Harry Potter: I Have A Proficiency System

Chapter 381 Don’T Get Dirty

When the guest was cut open by the countless blades, the white man yelled at Carlos with excitement. Then he seemed to think that Carlos was the same as the guest. They were all about to be slaughtered by him. However, a magical scene appeared. Carlos glanced at his face. When his body was smashed towards Carlos, he found that his vision was filled with light. The white light fell fiercely on his body, and then his body flew out. With a bang, Carlos didn't even move his mouth. This magic was smashed out directly, smashing the body of the white man in front of him. The white man's face sank slightly, and he looked at Carlos in front of him. Then he looked at the crowd around him, one after another, who were slowly surrounding him. They were all grinning, and their eyes were filled with endless murderous intent. They opened their mouths slowly, as if with a devilish smile.

When this white man saw the guests coming around him one after another, he did not show any nervousness.

He was like a gambler who had gone crazy to the extreme.

He looked at the figures of the enemies around him, and then stretched out his hand.

The scales on his body began to bloom again.

Drops of blood flowed in the gaps between his scales.

Slowly, bit by bit, it began to flow down.

The enemies around him pounced on him one by one, and then began to attack him.

The most terrifying thing was that his body was not so easy to be attacked.

The scales on his body were hard and unmatched, and when the scales stood up.

One by one, like a blade, they also became his best means of defense.

As each scale stood up, it also fiercely cut the bodies of the enemies around him one by one.

The guests around him only felt that the guy in front of them was so tricky.

As tricky as a hedgehog.

Suddenly, Carlos seemed to understand something.

Looking at the scales that stood up one after another, he slowly spoke.

"Is that so? I have been wondering before.

There are obviously two monster bloodlines in your body.

But I have never been able to find where the other bloodline is. Now I finally know.

What is your other bloodline?

So that's it, so that's it. In this case, I still underestimated you."

Carlos smiled gently, and then he slowly stretched out his hand.

His staff began to gather a ray of light in his hand.

That ray of light was powerful and strong, and it hit the body of the white man in front of him.

The white man only felt that his body was heavy.

His body shook slightly, and then slowly flew out.

When his body hit the wall behind him again.

He reacted and seemed unable to stop the magic of Carlos in front of him.

Yes, he couldn't stop it, even if the scales on his body were very hard.

Even though his body was very strong at the moment, he still couldn't stop Carlos's magic.

Although he didn't want to admit it, it was indeed the truth.

Carlos's magic was very powerful, so powerful that it was indescribably terrifying.

That magic just pierced through his scales.

Then he pressed his body firmly against the wall behind.

And all this is not over yet, only the white man's face darkened slightly.

He sighed slowly and wanted to say something.

But he saw Carlos extending his hand leisurely.

In the palm of Carlos's hand, the magic power gradually began to bloom again.

There was a loud bang as the staff was waved.

The blue light hit him directly at this moment.

The blue light hit his body in an instant.

I only saw that the body that was originally nailed to the wall was shaking slightly at this moment.

His body even sank a little deeper.

Banging sounds continued after his body sank in for a few minutes.

A figure appeared in the white man's sight.

That voice stared at him with a very vicious look.

He touched his arm, because his fist had just struck his scales, causing deep cuts one after another.


Then he looked at the face of the man in white and said.

"I'd love to know, how tough would your face be compared to your body?"

This figure with blood on his hands smiled slowly.

Little by little, he stretched out his hand, and then punched the white man in front of him in the face.

With a bang, the man only felt a slight pain in his face.

Then one after another, the guests experienced the previous encounter.

They also came over with angry faces and smiles in their eyes.

I saw one guest after another clenching their fists.

It seemed like it had already been prepared.

Even at this moment, Carlos behind him could see


They seemed to have formed a long line, one after another.

Yes, they came to the white man one after another in a very orderly manner.

Then one group after another touched his cheek with their fists.

This white man seems to be because the experimental variation is not thorough enough.

Therefore, although his body was completely covered with scales.

But there aren't many scales on his face and head.

At this moment, the faces of the guests were full of evil smiles one after another.

His face was filled with unbridled humiliation.

The man was full of anger and wanted to curse.

However, every time he was about to yell angrily.

There will also be a lump of something cold in his mouth.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Carlos couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and quickly turned his head.

It's better to keep this kind of thing out of sight and out of mind.

At this moment, the hotel door was pushed open again.

But this time it was less violent.

From the outside, a figure came into view.

Immediately afterwards, there was not just a figure, but behind that figure.

Dragging two bodies, he walked in slowly.

It was a very old-looking figure.

Then, you can even see a faint smell of blood on the old figure.

It can be seen that during the time he went out before, he should have been hunting.

"I told you, even if you want to play, go out and play for me. If you dirty my hotel, who should I ask to compensate you?"

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