Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 10 The Cursed Position

"Excuse me, let me go." Halfway through the banquet, Pete moved the plate from the senior side. This kind of situation is not uncommon at Hufflepuff's table. Leitling is never going to happen.

"I can't believe it." As soon as Pete sat down, Pomona complained, "You didn't even come to see me off?"

Pomona almost forgot about the quarrel half a month ago, but Pete was too petty to send her to the station, and he didn’t even come to visit after boarding the train. Other brothers and sisters would at least come if they couldn’t. Let the prefect express condolences, but Pete treats her as if she disappeared.

"Don't be a kid, Pomona," said Pete foolishly. "Just take the train to Hogwarts, and I'm sure you can do it."

She rammed her fork into the pie on the plate as if it were Pete's face.

"Look at the guest table." Pete leaned into Pomona's ear and said, "See the man on Dumbledore's right? He is Quentin Trimble, our teacher of the Dark Arts class this year."

Pomona has heard of him. He is the author of "Dark Power". There is an entry-level "Dark Power: A Guide to Self-Defense" sold in Lihen Bookstore, but there are more advanced books in Mrs. Sprout's study. book of. He looked like a scholar, with curly gray hair and dark blue wizard robes studded with stars, chatting happily with Dumbledore.

"Tom Riddle asked Dumbledore for a position as professor of the Dark Arts when he was graduating, but Dumbledore turned him down. It is said that he cast a curse in that position, and no one can last more than a year." Pete He deliberately lowered his voice to scare him, "Remember that crying myrtle I told you about in the women's toilet room on the second floor? She was the dead Muggle witch."

"What did you hear?"

"The freshman sitting next to me just now told me that someone asked about this at the pier just now, and that person seemed to be called..."

"James Potter."

"Yes, that's him. He's a boy from the Potter family. If I were you, try to stay away from him."

"Why?" It was understandable to stay away from Sirius Black Pomona, but James Potter?

"The only child of a rich family, whose parents died early, lives with his grandparents, do you know what that means?"

Pomona shook her head.

"He's a spoiled son, and he's good looking. I hope you don't hang around him like a silly girl."

"Stay away from me before I smash this pie in your face." Pomona warned with a sullen face.

"I heard that he is very good at Quidditch, just like his father, and it is because of Quidditch that he and the eldest son of the Black family have a good match." Pete forced her head to Slytherin's long table "Remember Stop those faces, next time you see them in the hallway, you have to stay far away, especially Bella Black, the boys in Slytherin will not treat the girls, but the girls will, there was Hufflepuff last year Muggle-born girls are forced out of school by them, and I can't come to rescue you anytime and anywhere."

"I'm not a Muggleborn."

"But you are a half-veela. Rubeus Hagrid, who was accused of killing Myrtle, was a half-blood giant. His wand was broken by angry students. People who lose their minds are terrible. I hope you don't suffer like that. .”

"Why didn't you tell me when you were at home?" Pomona put down her fork, she had lost her appetite,

"Oh, remember who always told me to go to Beauxbatons to study? You can't always wear camouflage magic, at least not when you sleep. I have adjusted the dormitory for you. The girls in the same dormitory as you are all It's my friend's sister, they can all be trusted, but you have to put away your willful temper, Merlin's beard, where did you learn this bad habit?"

"Where am I being willful?"

But Pete still shook his head unreasonably, "After the dinner, the first-year freshmen will leave with the prefect. I can't accompany you. The female prefect's name is Angie Digo. Remember the Hufflepuff I told you about?" What is Article 6 of the code of conduct?"

"Keep smiling. If you're really angry, keep your face blank." Pomona said with Pete blankly.

"Smile and have a look."

Pomona forced a smirk.

"Very good." Pete pinched Pomona's face, "Don't forget, adapting to the environment is our strength. There are four people in a dormitory. The other three are Mary Locke, Susan Dupin and Jenny. They all love flowers, Wesley, and they will be very happy if you can keep them blooming in the bedroom."

"Why?" Pomona felt aggrieved, she learned how to be like a house elf last time.

"Tolerance is our trait, playing dumb is our method, and taking a small loss is a big advantage." Pete flicked her eyebrows. "Aren't you good at plant magic?"

Pomona touched the place where she was hit, and lowered her head silently.

"You have to remember, don't try the badger's sharp teeth. If they bully you, tell me, and I will protect you until graduation."

During the conversation, the banquet came to an end, the food on the table quickly disappeared, and the restaurant returned to silence. At this time, Dumbledore stood up.

"Okay, I think everyone has had enough to eat and drink. I want to say a few more words to everyone. Attention first-year freshmen, students are not allowed to enter the woods on campus, and there will be a Quidditch player selection meeting this semester. It will be held in the second week. Anyone who is interested in joining the college team, please contact Mrs. Hodge. Finally, I must tell you that studying at Hogwarts will be an unforgettable experience in your life. I hope you will cherish this wonderful time. Don't bring the conflicts outside the school into the school, now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!"

Dumbledore waved his wand, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, coiling lines of words on the high dining table.

"Everyone chooses their favorite tune, get ready, sing!"

Then the whole school sang, and it sounded like wolves howling at midnight.

Pomona began to understand why Hogwarts' grades were at the bottom of the three colleges.

After everyone finished singing the school song, Dumbledore announced that everyone would go to bed in the dormitory. The senior students had all left, and only two male and female prefects stayed. Wrapped in wizard robes. Pomona carefully observed Angie Digger. She was a tall girl with a ruddy complexion, and her straight brown hair was extremely smooth. Although she was not as beautiful as Bella Black, the prefect of Slytherin, she gave people the impression that very gentle.

"Are you full?" This was the first sentence she said. The freshmen looked at each other left and right, and many of them shook their heads.

"Then let's take a look around the kitchen before we go back to the common room, George," she said to the prefect. "Anyway, we'll drop by."

"It's all up to you." The head of the male class agreed with his good temper.

Through their interaction, Pomona suddenly understood that Hufflepuff is really in charge of women. How does the saying go? A happy wife, a happy life, and it is clearly written in the college rules to "love women".

Ah, what a blessing to be a Hufflepuff girl.

She sighed sincerely in her heart.

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