And Black, who is wanted at the moment, why did he wait until now to escape? After enduring so much pain for so many years, why flee until now?

In fact, after his arrest, Sirius was not driven crazy by the life of dementors and hardship because he clearly knew that he was innocent. He always wants to avenge himself and the Potters.

The reason why he fled until now was because the Minister of Magic, Connelly Fudge, came to Azkaban to visit.

As the sole heir of the pureblood family Black, Fudge came to visit, and the two exchanged pleasantries.

Sirius Black picked up a newspaper because chatting with Fudge made him feel too bored and wanted to use the newspaper for crossword puzzles.

And it was this act that made him make a major discovery.

He came across an article in the Daily Prophet newspaper about the Weasleys’ trip to Egypt that won the Daily Prophet’s Golden Dragon Prize of the Year.

Blake saw a picture of Weasley’s entire family, and a mouse missing 500 toes was on it.

Sirius had seen Peter’s transformation countless times, and even Peter’s transformation was taught by him and James. So he knew exactly who it was—the mouse wasn’t just Ron’s pet, it was Peter Pettigrew.

Blake knew that Peter was alive and that he had chopped off one of his fingers himself.

As a member of the Order of the Phoenix, Black knew Arthur Weasley and knew him as Dumbledore’s man. In the intelligence system left by the Black family, although he has not left Azkaban, it does not mean that he does not know anything.

Black only cares about his friend James’s orphan, his godson Harry Potter. He knew that Ron was his friend and lived in the same dormitory.

“Peter will return to Hogwarts with Ron when school starts!” Blake was frightened, and he realized that Harry’s life would be in danger where Wormtail (Peter) was, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.

His godson Harry could be in danger, and he was completely unknown about the danger.

Sirius vowed to catch Peter and kill him, hiding in the Weasleys house for 12 years and petting for 12 years.

Sirius chose to use the family’s dark son to escape from Azkaban.

Sirius Black successfully transforms into a dog, and then slips out of his cell one night while he takes advantage of the guards to bring him food, because he becomes a dog, so the Dementors can’t detect it.

And he was too thin to be able to cross the iron fence. The Aurors, who were guarding the perimeter, were also suddenly transferred as he fled.

Black escaped from Azkaban and swam back to the mainland.

He went in animal form to visit his godson, whom he hadn’t seen in 12 years, and glanced at Harry in the alley between Magnolia Crescent Street and Wisteria Road.

He began his journey north to Hogwarts, and when he arrived, he happened to see the scene of Harry’s weakness after being attacked by the Dementors. He looked at it from a distance with concern, unaware that he was being detected by a Slytherin student.


When it finally came to the start of school, even though Draco explained to Lucius and Narcissa that Black did not dare to commit crimes in broad daylight.

As parents, Lucius and Narcissa insisted on taking him to the station, and they would be relieved to see him get on the train.

Compared to the other families who took their children to school, the Malfoys seemed very relaxed, they did not carry large bags of luggage, and Narcissa, who doted on Draco, chose to pay more but check it out more easily.

This is also the benefit of having money, but even if he enjoys the rights, Draco will never forget his responsibilities like some black dog.

Draco once refused, because in fact, there were not many items that could be used with the Traceless Extension Charm, but in the end, he couldn’t stand his mother’s nagging, and Draco could only choose to accept his parents’ kindness to him.

Under Kebi’s drive, the Malfoy family rode in a magical carriage to King’s Cross Station smoothly, and they were safe and sound along the way.

Once at the station, Lucius took Draco and they followed the moving crowd as they slowly moved forward.

From time to time, her mother, Narcissa, complained about the annoying air conditions in the train station and couldn’t help but take out a handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose.

This unclean environment made her unbearable with a slight cleanliness, and the way to express her dissatisfaction was to wrinkle her narrow eyebrows, and constantly pick and choose about the environment that was actually not satisfactory.

Lucius, the head of the family, did not comment on this, he was used to his wife’s personality.

It was normal for people to come and go, but what a wizard, Lucius arranged a protective circle around his body. The Muggles around them involuntarily bounced off. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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