Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1001 Malfoy's Mission

"Why did you come back early?"

In the Malfoy Manor in Wales, only Narcissa was at home, and Draco should be in the hospital at this point in time.

"Lucius isn't there?"

"He has something to do." Naxisha said indifferently.

"What's up?"

"you do not know?"

Pomona shook her head.

"Welcome to the club. I didn't know what he was doing outside before." Naxisha said with an indignant smile.

"I didn't come here to chat with you, Sissy, I have to go to another place after the greenhouse is removed."

"When are you coming back?"

"Just a few days." Pomona said perfunctorily, who knows if they will be able to get out of this trip to "hell".

"What do you mean just a few days? Can you give me an accurate answer?"

"What's the matter?"

Narcissa supported her forehead, and then said, "I heard from Lucius that the werewolf is about to move again."

"This is really big news." Pomona smiled sarcastically.

"They are going to attack the Muggle football field. I heard that the Muggles are holding some kind of league. It's similar to the Quidditch league. It's still there. I think about that word? Turn wave? Lucius said they did this It would expose the wizarding world, and now that he's dealing with it, do we still need to abide by the International Statute of Secrecy?"

Pomona was numb.

The Premier League is not only watched by live fans, but also live broadcast. The radio waves will spread the signal to all parts of the world at the speed of light. The Ministry of Magic has no way to go to Asia to erase the memory of the audience.

The full moon of this year is March 23, and Pomona's attention has been on the Easter holiday on March 26. She has forgotten that werewolves can make trouble just a few days before the full moon.

"Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester and Tottenham are famous teams whose matches will be around March 21. Many people will watch these teams' games. We don't know which arena those werewolves are going to attack."

"Do you remember the Muggle king in the storybook who wanted magical power?" Just when Narcissa complained, Pomona smiled and said, "Not everyone is willing to accept their fate. In order to gain power, some people are even willing to give their souls Sold to the devil, we came across a horrible cave in our travels."

"Can't you wait a while before going?"

"No!" Voldemort said firmly.

"I don't think so." Pomona shook her head helplessly at Naxisha.

Voldemort doesn't care about whether the wizarding world will be exposed because of this. He will get what he wants by any means. Who calls him a dark wizard.

"Oh, yes, we saw a house in Italy. If the situation in the country is not good, Draco can go there to take refuge." Pomona told Narcissa Malfoy like a real estate agent. The photos of the manor that Wa saw was full of sex style, all the photos were in Severus's camera, and they haven't been developed yet, but just hearing that the house is abroad, the worried Mrs. Malfoy has already moved her heart.

Molly, though poorer than Narcissus and out of shape, has a lot of kids and lost Fred for a while, but she has other kids to distract her from, and Narcissa is different .

Narcissa has only one child, Draco, and she is willing to do anything for Draco, including lying to Voldemort.

She was the one who knew the horrors of Voldemort and the Death Eaters best. The werewolves camped on the Malfoy manor, filled the land with darkness, and the Malfoy house-elves were eaten by the werewolves.

Even if she had never seen a werewolf cannibalizing a human being, that alone was enough.

Not everyone who followed Voldemort was loyal to him, most of them had their own goals, and like Severus said, they didn't really want him to win.

These people are just enjoying the moment, enjoying the feeling of wantonness, and they wear masks anyway, so no one can recognize them.

As long as there are no "snakes" like Karkaroff, Snape, and Lucius Malfoy, they can rest easy.

It is not so easy to blackmail old Malfoy, but Draco is relatively easy to succeed. It is most appropriate to let him go abroad to hide for a while, and a honeymoon trip is a good excuse.

Draco and Astonia's wedding seems to be intensifying.

Pomona took out the handmade wine glass she bought in Venice, the green one with the snake pattern, which she bought specially.

These goblets were formerly used by the royal family and should be worthy of the Malfoy table.

After appeasing Naxisha, Pomona went to move the greenhouse.

The death eater's flying technique felt like witchcraft to her. Voldemort, who taught this spell to the death eaters, didn't look like a human wizard at all. He was like a sorcerer. No wonder he looked so much like a priest. .

The body he came back for the second time wasn't real "flesh", Molly hit Bella, and Bella's body didn't bleed like a normal person's body, but was broken into pieces.

Before the honeymoon was over, she had already begun to miss it.

She followed the path she had taken before, through a garden full of roses, to the conservatory, which had been dusted with unicorn horn to look shiny in the dark.

Now not only is the unicorn powder gone, but even the wizard who was waiting for her under Xie Jisheng is gone.

Sometimes she feels that she is dreaming a very real dream, the only difference is that other people dream of beautiful things, but she herself dreams of some dark and gloomy dreams, even the occasional sweetness is short-lived and very unreal , as if everything was imagined by herself.

Severus Snape was dead, everyone knew it, and she was the only one still attached, like she was mad.

Voldemort said that he didn't have anyone who wanted to be resurrected, so there was a force in the dark that asked him to keep the resurrection stone.

Albus, who has no interest in longevity, destroyed the Philosopher's Stone, but he couldn't resist the temptation brought by the Resurrection Stone. He had someone who wanted to be resurrected.

Love makes a fool, the old fool puts on a ring and is cursed, he won't live long.

He asked Severus to take care of his pain without telling anyone it was the White Wizard's own plan.

Albus was kind to Severus, and he gave Severus his reputation, status, and achievements, which didn't make this genius dusty, but it was easy for him to take it away.

Just like a father who gave his son life, he took his son's life as if he had never had this child for granted.

Albus is indeed a great wizard, this does not refer to his kindness and kindness, but his eclectic way of employing people, and he also guarded the pure land of the school, and did not let the bad habits of the society enter the school.

Tom likes people to be afraid of him. As long as he shows that expression of fear, he is very satisfied, and he doesn't try to guess what others really think.

He had been tricked by Narcissa Malfoy, a housewife who had no presence in his presence, was always cowering, looked like no threat, and had no guts to lie to him.

After all, she was a noble woman whose husband had cheated and didn't even have the courage to divorce.

The Blake family is gone, she has lost her husband's support, and she has no means of making a living by herself. What else can she do if she can't bear it?

Women like being actors very much, and they are good at painting beautiful masks for themselves with cosmetics.

Mrs. Zabini looked anything but a femme fatale, and it wasn't until the death of her seventh husband that men came to their senses and kept her at arm's length.

She also has only one son, Bryce. If he is sent to a place where he has never heard of the place name and ruins his life, that woman will not let it go.

But it was also because of Iris' reminder that Astonia knew that she had a blood curse. Draco couldn't be like Severus, and he didn't even want an heir.

He must have an heir, otherwise Lucius would do something extreme, and the blood of the Malfoy family could not be cut off here.

Pomona looked at the peacock pacing at the door of the greenhouse. It was indeed a flashy and silly bird, but Voldemort said it could foresee the death of its owner.

The ability of that kind of human-shaped cat and raccoon seems to be not as strong as the power cursed by the Black family, but this kind of power that can see through illusions is really useful in certain occasions.

"Are you thinking, take Lucius or Draco to the Palo Alto?" Voldemort said with an interested smile.

"No, I didn't think so." Pomona said blankly, and pointed her wand at the greenhouse. The situation seemed to be talking to herself, as if she was one step closer to going crazy.

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