Of course Carlos knew what Khosrow was asking.

He was asking how he discovered their problem when he was in the bar before.

Carlos smiled slightly, and then slowly stretched out his hand.

He looked at Khosrow in front of him and spoke slowly in a teasing tone.

"Did you know? My hands have held all kinds of potion ingredients.

Once upon a time, I was able to measure various potion ingredients down to grams.

Maybe the weight of that box, I don't know.

But I do know the quality of a staff and a box of potions very well. "

When Carlos said this, Khosrow no longer had much doubts.

He understood what Khosrow meant and smiled.

He looked at Carlos in front of him with a very bitter look, and then said quietly.

"I'm sorry, Carlos, actually I didn't want to do this.

But there are some things, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have to do it if I don’t want to say it.

We are all drifting in this world.

We are all the same kind of people, it's just that we are in different camps. 913

So you have to die. Maybe you escaped this disaster today, but it may not be so easy next time. "

And Carlos looked at Khosrow in front of him, with pride and a little smile in his eyes.

A little blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Carlos frowned, that's impossible.

You know, although the force I just used was indeed quite strong.

But it's not like beating him directly to bleed.

Carlos suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

He looked at Khosrow in front of him, his eyes quietly filled with a trace of confusion.

Carlos thought of something at the next moment.

Then he saw a mouthful of black blood slowly spurting out of Khosrow's mouth in an instant.

There seems to be a trace of herbal medicine in the black blood.

Carlos understood instantly.

The poison he just took must have caused this situation.

That will lead to this result.

Damn it, Carlos's face darkened slightly, this guy.

He hasn't told himself the answer yet [He hasn't told himself what they (addj) are.

Why must he kill himself? How could he let him die like this?

With this in mind, Carlos took out a bottle of magic potion from his bag.

He quickly walked forward and poured the Shixiasheng potion into Khosrow's mouth in front of him.

The next moment, the magic potion seemed to have a huge effect in an instant.

I took a look inside my bag and saw that there was only two or three bottles of potion left.

Carlos shook his head and wanted to find time to buy some materials on the black market here.

Then make some new potions.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to survive in this place with just these magic potions.

Looking at Khosrow Fei's body in front of him, he has already begun to spin.

The toxins in his body are constantly fighting with his resurrection potion, resisting each other.

This caused his body to fall into a state of intense conflict.

Wave after wave of pain and suffering, Hui Kosro's consciousness was about to awaken.

Khosrow slowly opened his eyes and looked at Carlos in front of him, his face sank slightly.

"How is it possible, how could I not die, the death potion?

It's absolutely impossible to remove it that easily. What did you just give me right now?"

"Please, I haven't told you to die, so you can't die.

I still have many things to ask you. Who are you?

Why do you have to kill me? Could it be just because I was on the plane, destroying the purpose of your redemption organizations?

Did it ruin your terrorist attack this time?"

"Hahaha, Carlos, you still think too simply.

If it's just like this, we won't take action against you.

Carlos, Carlos, your name is too loud.

It's so loud that some people are afraid of you, and your presence seems to be.

There is no room for an abnormal person to appear in this world.

Your name will bloom in the ears of all magicians or potion masters in the world.

You will become a legend, that's what we all think.

This is what all of us feel is possible.

But you shouldn't show up at this time. The time you show up is too coincidental.

If you were born earlier, or rather later, we wouldn't do anything to you. "

"What you mean is that the reason why you want to kill me is.

Not because of anything I did, but just because of who I am.

Just because of my genius? Ridiculous, a bunch of assholes.

Just because you want to kill a life like this, in your eyes, isn’t life worth anything?”

"No, no, no, Carlos, Carlos, maybe other people's lives are nothing in our eyes.

But your life is different. Your life is too precious.

So precious that we want to swallow your life in one bite.

By that time, even if we are full, we must gain your strength. "

After hearing this, Carlos still didn't understand.

Then the next moment, he found that Khosrow in front of him once again took out a pill from his pocket.

That pill was all red, and his speed was very fast.

Carlos was about to raise his hand to stop him, but found that he had already thrown the pill into his mouth.

Within a moment, the medicinal power that seemed to flow out of the pill gradually began to spread and spread in Khosrow's body.

The next moment, Kosro bounced hard.

His body seemed to fall into an extremely convulsive and contradictory situation in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Kosro slowly lowered his body, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

This process was so fast that Carlos had no time to react.

He lost his breath and fell to the ground.

And Carlos turned his head to look around him.

There was a trace of killing intent and a trace of anger in his eyes.

He wanted to say something, but there was anger in his heart.

But Carlos was completely unable to speak out properly.

At this moment, suddenly, figures one after another surrounded him from all directions.

When they saw Khosrow's body lying on the ground in front of Carlos.

The eyes of those figures seemed to be full of indifference.

Immediately afterwards, the figures riding brooms quickly chased Carlos fiercely. .

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