Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1039 Riddle

When Harry was a child, all kinds of strange things always happened around him.

Like Dudley's ugly old sweater. Aunt Petunia always forced him to put it on. The more she put it on, the sweater got smaller, so that it was so small that only a doll could wear it.

Every time he got a haircut, he acted as if he had never had a haircut. Later, Aunt Petunia couldn't bear it anymore and cut Harry's hair with scissors herself, leaving only a pinch on his forehead to cover the lightning-shaped scar.

The classmates laughed at his baggy clothes, and when he was lying on the bed in the storage room, he was tossing and turning, wondering if he should go to school tomorrow, and when he woke up the next morning, his hair had all grown back up.

Another time, Harry was spotted on the roof of the school with Dudley and his gang chasing him, and the next second he blinked he found himself sitting on the chimney.

He was as frightened as anyone else, but it was the grown-ups who were angry.

"Don't play tricks," Uncle Vernon warned him before setting off for the zoo. "If anything goes wrong today, you won't have dinner for a week."

Harry had made a solemn promise that nothing would go wrong, and even at noon at the Zoo when he was being chased by Dudley he didn't run onto the roof of the restaurant as he had done the previous time.

It was a sunny weekend, full of home travelers, and everything seemed normal until he came near the rockery where the lions were kept.

To be precise, he was in the lion's cage, but now the zoo no longer uses iron bars, but transparent and strong glass.

How did he get in?

"You seem to be in trouble, my friend." A giant python said to him from outside the lion cage, hissing and staring at Harry with bright eyes.

Harry turned his head and looked at the lions. Their amber eyes reflected his shadow and purred. From a certain angle, they looked like cats, but this kind of "big cat" was not as cute as cats. .

"Need help?" the python asked, "for the sake of your helping me."

"Of course!" Harry yelled.

"Say it again, I don't understand," said the boa constrictor.

So Harry opened his mouth and hissed too.

"You still learned something from me," said a snake-faced eccentric beside him. "Like Quirrell, trying to learn something from me."

Harry's eyes widened.

"You killed him, using the magic your mother gave you," said the ghoul. "You killed your first man when you were eleven, Harry Potter."

"No, I didn't!" Harry denied.

"Then, how did Quirrell die?" the snark then asked.

Harry backed away subconsciously, while the weirdo pressed forward step by step, and the weirdo's face began to deform, becoming more and more beautiful.


"Do I look like Voldemort?" Cedric laughed. "You forgot something, Harry."


Cedric looked aside, a blue Goblet of Fire was lying on the ground, emitting a cold light quietly.

Harry woke up with a big breath.

It was daylight now, but the sun had not yet risen, and Ginny was lying beside her, still fast asleep.

Harry raised his trembling hands and looked at them in front of his eyes. In addition to the scar Umbridge left on the back of his hand, he also had a circular scar on his arm, which was left by the basilisk. The phoenix Fawkes did not appear in time, and saved Harry with its tears, who had already been poisoned to death by the basilisk's venom.

When Harry stabs Riddle's notebook with the basilisk teeth, and Ron and Hermione use the basilisk teeth to destroy Hufflepuff's gold cup, Riddle's soul is destroyed almost immediately.

The same is true when Ron destroys Slytherin's locket with the sword of Gryffindor. If Harry is really a Horcrux, then the fragments on his body should have been destroyed by the basilisk's venom when he was in the Chamber of Secrets in the second year up.

"Are you okay?" Ginny asked sleepily.

Harry looked at her, the same way she had woken from Riddle's slumber in the Chamber of Secrets.

Only her appearance has changed.

"I had a nightmare," Harry gasped.

"It won't stop right away." Ginny patted Harry on the back as if to comfort James. "A lot happened while we were studying."

Harry ignored Ginny.

"Did you... hear me talking in my sleep just now?" Harry asked after a moment.

"No, I didn't hear." Ginny frowned and looked at him worriedly. "What did you dream about?"

"Nothing." Harry turned his gaze to the clock in the bedroom, it was already six o'clock in the morning.

So he lifted the quilt and got up, put on the dressing gown, put on slippers, opened the bedroom door and walked downstairs.

