Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1033 bullshit

The main constellations that appear in spring are Lion, Aurora, Orion, Shepherd, and Virgo. Leo is the most eye-catching. It appears in the east at dusk in early spring, like a crouching lion.

Using the handle of the Big Dipper and extending along the arc, you can find α Boötes and α Virgo. This curve is called the "big spring curve". Then use these two stars as the base to find β Leo. These three stars form up spring triangle.

If the α-star Cor Caroli in Canes Venatician is added together, the large spring diamond is formed, but this "diamond" still cannot compare with Sirius in terms of brightness.

Through the telescope, Pomona saw Beta Sirius, which was really unremarkable, and then she turned the telescope to Epsilon Bootes.

Sinista once said that Epsilon Bootes is the most beautiful star in the sky, and its Latin name "Pulcherrima" means the most beautiful. This binary star system consists of an orange-yellow giant star and a blue main-sequence star. The color contrast is strong and very beautiful.

Since Albus fell from the astronomy tower, the children don't go there for astronomy class. The centaurs can not only teach the children astrology, but also teach them astronomy. It has been a long time since Pomona has used the telescope to observe The sky is gone.

Apart from the main star, the stars in Bootes are generally dim, and it is easy to overlook this beautiful gem.

Will this star be included in the seven metals named after planets?

Thinking about these issues is much happier than thinking about werewolves, the gap between rich and poor, and war.

The starry sky is far away from the world in which human beings live, and it cannot solve the problem of where the next meal of bread is, but looking up at the starry sky and imagining those myths, destiny, etc. can make people feel comfortable.

The future is not all bleak, and there is still hope shining ahead.

"What are you looking at?" Felix asked.

Pomona raised her head and looked at Felix.

"Come here, it's beautiful." Pomona beckoned to him, so Felix ran over and leaned over the observation port to watch.

"This is Epsilon Bootes, the most beautiful star in the sky."

"I think it's fine," Felix said. "I've seen Hubble pictures of nebulae."

That's it, when a beauty takes off her veil, the sense of mystery is gone. Without that sense of mystery, 90% of the beauty's charm will be canceled out, and it will be difficult for men to become interested in her again.

"Look at this again." Pomona drew lines of fire in mid-air with her wand, linking the spring diamonds in the floating constellation "This star is the ruler of the constellation Canes Venatici, 'Charlie's Heart', 1660 One day in 2000, the night before its discoverer returned to London, the star was shining brightly, and you know what happened?"

Felix shook his head.

"Charles II is the eldest son of Charles I and Queen Henriada Maria. His childhood was happy and well-educated, but when he was 12 years old, the British Civil War broke out, and Charles II was 15 years old. I sent him to the west of England as the nominal commander-in-chief. Those adult officers of the parliamentary army did not take him seriously as a child, and a group of adults forced him into a corner. Finally, he had to leave England and join his mother in Paris On January 30, 1649, after the revolutionist Cromwell completely defeated the royalists, he sent Charles I to the guillotine in the name of Parliament, abolished the king, declared the British government to be a republic, and established a government consisting of the bourgeoisie and the new government. The government of the coalition of nobles turned into a de facto military dictator. Charles arrived in France, France and Holland refused to admit him, and went to Spain instead. The monarchs of all European countries were not interested in him. The impoverished Charles II They often didn’t even have the money to stay in a hotel. At the same time, the British feudal forces were unwilling to lose their privileges, so they contacted Charles who had taken refuge in Paris, France, and elected him as the king of Scotland. When Charles II arrived in London On the night of the third day, this star was extraordinarily bright, and people believed that his return was the will of God, so it can be said that the official restoration of the Stuart Dynasty had something to do with this star.”

"Wow." Felix exclaimed.

"At that time, Canes Venaticus was part of Bootes, and it didn't become an independent constellation until 1690. Do you know what Charles II did famously?"

"He's a happy king who likes to spend money..."

