At this moment, at the nose of the plane, there are flying birds one after another.

Outside the nose of the plane, people were constantly staring at the people inside the plane.

Their eyes seemed lifeless, as if they were being manipulated.

At this moment, there was a hint of speechlessness and helplessness in the captain's eyes.

He slowly calmed down and gave up the idea of ​​shaking hands with Stilt.

Then, there was a hint of calmness in his eyes.

He looked at the first officer next to him and said.

"Check all facilities and prepare for collisions.

You go and ask all passengers to fasten their seat belts and put on their oxygen masks.

We need to make a last ditch effort, and I believe you should be able to resolve the file matter.

If you don't succeed, leave it to us.

We will definitely bring this plane to the airport safely.

So, you just need to feel free to do it. "

In fact, the captain in front of him didn't say a word.

In his eyes, it was the moment when countless birds hit their plane.

The automatic navigation and autopilot systems on their planes will directly fail.

And this consequence will put the captain into a conflict.

After all, once, when an aircraft starts to use manual mode.

Then it means that this plane has fallen into an extremely dangerous level.

Even the entire crew will be in mortal danger.

Thistle nodded, he put the two tied robbers aside, then closed and locked the door.

Then, his eyes were random, staring at Carlos, who was lying motionless on the chair behind him.

He smiled, walked slowly to Carlos' side and said.

"Then, Mr. Carlos, do you have any good way to solve all these problems?"

"I just heard everything you said.

In general, in addition to the dead robber in front of him, there is actually another robber.

Is it the robber in the crowd who asks you to complete his request as soon as possible?

Then go ahead and do as he asked, just let the lizard go first. "

After Carlos finished speaking, he looked at Stilt in front of him faintly.

He really didn't understand what Tislt was thinking.

Sometimes he really felt that even if he didn't look at the man in front of him whose whole body was covered with scales, he was about to turn into a goose.

Is it true that I can escape this disaster?

That guy will definitely continue and find a way to throw everyone on the plane into the abyss.

But Carlos saw a glimmer of hope.

In other words, I saw a glimmer of life.

A person who doesn't care about death at all, a robber who doesn't care about the final countdown of life at all.

Why do you insist on asking, and even ask the crew repeatedly.

Released the man whose whole body was covered in lizards?

Then there is only one answer, that is, this man is very important, or his life itself is very important.

Since he is a very important person, then a thousand becomes a bargaining chip.

An important chip or an unimportant chip, which one is more meaningful?

Carlos could still see it, and Tislt understood what Carlos meant in an instant.

Let it go, and don't wait to put it away forever.

On the plane, if there is no hope for the enemy.

Then the enemy's idea of ​​​​destroying the enemy or dying together will become stronger and stronger.

But once the enemy has hope, they have hopeful thoughts about the result.

Then their view of dying together will become weaker and weaker.

Human life will become longer and longer along with one's own hopes.

It's a person's life, Carlos smiled softly.

It can be seen that Tislt understands his thoughts.

He nodded, good, closed his eyes again, and said.

"Friend, don't be so nervous, although I can feel that my body's strength is becoming scarce.

But it doesn't matter, I will take action at the critical moment.

You just need to try your best to let go and do it. Don't worry, I will help you later.

After Carlos finished speaking, he closed his eyes and began to rest.

As for the staff in his hand, Tislt said he wanted it back.

But he found that the staff did not seem to have such a big effect in Carlos's hands when it came into his own hands.

If Carlos suddenly attacks the opponent from behind.

So there is a high probability that it will basically succeed, after all, it is a person who releases magic silently.

People who don't need spells to release magic are a nightmare to their enemies.

Besides, those ten people were hiding in the cabin.

It must be someone who doesn't know that Carlos can release silent magic.

After all, he hadn't moved.

On the other side, time is passing by bit by bit at this moment.

The flight attendant had also told Tislt in front of her about the situation outside.

10 minutes passed very quickly, but also passed very slowly.

After a while, Stilt and Carlos.

They had made up their mind to untie the lizard man from all his restraints.

Only his hands were left, still tied up.

Tislt firmly held the hands of the man in fine clothes, and then walked towards the cabin at the moment.

On the other side, at this moment, the man in sunglasses on the seat seemed to have discovered that the companions in the first class cabin had been dealt with.

He shook his head gently. He did not understand the purpose of his companions.

But the only thing he knew was that there was a flaw in their actions, and it was a very big flaw.

They don't even understand the personnel configuration on the plane in front of them (Manno's), as well as the configuration of the people in the magic courtyard.

How could the entire aircraft be controlled in such a short period of time?

After the broadcast sounded for a while, there was no more sound.

So the man in sunglasses guessed that maybe even the two robbers who had just taken control of the nose of the plane had been eliminated.

He didn't expect that his accomplice would be so useless.

Although they are all a group of accomplices recruited online, this is the first time he has seen such stupid accomplices.

The man in sunglasses had no intention of paying attention to those gangs. He slowly touched the small piece of glass next to him on the plane with his hand.

Then I looked quietly at the flocks of flying birds outside the glass in the distance.

Just when he was about to issue an order to let the birds commit mass suicide on the plane.

But suddenly he saw a figure appearing in front of him. .

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