Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1011 Dirty Bread

Gerard Rossi is in the fifth grade in Turin. He was supposed to be in school today, but because he had chickenpox, he was recuperating at home.

People of any age can be infected with chickenpox, but infants and preschool and school-age children are more likely to get chickenpox, and the condition will be worse if adults get chickenpox, not to mention that it is an infectious disease, so the teacher asked him to rest at home.

It took a while for the disease to get better, but Gerald's grandparents knew the wizards of Palodo, and they treated him, and now Gerald has no acne marks on his body.

He recovered too quickly, and he would be suspected if he went back, and because the Easter holiday was approaching, Gerald's parents asked him to stay with his grandparents on the mountain for a while, and then return to Turin after the holiday.

Many young people in the town have gone to Turin to develop, and a few of them are also running hostels. They have heard that there are wizards near the village since they were young. It is not surprising that wizards and fortune tellers can still be interviewed and performed on TV shows.

Television has a strange power to turn the unbelievable into believable.

Because of insecurity about the future, or feeling lonely, more and more Italians turn to shamans, fortune-tellers, and psychics. The shamans of Palodo are different from those people. They heal people and sometimes go down the mountain to help them. Residents of nearby villages watch over the animals and teach them how to guard against evil spirits.

Hogmen look a lot like stunted piglets, with long legs, stubby tails, and squinting eyes. The creature can be found in the countryside of Europe, the United States and Russia. They will sneak into the pigsty, drink the sow's milk with the normal piglets, and bring disaster to the farm. The longer the piggies are lurking, the longer the farm will be plagued by an outbreak.

The piggies move very fast and are hard to catch. The only way to keep it from returning to the farm is to drive it away with an albino dog. Lucy, the bitch of Gerald's family, is not only a watchdog, but also a dog. Training sheep, hunting for truffles, can be said to be an important family member of their family.

The Pest Advisory Office of the Department of Magical Creatures has more than a dozen albino hounds. Those hounds have pink around their eyes, but their eyes are still black. They are far less beautiful than Lucy, a collie with long white hair and blue eyes.

If there are beauties in dogs, then Lucy is undoubtedly a super "beautiful dog". She doesn't care about the food Pomona feeds her, and she is very unfriendly to birds, snakes and cockroaches. In order to prevent them from fighting, Pomona had no choice but to pile the cockroaches into the painting box.

There are many wonders in the world. There are not only cat poop coffee, but also cow dung bread. Cow dung is actually not smelly. It eats the freshest grass and pure snow mountain spring water. There are a lot of bacteria in the intestines of cows. Italians culture a certain strain of cow dung with water and use it in bread, add a lot of dried fruit and a lot of butter, and then bake it. The taste is soft and fragrant, and it is said to taste very good. .

This kind of "dirty bag" Pomona didn't dare to try it lightly, and she felt that if she ate it, Severus would never kiss her in his life.

There are often "cow dung mines" in seemingly green pastures, and Gerald and Felix are not afraid of stepping on them while running wildly on the pasture together.

"There have been no children in this town for a long time." Gerald's grandmother Sophie and Pomona watched the two little ones play together. She provided fresh milk from her own ranch, paired with Italian espresso, and it was a delicious cup Got a latte.

"It's been a long time since anyone played with Felix." Pomona said with a smile.

The advantage of pretending to be a family of three is that it is not easy to cause others to be wary. Severus is smoking and chatting with Gerald's grandfather. Cigarettes are an important tool in men's social activities. Adult men's social interaction starts with passing cigarettes , exchanging business cards would have a similar effect, but Pomona didn't think an old farmer living in the Alps would have such a thing.

"Are you here on vacation?"

"Probably." Pomona took a sip of coffee after she finished speaking, thinking about how to bring the topic to Palodo.

"Your son doesn't look like your husband." Sophie said tactfully.

"He was adopted by us," said Pomona, and Jan Felix refused to call them mom and dad, even if pretending. "My husband and I never had children."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry, maybe we don't have our own flesh and blood, but we still have relatives."

"Then he is really lucky, you are all rich people."

Pomona was a little displeased, what did you say?

Severus probably left his affairs to Draco Malfoy, after all, he was Draco's godfather.

She was very worried about Hannah. Hannah's mother died, and she was at an age where she was easily confused, and she ran a bar. Pomona even regretted pairing her with Neville.

And Hermione Granger, her Muggle parents don't remember her, she did it on her own initiative, women are free until they have children, they can divorce if they want.

After giving birth to a child, one must think about the child. The father's role is indispensable in the child's growth. Even if there is grievance in his heart, he can bear it for the sake of the child. Naxisha maintains the integrity of the family on the surface for Draco.

Old Malfoy can really piss people off sometimes, but even though he cheated, he still hopes to be with Naxisha in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't be entertained by the two of them and swallow his anger.

Felix longed for the life of a rich man, but he did not forget his mother, otherwise he would not have refused to change his words.

In the multiple-choice questions about bread and love, everyone has their own ideas for solving the questions, and it often has no absolutely correct answer.

In Lily's place, she liked Severus, but he was really unreliable at that time, with dangerous people. In contrast, James is much more reliable, at least he has enough gold coins to support his family.

It was precisely because of James' gold coins that Harry changed from an orphan to a rich young master when he returned to the wizarding world, but what he longed for most was family affection.

Draco has double the love of a father and a mother, but no friends. Harry's popularity makes him jealous.

Everyone sees what they want in others, but rarely sees what they have.

Tom Riddle became so extreme because of this. He has powerful magic power, beautiful appearance and smart mind. He is already luckier than many people in this world. In fact, he shouldn't be so obsessed with his past.

Pomona looked at the brown snow-capped mountains in the distance. The Alps, like the Himalayas, were once buried deep under the sea, and now they have become the roof of the world.

People standing on the roof overlooking the world should have a different mentality...

"It's like a god." Voldemort said suddenly, "Although the founder's will is severe, there is no shortage of good intentions. It is precisely to alleviate the punishment of death that he arranged for the inheritance from generation to generation. The life of the father's generation continues through the descendants until the final judgment."

"Nice way to say it, Tom."

"The Cinderella says I'm so charming that even ghosts can't deny my charm." Voldemort smiled complacently. "Have you seen the huge Guai?"

"You mean Legend of Giants?"

"If nature thrives on decaying corpses, if life is born of decay, then a grape grows from the stomach and belly of good Rabelais." Voldemort didn't seem to care about her answer. , said to himself, "Before the Holy Father's seat, all corruption and filth will disappear together with life and death in the world."

Pomona didn't know what to say. The issues Voldemort was thinking about seemed beyond her level.

"How about making this the White Wizard's epitaph?" said Voldemort. "I remember he carved the epitaph on Arianna's grave."

"I don't think anyone has the right to leave an epitaph in Albus's cemetery, and the source of this sentence is not the Bible."

"That's a pity." Voldemort sneered. "His corpse is rotten, but it is meaningless. It only fertilized that uninhabited island in the middle of the lake."

It’s so hard to write this chapter, (╯ ̄Д ̄)╯╘═╛

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