On March 20, 2005, the vernal equinox, the days and nights of this day are of equal length. After this day, the hours of sunshine in the northern hemisphere gradually become longer, the nights become shorter, and the weather begins to warm up.

When Harry came to the kitchen, someone was already busy in it, and for a moment, Harry felt her back overlapped with someone.

"Morning, Harry," Hermione said to him.

"Good morning, Hermione." Harry smiled shyly, "Can't sleep?"

"You too?" Hermione asked.

Harry didn't answer, picked up his knife and started cutting toast.

"I have something to tell you."

Hermione said after a moment of hesitation.

"What's up?"

"It's nothing." Hermione shook her head. She didn't use detangler early in the morning, and her hair was as fluffy as a lion's mane again.

Harry went on cutting the toast.

"Today is theoretically a rest day, how are you going to arrange it?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, what about you?"

"I want to go somewhere."


"I won't tell you." Harry said with a grin, and anxious Hermione instantly turned into an angry Hermione.

"Why did you tell me if you didn't tell me?"

"You too, this is the second time you've said something to me and pretended nothing happened." Harry put away his smile. "What the hell is it?"

"I want to ask you about Occlumency tips." Hermione didn't dare to meet Harry's eyes, and lowered her head to fry an egg.

"You're learning Occlumency? What are you doing?"

"it works."

Harry was momentarily speechless.

"I only learned it after Dobby died." Harry held the table knife, the surface of which reflected his eyes and the scar on his forehead like a mirror. "When I realized that my brain has a lot of important information, things When many people died, I felt that learning Occlumency was not insignificant."


"How's Klitsch?" Harry asked. "Is he all right at Hogwarts?"

"It's not at Hogwarts anymore," said Hermione. "You gave it the locket, and it's a free house-elf now."

"Oh," said Harry in surprise, "that's nice."

"It went back to Black's old house for a while, and now I don't know where it went."

"It's a free spirit, it doesn't matter where it wants to go."

"Are you all right, Harry."

"I had a dream just now. I went back to that zoo." Harry put down the knife. "This time it was not Dudley who entered the cage, but me."

"anything else?"

"Hermione, do you think goblins are the same as house-elves?" Harry asked again, "Yesterday Calvin told me we're under siege, maybe that's why I dreamed I was in a cage. "

He meant to tell Hermione to stop the house-elves being set, but instead Hermione walked over to the table and took a book out of her beaded bag.

"I borrowed a book from the Department of Mysteries." Hermione turned the book to a page. "Be careful, it's easy to get mesmerized."

Harry took the book, which was called Dementors Dominating: The True History of Azkaban.

The page Hermione turned to read:

I was born in a cage, but anger made me tear the cage apart, with the blood of the Gaunts in my body, solve the puzzle, set me free, leave the cage that bound me.

"What's the riddle?"

"No one knows, but people believe that the dementors in Azkaban are related to the Gaunts."

"What's so strange about that?"

"Harry, where's your family tree?" Hermione asked. "The family tree of the Potter family, there's an entire wall of the Black house."

"My father didn't leave me anything like that," said Harry, "and I haven't seen Grandpa and Granny either."

"Is it possible that you speak Parseltongue because your family is related to the Gaunt family? Before your father, the Potter family has always been pure blood."

"You think I'm as proud of my blood as Ernie, Hermione."

Hermione couldn't find her voice for a long time.

"How's the centaur's attitude after cleaning up the spiders?" Harry asked.

"They still want to expel Hagrid. The Forbidden Forest has been their territory since the Battle of Hogwarts."

"Where is Hagrid going?"

"Principal McGonagall suggested that he continue as Professor of Magical Beasts."

"That would be great, hope the freshmen don't have to take care of the snails like we do," said Harry with a forced grin.

"You know, Harry..."

"If you haven't made up your mind whether you're going to tell me something, don't say it, Hermione," said Harry before she could speak. "You can start at this point if you want to learn Occlumency." .”

Hermione wrinkled her brows and eyes as if she had taken a bitter medicine.

But Harry didn't reassure her, and went on cutting toast, with a lot of troubles of his own.

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