The Weasley family is one of the 28 pure-blood families, and the current head of the Weasley family and the current head of the Malfoy family, Mr. Lucius, used to be the same students, and because they were in the same class, and they were in different houses, they looked at each other and became rivals to each other.

Since a long time ago, both parties have liked to compare, comparing grades when they were young, and comparing their wives to their families when they grew up. Therefore, Lucius has always looked down on the Weasleys. Even though he was better off than he was, Weasley never admitted losing to himself.

Draco had heard Narcissa say these things, and in Draco’s opinion, the two of them should be regarded as wrongdoers and rivals, in fact, with Lucius’ current status, it was easy to clean up the Weasley family. Because the Weasley family is in decline, and their family is strong.

But his father never wanted to overwhelm people, and it can be seen from this that Mr. Lucius is also very bottom-lined. At the very least, he was a good father and a good husband.

As if he didn’t want to meet them, Lucius waited for them to leave before taking Draco and Narcissa back to Malfoy Manor via the Floo Net? Back at the manor, the family eats together and then sorts out today’s harvest.

The sky around Malfoy was full of stars, and Draco always liked to climb the bell tower of the manor in the dead of night, which was the highest point of Malfoy Manor, where he could see higher and farther.

On the bell tower, Draco lay alone on the stone slab on the bell tower, looking at the night sky from afar, admiring the silver-white night sky and the starry sky. In Draco’s eyes, the night sky was constantly shimmering with more than just stars.

The deeper he understood the world, the more Draco discovered his insignificance. The reason why he climbed the bell tower was because he wanted to be alone, and only then could he think more soberly about the layout of the future.

I was originally a person who did not belong to this world, but now I enter and integrate into this world, and whether I can change with the world in the future. And will the changes after change change the future?

Draco tried to hide himself in the dark, only then could he feel safe, I was in the light, and the enemy was in the dark.

Only in this way can we grasp the situation, calm down, quietly stroke the wand you just bought in your hand, and wipe it repeatedly.

Actually fearful, Draco taunted himself. If you use the same strength as Voldemort, is it still so distressing?

Voldemort must die, and he must constantly improve his strength. When the plot begins, everything starts to be chaotic, and the wizarding world begins to be turbulent, the Malfoy family will definitely be beyond the outside. Just like the original book preserves the strength of the family.

In a far away, jungle, a Hogwarts teacher is haunted by black fog and seems to be controlled as a puppet, his name is Quirrell, and it all begins.

Dumbledore in the Hogwarts Headmaster’s Office received a package from his friend Nicola Mei, which contained a brilliant stone. Looking at the stone, Dumbleley was silent for a long time.

Turning his head to look at the information on the desk, those are the enrollment list of students, and Dumbledore will check the student information of each year one by one, to see how many pureblood students these are this year, how many Muggle-born students, and how many talents there are.

Opening the list of pure-blood students who will enter this year, the first name that catches his eyes is Draco, Malfoy. Since Voldemort’s disappearance, the pureblood family has all converged their minions, but Dumbledore has not stopped targeting them at all times, testing their bottom line and weakening their strength step by step.

He must be cautious and cautious, because he has not broken their determination and strength, but can only weaken step by step.

Time passed imperceptibly, the night grew darker, and Lucius, who was about to rest, found that Draco was not in the room?


Arriving at the bell tower at the top of the castle, he found Draco lying on the bell tower slate.

Sighing helplessly, he gently picked him up, and Phantom went to the room to put Draco on the bed, covered the quilt and summoned Kebi.

“Take care of the young master, keep it.”

“Kebi, obey.”

Time passed imperceptibly, the night gradually disappeared, and dawn came.

When the first rays of the morning sun shone into the room, Draco got up early, and after a simple wash, Draco shrugged his shoulders, relaxed and relaxed the joints of his whole body, and a “hachidan jin” came a crunch from inside his body.

Run to the balcony, dance the body boxing technique, concentrate the strength on a little point to clench the fist tightly, and then dance one punch after another, the wind whistles on the fist, the tiger is powerful. The bigger the more enjoyable, punch after punch, kick after kick, punch after punch, punch faster and faster. The fist technique is like a dance step, a bursting fist sound comes from the fist, every move, every style hides infinite killing moves, every punch is done to the fullest, making the enemy feel threatened to his life.

Draco, who made the last move and finished a full set of punches, lay down in place to enjoy the morning sun and enjoy the laziness after a strenuous workout.

Living across from him, Narcissa Shasha found her son’s figure lying on the ground and ordered, “Kebi, help the young master prepare a glass of milk and send it over.” ”

As the time drew by, Draco knew that a new journey was about to begin, so during the last period of his home, he stayed in his room almost all day, almost all day waiting for the magic books to constantly urge himself to study and strive to improve and improve.

Time is limited and must always be kept in mind. Nobles can have fun, but before trying to improve their strength, the way to reduce the danger is to work hard to improve their strength

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