Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1009 The Locket

Before going to the ball, both men and women have to dress up, the men will wear a gown and tie, and the women will wear a dress and gorgeous jewelry.

After taking off the Black Swan locket, Severus put the restored Slytherin locket on her.

After the sword of Gryffindor slashed, the black magic on it was gone, and that sword was as poisonous as it was after absorbing the basilisk's venom.

It's just a normal locket, it's not even heart shaped. Sitting in front of the dressing table, Pomona looked at herself wearing the locket, feeling very unreal.

Especially when Severus put his head against her head after wearing the locket for her and admired it together, the snowflake earrings that cast black magic gave off a hot temperature because of his approach, which reminded her of The Dark Mark, which is said to heat up when Voldemort is nearby, or when his servants are about to be summoned.

"Like it?" he asked softly.

Pomona took the locket and separated it with her fingers. It was easily opened and there was nothing inside, but she felt as if she heard the snake language of "Sasha".

Most people would paste portraits and photos of their family members or important people in the locket, but Voldemort put his own soul in it. I don’t know if it was her own illusion, but she felt that she was still left on it. Black magic affected.

"This box should hold the Resurrection Stones," said the voice in her head. "They belonged to Salazar Slytherin."

The Resurrection Stone is after the time of Salazar's life, and it is likely that the Gaunts got it from elsewhere.

But Pomona dared not resist.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, she didn't have time to pay attention to Harry Potter at all. She was always wondering why she knew it was in the Forbidden Forest and picked it up. Now she knows what's going on .

"There's one more thing missing." Severus stroked her arm with both hands, whispering in her ear.

"What?" she asked nervously.

"Smell the magic grass." He said unsteadily, "Another thing you want."

"I said he was a thief." Voldemort said with a smile. "You are only keeping this locket temporarily. It does not belong to you."

In the story, the vampire will bite the neck of the beautiful woman and suck the blood flowing from the veins.

If the carotid artery was bitten by the vampire, the bitten person is doomed to die.

Pomona looked at the scene in the mirror. The person who kissed her neck was so pale that he looked like a vampire, so that the tender scene became a kind of inexplicable horror.

She heard the sound of his lips sucking, and felt that he was really sucking her blood, her mind was dizzy due to "lack of blood", and she fell limply in his arms.

"It's time to go." Voldemort reminded indifferently, "Don't make me say it a second time."

She pushed him away before the scene completely lost control, and the only sound in the quiet room was the panting of the two.

This place is not a mansion in South Kensington, but a world in a painting box. After moving the greenhouse, Pomona also brought in the preparation room. The furniture was "looted" from an antique shop in Venice. The gothic furniture was out of place in this humble log cabin, but it was the best they could do so far.

Severus cast a lot of defensive spells on the painting box yesterday, including the Vampire Repelling Curse, and if it was too late, the painting box could also be used as a hiding place for them.

Pomona stored food in it, and a vat of pig's blood, and a lot of dragon dung.

Animals would use excrement to identify information, and dragon feces could make many dark creatures flee, although Severus was very disgusted that there was such a disgusting thing near where he lived, especially when there was only one entrance and exit for ventilation.

In order to make the air in the world in the painting box fresh, she bought another set of equipment for collecting gas. The biogas produced by the fermentation of dragon dung can provide fuel for the gas lamps in the greenhouse, and the remaining dregs can be composted. With enough fertilizer, The plants in the greenhouse can provide them with enough oxygen and potion materials, and the prototype of a fortress is thus built.

They will find time to perfect it in the next few days, and she will also start taking birth control pills.

This thing can delay her cycle, and the bloody smell of menstruation will also attract vampires.

Compared with men, women have so many inconveniences. In order to avoid becoming a burden on the expedition, she has to be "rough" and not as refined and exquisite as when living in the city.

Everything in the universe is changing, our bodies are changing, our thoughts are changing, our emotions are changing, and the emotions of people around us are also changing.

Life plans, finances, pain or happiness, political situations, fashions, and the weather all change.

Even change itself is changing, nothing is permanent, and it is difficult for us to find a safe haven to protect ourselves.

If you want to survive, you can only learn to adapt to the unexpected events one after another. Once you adapt, you can survive. If the environment is changing, but you stand still, you will inevitably be eliminated.

Every bit of nature reflects this detail. The compound eyes of insects, the wings of birds, the skin of poisonous snakes and poisonous frogs, and the functions of human brains all prove that organisms are constantly adapting to changes.

If you can't adapt, you will be eliminated like dinosaurs, mammoths, and saber-toothed tigers.

There is a philosophical saying in the East that the world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs.

This sentence Pomona understands that in the face of nature, there is no life that cannot be sacrificed.

This life is not only animals, but also humans. Dogs and cats can mutate through crossbreeding. Some are as hardy as huskies, and some are as smart as shepherd dogs. Humans lose this ability to deform, but they can make up for it through technology. Flexibility and adaptability.

Flexibility is the wisdom of practice and the wisdom of living in the moment. Hufflepuff's rules say: Adaptation is a kind of conquest.

The aristocratic girls in Slytherin are very elegant, but the Hufflepuff girls who are also pure blood are not like them.

There will always be setbacks in life, even if you are perfectly prepared.

It is also transparent, and diamonds are not as fragile as glass, but diamonds are inconspicuous black stones before they bloom like sparks, and they need to withstand high temperature and high pressure underground.

This is the case with the College of Earth Sciences, because they are always underestimated because they do ordinary and basic things.

It's okay to be stupid, but don't be really stupid.

In other matters, Pomona can still maintain a relatively clear mind, but when she meets Severus Snape, her brain becomes a decoration, and she is even as worried as ordinary women about her appearance. bring about the attraction.

It's stupid, love not only makes people blind and selfish, but also reduces intelligence, but Voldemort is defeated by this power.

"Let's go." Severus regained his composure, and he said with a straight face, not even looking at her

Because of this indifference, she became anxious again.

In Wagner's opera, Tannhauser indulges in the carnal desire of Venus, the goddess of beauty, and willingly becomes a guard of Venus' cave. But no matter how beautiful the "color" is, there are times when he gets bored. He is tired of this kind of life, and returns to the Wartburg, to the side of the holy Elizabeth.

Lily is always holy, is she still the one he loves most in his heart?

"I don't think he thinks that way," said Voldemort suddenly. "What do you women think about all the time?"

"How do you know he doesn't think so?" Pomona asked unconvinced.

"Let's go, don't make trouble for no reason!"

"Merlin's beard, you think I'm making trouble for no reason!?"

Voldemort ignored her, and Pomona was on the verge of screaming.

"Did you forget something?" Severus asked from the doorway.

Pomona glared at the culprit.

"What's wrong?"

She ignored him and walked past him with heavy steps like a mammoth.

From the preparation room to the exit through the greenhouse, the best light is reserved for sun-loving plants, which can also keep out intruders if necessary. She has not yet decided where to place the hammock.

It's all messed up and it's annoying to watch.

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