"Oh, that's what you read in your school books, right?" Pomona asked.

Felix nodded.

"Come on, sit down." Pomona sat next to the telescope, on the bench wrapped in a soft cloth, and patted the seat next to her.

After Felix sat down, she said again, "The dictator Cromwell was a very strict person. He practiced a puritanical life in an all-round way. Do you remember the life you lived before?"

"Yes." Felix looked apprehensive.

"Are you happy?"

Felix was about to cry.

"That's how people felt under Cromwell. Cromwell was a Puritan. No smoking, no drinking, no theatre, no dancing."

"Then what were people doing then?" Felix asked.

"War, expansion, but Cromwell bravely stood up to reveal the corruption of the court and let people understand the darkness of society. The royal family maintained a luxurious life by raising taxes one after another. He trained a group of farmers into iron cavalry. Since Charles After I was sent to the guillotine, Ireland has become a springboard and base for rebels, foreign royalists and European hostile countries against the Republic. Drogheda was besieged on September 3, and after the fall of the city, Cromwell ordered the killing of all surrendered enemies, male and female residents in the city.

"My God," Felix said.

"You should say Merlin's beard, you are already a wizard."

Felix stuck out his tongue.

"After Oliver Cromwell died and Charles II came to the throne, he didn't order to eradicate all those who followed Cromwell and made him poor. He just executed those who started to kill his father Charles. The murderer of the first life did not expand his influence and made the situation worse, so that the civil war broke out again. After he ascended the throne, all Christians will enjoy "freedom of conscience". He held a very tolerant attitude towards his religious beliefs, but the parliament controlled by the Anglicans resisted the king's tolerance, and finally the negotiations broke down. After the London plague, the Great Fire and the defeat of the Dutch War, Charles signed a secret treaty with France in 1670. The Netherlands launched a war, and the secret agreement stipulated that Charles should declare himself a Roman Catholic at an appropriate time, but the parliament increasingly opposed France and Catholicism. Exclude Roman Catholics from any government office."

"I know, this is a relationship of interest!" Felix said.

"That's right, the relationship of interest. A few years ago, when the Mysterious Man ruled the wizarding world, a half-blood wizard registration committee was also established. He represented the interests of pure-bloods. If a Muggle wizard like you They were dismissed and expelled from the ministry, and even their names were feared, and they had to flee to the forests and mountains to avoid being hunted by search parties."

"Why are you so kind to Muggles? Aren't they wizards too?" Felix asked inexplicably.

"This is related to the history of witch hunting I told you. Quite a few pure-blood wizards still believe that Muggles will continue to hunt wizards."

"But no, it's the twenty-first century."

"Your mother won't hurt you, but that doesn't mean all Muggles won't." Pomona said hard-heartedly, "Remember Harry Potter, his uncle and aunt abused him."

"Abuse is not the same as witch hunting!"

"Einstein said that the difference between the past, the present and the future is just a persistent illusion. Some things will not change. Do you know why Muggles hunted witches at that time? When the harvest became poor, or the plague prevailed, Even if someone's horse gave birth to a deformed cub, it should be blamed on witchcraft. Muggle politicians are very good at shirking responsibility. When people vent their anger, they regain their composure. Some learned people teach knowledge to Those ignorant people, they understand that weather changes are related to the Little Ice Age, and the epidemic is related to fleas and rats. The witchcraft and curses they thought were wrong and ignorant. At this time, someone needs to take responsibility, so the church was pushed out , become the chief culprit of confinement of thought, if there is another natural disaster next time, they will also shift the responsibility to other places, for example, global warming is caused by cows farting too much, which creates greenhouse gases, and they also Falsified a large number, told the world with authority, fooled the world, defended their interests, this has never changed, I don't know when, I hope it never happens, there is something new and existing medicine can't beat Politicians will continue to pass the blame on to others for the epidemic, but now that Muggles don't believe in wizards and witchcraft, it is estimated that they will pass the blame on to others."

