"I see, so what you are saying is that the fuel tank was damaged because of those birds.

Then all the oil leaked out, right?

That's why the Chrysler flight must make an emergency landing, but have you ever thought about it?

The Kreuz flight is still some distance away from us.

In 30 minutes time, it was impossible to get a flight to Cleos. "

The moment Carlos's voice sounded, everyone in front of them looked at each other.

There was a trace of understanding in their eyes, in fact, they all understood this truth.

Or they said they knew at all times that the Kreuz flight was indeed quite far away from them.

But the only flight that can force the river is here.

There was a hint of determination in the eyes of the two captains at the front of the plane.

The next moment, the captain spoke slowly.

"Then we won't go to Kreuz Flight. After all, 540 didn't agree to go there at the beginning."

Along the way there, you may encounter various things.

I heard that there has been some problems there recently, and whether we can fly there safely is a question.

Contact the people at the National Rescue Self-Help Center directly and ask them to wait next to their ocean.

The captain's voice was firm and powerful, the moment his voice sounded.

One after another, people around him immediately understood what the captain was going to do next.

An emergency landing, and this emergency landing will not be an ordinary emergency landing.

Carlos glanced at the captain and nodded.

Leave everything to him. After all, he is not a professional in this kind of thing.

I just made a suggestion to them. Of course, Carlos actually understood it.

I was just stating the stakes.

It can basically be said that it is impossible to make an emergency landing on a Chrysler flight.

Carlos can see it, and presumably all the professionals in front of him can see it.

You know, the so-called forced landing of a plane is not something that can be done just by talking about it.

He had to circle for a long time and achieve a certain degree of accuracy before he could make an emergency landing.

The flight was too far, so far that there was no time to make any preparations.

If we just make an emergency landing like this, it may cause greater personal safety.

This is Carlos's opinion, after Carlos expressed these opinions.

The captain immediately made a change, his eyes were firm.

Just like that, the white, huge plane slowly circled in the sky for a while.

Heading towards a nearby sea area, it began to land bit by bit.

In the nearby sea area of ​​Simos.

At this moment, the dark sun is slowly coming, and the sky outside is still pure black.

Carlos fastened his seat belt, put the oxygen mask on his head, and then looked at the scene outside the window bit by bit.

Feel the plane, constantly circling and moving in the sky.

The heartbeat caused by each circling is unquestionable.

At this moment, everyone clasped their hands tightly.

They are all praying that they will be saved by the Lord on this journey.

Only Carlos, only Carlos was not anxious at all.

He looked into the distance quietly, and in his heart, he just wanted to think about where he would be reborn next.

At the next moment, Carlos suddenly found himself on the horizon in the distance.

At this moment, figures one after another were riding brooms and rushing over quickly.

But now the plane has almost arrived, only a full 200 meters away from the sea.

So this height is basically a very dangerous height.

Carlos was quiet, looking at the figures one after another outside.

They were wearing robes and looked calm in their eyes.

They came following the command, one rescuer after another.

Of course, because it was night.

So outside, there are actually warning lines surrounding the area.

In order to prevent some people from seeing the figures in the darkness in front of them.

People from the National Rescue Center even use jammers.

The magicians in front of them were shielded one after another.

Of course, it was just blocked from the sight of those electronic instruments.

But there was none in Carlos' sight.

In any case, if all the people on this plane can get off safely.

In the end, amnestics will definitely have to be used.

When the plane's altitude dropped little by little, it finally landed on the sea.

The captain pushed hard and pulled up the control stick. In an instant, the nose of the plane jumped suddenly.

The next moment, the altitude between the plane and the sea dropped to 0:00...

The banging sound kept ringing, and the shaking continued on the sea surface.

The entire ocean seems to have turned into the ground, solid and powerful.

But under the collision between strength and pressure, they gradually began to merge together.

The water flow dispersed in all directions, and as the throttle gradually began to extinguish.

The last bit of oil gradually began to disappear.

The plane slid over the sea for almost a full 500 meters before slowly stopping.

Feeling a cold sweat slowly breaking out on his body, the captain couldn't help but relax, and his whole body lay directly on the seat.

Looking at the calmness of the sea in the distance, watching the figures flying towards me at this moment.

The director couldn't help but close his eyes, feeling that the world was really crazy and nothing mattered anymore.

This is the first time he has seen what is another world outside the world.

One after another, the figures kept flying in the sky.

In their hands they hold various objects.

There are blankets and various first aid drinking supplies.

After receiving the rescue, Carlos slowly came to the hatch.

Looking ahead, one fleet after another is taking the passengers on the plane and heading towards the shore.

On the shore, a level is designed.

Someone at that level was constantly checking the ordinary people around them.

Examining their 4.2 brains, they seem to be suitable for purging.

And Carlos stood at the top of the cabin, looking into the distance.

"Hello, are you Mr. Carlos?"

He raised his head and listened to the voice above.

A man in the sky was riding a broom over Carlos.

Looking at the man in front of him, he nodded slightly.

He didn't understand what he wanted to say, and then the man smiled softly.

Then something unexpected happened.

I saw this man and quickly took out a notebook and a pen from his pocket.

"Um, um, can Mr. Carlos sign your name for me?

Your potion science has received high marks in the selection of magicism.

Nowadays, many magicians have switched to potions because of your relationship.

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