Harry Potter: It's just a billion points of dark magic

Chapter 169 The real Dark Lord, Dumbledore

"Mr. Fudge, what are you doing, don't scare me!"

Old Flint supported Fudge, who was almost fainted, and asked, "Mr. Fudge, do you know who sent this group of people?"

Hearing old Flint's inquiry, Fudge really wanted to pry his head open to see if there was shit hidden in it.

"Flitwick is the professor of charms at Hogwarts and the head of Ravenclaw College." Fudge said weakly, and added: "At the beginning, you were controlled by the mysterious man's Imperius Curse, and you joined the mysterious man's Death Eater. After his apprenticeship, Principal Dumbledore also formed an organization called the Order of the Phoenix"

"After the birth of the savior Harry Potter, the Death Eaters dissipated, and Dumbledore also disbanded the powerful Order of the Phoenix under him"

"But now, a group of wizards with phoenixes embroidered on their robes have come to kill them, and the leader seems to be the head of Ravenclaw."

Old Flint was not a fool either, he was just pissed off before, so he didn't react.

Now think about it carefully, isn't it Dumbledore who can have such strength in the wizarding world?

"Fudge, you are an official of the Ministry of Magic, can't you govern Hogwarts?" Old Flint frantically grabbed Fudge's arm.

"Go out and let them stop. Didn't Dumbledore agree to let us go for the sake of your Ministry of Magic?"

"You're an idiot, aren't you?" Fudge was furious, and the two big beaters slapped Old Flint hard on the face.

Shaking old Flint's shoulder vigorously, Fudge said angrily: "Damn it, Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw, brought people to kill him, and you asked me to order them to stop."

"Do you think I've lived too long? Dumbledore must have come prepared, we are not his opponents at all!"

"The most important thing we should do now is to escape and expose Dumbledore's conspiracy!"

As he said that, Fudge immediately tried to cast Apparation, but it failed without accident.

"Dumbledore is the real Dark Lord, and the previous kindness was his disguise!"

Fudge roared angrily: "Flint, now we should get out quickly, and then make this secret public!"

Fudge is not a fool, if he could pretend to be a fool before, he won Dumbledore's support.

But now he must be dying, because he witnessed the actions of the Order of the Phoenix.

Dumbledore will never let others know about this secret operation, so the only way for him is to escape!

The cunning rabbit has three caves. For safety, the villa of the Flint family is also full of secret passages.

Old Flint also came to his senses, and hurriedly ran towards the secret passage with a few of his confidantes.

Fudge also greeted the stunned Auror beside him, and followed quickly.

While running, the inner world of this group of people was about to collapse.

The greatest white wizard in the twentieth world, Albus Dumbledore, is actually the real Dark Lord.

And it seems that they are using Hogwarts as a base to recruit soldiers for their Order of the Phoenix. This news is simply too explosive.

No wonder Dumbledore was reluctant to serve as the Minister of Magic before. It turned out that it was for the convenience of recruiting troops at Hogwarts.

The more they thought about it, the more frightened they became, especially old Flint.

Fudge was accidentally injured because he was visiting himself, so the people sent by Dumbledore were obviously against him.

And his eldest son, Marcus is still in Hogwarts.

Thinking of Dumbledore's cruel methods, old Flint shed tears of regret.

"Dumbledore, you wait for me, I, Alexey Flint, will definitely make you pay!"

Old Flint was extremely angry, and had already constructed a revenge plan against Dumbledore in his heart.

He wants to make Dumbledore's actions public in the Daily Prophet, so that everyone in the wizarding world knows that Dumbledore is a hypocrite.

Pushing open the decayed wooden door, Old Flint was the first to climb out of the tunnel.

What they saw was a field. Obviously, they had already gone to the outskirts of London.

Fudge and the others behind him also filed out, breathing the fresh air to their heart's content.

While several people were celebrating the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, several voices came from the sky.

"Mrs. Hooch, here are some people who have escaped from Flint House!"

As soon as the voice fell, louder noises appeared in the sky.

Hearing Weng's loud noise, dozens of high-tech broomsticks appeared above Old Flint.

The blue flame spurted out sparks from the broom tail, and the broom made of alloy glowed silver in the moonlight.

Fudge was scared out of his wits on the spot.

Mrs. Hooch, isn't this the professor of Hogwarts flying class? This is also Dumbledore's man!

"Arrest them all!" In the sky, Brian said coldly, and then took the lead in attacking: "Stunned!"

All of a sudden, countless red wands descended from the sky, blasting towards Fudge, Old Flint and others on the ground.

No one was spared, the few people who had been physically and mentally exhausted for a long time could not resist at all, and fainted on the spot.

. . . . . . . .

"Master Lai, we have captured all the three pure-blood families you mentioned!" Sang Biao said respectfully.

In front of Lester were the Flint family, the Avery family, and the Tuoke family.

Under the strong action of Azkaban, it only took one night, and all the blood descendants of these three pure-blood families were caught in the trade union.

Of course, the little wizards in Hogwarts are still staying in Hogwarts safely.

Flint's family of five, Avery's family of four, and Tuoke's family of six were all arrested.

At the same time, there was a familiar face who appeared in front of Leicester together, which was the future Minister of Magic Fudge!

Fortunately, these people were all cast with a powerful stun spell, otherwise Lester couldn't just be exposed in front of them.

For these scumbag families, Lester copying their houses is equivalent to eliminating harm for the people.

Over the years, the bad deeds done by these scumbag families are too numerous to describe!

Especially the Tuoke family, after Sangbiao's investigation, this family even engaged in human trafficking and biological experiments.

After reading their test materials, Lester said that even if they were killed a hundred times with the Killing Curse, it would not be too much!

As for the Avery family and the Flint family, let alone these two scum families.

Everyone in their family has innocent blood on their hands.

Not to mention, the heirs of these three families actually wanted to attack him.

Although Lester is not afraid of the pure bloods of those senior grades, Lester is afraid of trouble, so he can only reluctantly let Sangbiao ransack the house.

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