hand.

One of the men pointed at Tiselt's head and said fiercely.

"You dare to deceive us, do you know what will happen if you deceive me? Believe it or not, I will kill him immediately.

Tell me where the piece of wood is. If you don't bring it over, then you will be ready to die later."

However, before he finished speaking, he saw a staff reaching out to him.

Then, he did not even hear any sound of chanting.

He found that his body had flown out.

How is it possible? Judging from the power of this magic, it is at least a mid-level magic.

How could he perform it so easily without using any spells?

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