Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1030 Homunculus

Prestige is the main cause of all power, whether it is a god, a king or a beautiful woman, without it, nothing is possible.

— Gustave Le Pen

Pomona looked at her pocket watch, half of the agreed time had passed, but she still hadn't seen the exit. Just when she was about to turn around and walk back, she heard the sound of water flowing.

She walked in that direction for a while, and gradually she could see a gleam of light, a small waterfall formed by a mountain spring flowing from a crevice in the rocks into a ditch.

There are mountain lotus leaves growing next to the ditch. This kind of flower is an Asian plant. Its flowering period is in late spring and early summer. It likes shade and has high requirements for ventilation. The number is very rare. Even in the original place of Asia, it is said to be very lucky. to see.

"How did you get here?" Pomona asked the mountain lotus leaf, which trembled in the breeze, as if answering her question.

"Don't waste time, go up and see," said Tom Riddle.

Pomona ignored him, she squatted beside the mountain lotus leaf, carefully touching its leaves.

"Do you know why it's called a mountain lotus leaf, Tom, and look at its leaves, don't they look like lotus leaves?"

Tom ignored her, seemingly uninterested in the weed's origins.

"I'll show you a magical scene."

Pomona took out her wand and cast a growing spell on it, and the rare plant that should have waited another month or two to bloom quickly formed buds and then produced small white flowers.

"It's amazing," said Tom sarcastically.

"Wait a little longer." She said, pointing at the wand, causing a stream of mountain spring to float up, and the water droplets slowly fell on the white petals, and soon the white petals became transparent, as if carved from ice and snow, Clear lines can even be seen on the transparent petals, which look beautiful and magical.

"This is a kind of invisible flower, just like Harry's invisibility cloak. This flower has something to do with you. Tom, you were born on December 31. The mountain lotus leaf is your birthday flower. Its flower language is family affection." .” She lightly touched the transparent petals of the lotus leaf, as if it were fragile. “Harry’s birthday flower is the Great Mullein (Great Mullein), and the flower language is faith. What Harry wants most in his life is family love. , do you still think that taking eternal life as a belief is happiness?"

"You are indeed a student of the White Wizard. You always seize the opportunity to teach people a lesson, don't you?"

"When you have been a teacher for a long time, you will understand."

"Let me tell you the story of my 'family affection'." Tom said in a cold tone, "That day, I went back to Little Hangleton. My grandfather was a well-known local rich man. It's all his, when I knock on the Riddle's door, I don't need to introduce myself they all know I'm my father's son because I look exactly like him, but I don't accept any welcome, that snob The old Muggle thought that I came to them to obtain the status of heir to the Riddle family, or to divide up their property. He told me that if it was hundreds of years ago, a disreputable bastard like me would not have gotten a child Son, and said he knew what old Gaunt was up to, and as for my father, oh, that frivolous fool who looked at me with disgust, he didn't know . . . the power of magic How great."

"Enough, Tom, stop talking." Pomona said fearfully. It was obvious that Pomona had pissed off Voldemort. Even without a body, Tom Riddle's voice still sounded like the roar of some kind of beast.

"You always talk about family affection, but you don't know that not everyone loves their family members. I hate my relatives. I killed them all. I don't need the body they gave me, so I made a new one. , but... But even if it is a body made of potions, I still need my father's bones, I really want to cut his flesh and blood off my body, I don't want him to be my father!"

Pomona uses Occlumency.

She felt that it was more important to let Voldemort calm down alone at this time.

"Heaven, what is heaven, and where is heaven? What kind of body is resurrected? Not the body we inherited from Adam and Eve, but the body we got through the Holy Spirit, the body that the Savior brought from heaven." After a while Voldemort said "The Philosopher's Stone has trapped free elves, or hidden gods, why don't you let me get a perfect body?"

"You mean a body that has nothing to do with your father?"

"I think, you women should hate the kind of man who only looks at the appearance and not the inside. My father is that kind of person. The women he associates with are like the god of love that Socrates said, admiring the handsome and rich god. If my father had no money and was just handsome, they wouldn't be so fascinated by him, but he doesn't know that and thinks it's his own charm, which we're kind of like, living in our own dream world." Voldemort funny "I said the Death Eaters were my real family, but they didn't think so. I thought they loved me, but they didn't really want me to win!"

She could feel a pain, like a tearing pain.

"You say they are your family, but they don't really do that, do you?" Pomona said with tears running down her cheeks and dripping onto the transparent petals of the lotus leaves. Cracked open "They are your servants and you are their masters."

"He disgusts me." Tom said wearily, "I'm the heir of Salazar Slytherin. Do you know how happy I was when I opened the Chamber of Secrets and found that the basilisk only obeyed my orders?" ?I finally found someone to relate to and make me feel honored, Severus like me, prefer to be a half-breed Prince, he is very smart, like everyone else, desperate to please me, for this He told me that he overheard half of the prophecy, Neville Longbottom's birthday is July 30, what is his birthday flower?"

"White Mullein, the flower language is meditation."

"Great white, why can't you deal with werewolves?" Voldemort said with a sneer, "Except for your weapon, I actually lost to this kind of non-lethal spell, or the old fool's tricks, you continue to use the same method to deal with werewolves Try it? Oh, I remembered, Remus Lupine is dead, you have nothing to do with tricks, right?"

"Please stop, we are in danger now."

"I am the Dark Lord, where is your respect?!"

Pomona suddenly felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, and she was so weak that she fell to the ground.

"Don't call me that name, this is the last warning." Voldemort said indifferently, "You still have a place to use, and you don't want to stink like Quirrell to death."

"Let me help you, Tom," she said weakly, lying on the ground.

"No one can help me," he said quietly, "because I've been cursed by God."

A sense of exhaustion made her close her eyes slowly, and she gradually fell into the darkness.

At this time, a voice came from the void. She couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. It repeated a sentence intermittently:

You sons of wisdom, understand what the stone says... My light is greater than all light, my virtue is greater than all virtue, I gave birth to light, but I also have dark qualities...

'I want to know if this cave is really a feeding port'.

She thought in despair, tried her best to open her heavy eyelids, but she could only open a crack.

Through the gap, she saw a small marten standing on a rock, staring at her curiously.

"Dad, come and see, this crow has red eyes!" said the little one, pointing at her with his paw.


She was so surprised that she yelled "ah", the sound was extremely unpleasant, wasn't it just the cry of a crow?

Homunculus means artificial man

The red-eyed crow has at the beginning

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