"Like who?"

"People who are different from them." Pomona said wearily, "The books they read and what the teachers teach in the classroom are different from commoners. Now the parliament is in power. No commoner likes the royal family who lives in luxury. The queen's jewels are not many."

"So, the textbook says that Charles II is a king who likes art and is lazy by nature?" Felix said half understanding.

"In the duel between humans and the plague, humans actually lost. The Black Death disappeared by itself. What if there is a disease that will not disappear?" Pomona asked Felix.

"for example?"

"Werewolves, and Purity, and the Dark Lord." She whispered the last name, lest a crow outside a window hear "You've seen him, haven't you?"

Felix nodded.

"I see now how Edgar recognized you right away." He looked her up and down.

"How is it different?"

"She's scary." Felix whispered like Pomona.

"It's him," Pomona corrected.

"He always speaks in an orderly tone, and Edgar obeys him. In just one day, he has cleaned up the place like it is now."

"He did it all?"

"Kritchie also helped a lot. We used concrete to build the dance hall outside. I didn't expect the magic to build the house so quickly."

"This is the power of fear, which can squeeze out people's potential." Pomona stroked Felix's hair. "Go to sleep."

Felix stood up in a daze, a pile of knowledge was stuffed into his mind, and it took time to digest it.

"Can I come again tomorrow?" Just as Pomona wanted to continue watching the stars, Felix asked at the door of the study.

"Of course you can," she said with a smile.

So Felix trotted away.

When the sound of Felix's footsteps on the wooden stairs came, a figure appeared in the void like mist. He walked behind her and hugged her, putting his chin on her shoulder.

"Do you think I should use the Fidelity Charm?" Severus asked in a low voice.

"We've got a little spy in the house," said Pomona. "I just thought of something."


"When Grindelwald was with Albus, both eyes were good, why did he lose one eye later?"

"Maybe it's because of some dangerous experiment he's doing again," he said listlessly.

"You know what it's like to look through a telescope?" Pomona closed one eye. "Like this."

Severus looked at her impassively.

"What do you think he looked through the binoculars and blinded his eyes?"

"Stop it." Severus cupped her face and said, "You're beautiful."

She wished he could say something else, like "I love you" or something, and the compliment made her feel good and safe, but she let him kiss her anyway.

She just hoped he wasn't the Snitch and only remembered the first person to touch it.

The birthday flower on January 9 is laurel, and its flower language is bewitching, which is a power that makes people lose their minds more than enthusiasm.

"The Dark Lord told me about birthday flowers, do you know why?" he asked in a low voice between a kiss, his puff tickling like a feather over her lips.

"We met a mountain lotus leaf in the cave, which was his birthday flower."

"What's your birthday flower?"

"Welsh Poppy," she said tremblingly.

"I knew you were an evil witch!" He gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to open his mouth to swallow her.

"The flower language of that kind of flower doesn't mean that." She pushed away his restraint vigorously, but it seemed to have the opposite effect, and his breathing became more rapid.

"what does that mean?"

"Heaven-flower (Heaven-flower)." She lowered her head, not daring to look directly into his eyes, her voice was timid and gentle, and he suddenly stopped moving.

She raised her head quietly and found that he was staring at her with strange eyes, as if she was not real.

"Stupid, isn't it? The language of flowers is still talking about flowers." She had nothing to say.

"I thought I was going to hell," Severus said dreamily. "I'm in heaven now?"

"I always thought that the library was the kingdom of heaven." She looked around at the bookshelves around her, and the moonlight shone in through the observation port of the telescope, so she could see the titles on the spines of the books without candles.

"That's right, I'm definitely in heaven." He smiled triumphantly, showing his yellow teeth, "Because only in heaven can you see the flowers of heaven."

"What?" She was very confused, what is the old bat going crazy?

Instead he laughed heartily, what a fool he was.

Forgive me for taking such a vulgar name... Although this chapter is the plot of a romance novel.

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