Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1041 Strange Echo

It is a beautiful hillside, from which you can see beautiful scenery, but there is a tombstone next to a certain yellow ash tree on this hillside, which marks that someone has been buried here forever.

With a sound unique to Apparition, a man in black appeared in front of the tomb out of thin air, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"I'm not sure what flowers you like, but I'm sure you don't like roses, do you?" Harry Potter said to the tombstone, and placed the flowers in front of it.

Cedric Diggory's name is written on the tombstone. He was born in 1977 and died in 1995. He only lived in this world for 18 years.

"Your father left the Ministry of Magic to go after Pete Pedirou, the man who killed you," whispered Harry. I can't believe it now because it was happening right in front of me, how could I not have noticed?"

Of course no one answered, only the cries of the turtledove echoed on the hillside.

"I dreamed about you today. Your face grew on Voldemort's body. He told me that I killed Quirrell with my hands." Harry put his hands in front of his face again. , they look clean "I don't know what happened, the first time I met Quirrell, he started to smoke, I was taken aback at the time, and then I found out that attacking him like this works , so I pressed my hand on his face again, I didn't intend to kill him."

Harry paused and said, "I want to ask the professors to deal with him after he is seriously injured. I don't think it is happy to take a person's life, but I never thought that I killed a person and Guilty about it, I mean, it's magic, I didn't mean it, but it's been different these nights, we're at war with werewolves, and there's bound to be bloodshed, and there's nothing I can do to stop it What happened, the only thing I can do is to prevent the magic world from being exposed. Kingsley thinks that we can strengthen cooperation with the Muggle government, but we can’t let the common people know the existence of wizards. They always think werewolves are legendary creatures. If they see By the time the werewolf is turned, they will believe in magic and witchcraft, maybe the medieval witch hunt will happen again, I was always chased and beaten by my cousin and his friends when I was a child, the magic my mother gave me It can defeat Voldemort, but it doesn't work against Muggles. I think Muggles can still pose a danger to young wizards. This is a dangerous idea. I think this is why the Sorting Hat almost put me in Slytherin. "

Harry looked at Cedric helplessly with Lily's lake-green eyes.

"Sorry, I don't know why I'm here, I just think..."

"You want someone to talk to."

A voice appeared behind Harry. He followed the voice and found that it was Neville. He was holding trekking poles in his hand. Seeing that he was panting, it seemed that he had come here on foot.

"Hi, Cedric." Neville greeted the tombstone as if seeing an old acquaintance, then sat down on the tree root, opened the kettle and drank.

"How do you..."

"I knew someone came here often, but I didn't expect it to be you, Harry," Neville gasped. "I thought Amos had put those flowers."

"You come here often too?"

"Not very often." Neville thought for a moment and said, "I'll come and take a look when I pass by on foot."

"You know Hufflepuff well?"

"I wanted to be in Hufflepuff, but the Sorting Hat put me in Gryffindor no matter what I thought. My situation is exactly the opposite of yours."

Harry had nothing to say for a moment, he sat next to Neville and watched the distant scenery with him.

"The moon will be full in a few days," said Neville. "The past few days will be very sad."


"After Lavender was bitten, I took her in for a while. Although she didn't turn into a werewolf, she was very aggressive. Simon and the others took her away." Neville turned his gaze to Harry, "I heard he joined the Order of the Phoenix."

"That's what happened."

"And you, why don't you join?"

"I'm now a staff member of the Ministry of Magic."

"The Order of the Phoenix doesn't always go against the Ministry, it's just that Fudge is so recalcitrant."

"Can we not talk about this?" Harry said dryly.

"What do you want to say, then?" Neville asked.

"How did you feel when you killed Nagini with the Sword of Gryffindor?"

Neville looked at Harry.

"Relief," Neville said when Harry looked away. "It's over."

"If you hadn't killed Nagini, do you think Voldemort would have come back?"

"We can't use results to deal with things that haven't happened yet. You know Voldemort is a villain. Would you use a time-turner to travel back in time and kill him as a baby?"

"Uh..." Harry looked at Neville in surprise.

"Answer me, Harry, would you do that?"

"Um, maybe..." Harry stammered.

"You're going to kill a baby, so what's the difference between what you're doing and Voldemort?"

"Then I won't kill him."

"That's Voldemort, why don't you do anything when you know he's going to cause so much trouble?"

"It's what you said killing babies is no different than what Voldemort did!"

"But that baby is innocent, he didn't commit any crime."

"I'm confused." Harry ruffled his hair.

"Time travel doesn't actually change anything, anything the travelers do, they just cause things they noticed before they traveled, like you only noticed them when you saved Sirius Black and Buckbeak Two, but forgot to catch Pete Pedillo, even if you plug this loophole, there will be new loopholes, without Pete Pedillo there will be Barty Crouch Jr. to make Voldemort Resurrection, he was Hufflepuff before, and it's even worse when two Hufflepuffs kill each other."

"Oh." Harry suddenly realized.

"What were you talking to Cedric just now?" Neville asked.

"How do you know this?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Professor Crocker, he used to work in the Department of Mysteries and was responsible for researching time travel. Later, when the time converters in the department broke down, he lost his job. He came to Hogwarts to apply for a defense against the Dark Arts professor."

"Then why did he resign?"

"He also believed in the existence of curses. In order to avoid more terrible things from happening, he resigned after serving for a year."

Harry's expression became strange, "This curse has not been lifted yet."

"Not only that, there are many rumors that the mysterious man has not been defeated, and he will come back." Neville said seriously, "This is the result of our reckless efforts to inform the world."

"But that's the truth."

"Truth, rumors, who can tell the difference." Neville raised his eyebrows, "In the year of the Chamber of Secrets incident, the rumors said that you were the heir of Slytherin, and I bought amulets, but those things were useless at all. , Everyone is very scared, fear makes people unable to make a calm judgment, as I said before, you can't use the results to deal with things that haven't happened yet."

Harry thought for a moment, then said gratefully, "Thank you, Neville, I feel better."

"At Hogwarts, you can always ask for help." Neville said generously, "If you really can't find someone to chat with, you can come to the greenhouse. Now I'm in charge of them."

"Professor Sprout gave you the position, where is she?"

"I heard she went after Pete for a while." Neville stared at his toes, "Harry, let me ask you a question, if, I mean, if, Professor Snape no longer loves your mother, what would you do?" think?"

Harry looked at Neville expressionlessly.

"My mother is married." Harry said indifferently, "Your question is very inappropriate, Neville, you can't use the results to deal with things that haven't happened. My mother won't have any problems if she chooses Professor Snape." I was born, she was with Professor Snape after I was born, do you think she would sacrifice herself to protect me, and leave a rebound spell on me?"

"I'm sorry, Harry."

"Professor Snape is an adult, he is free to choose who he loves."

"You don't think it's because he loves her that he's on our end?"

Harry wiped his face.

"Many people don't know what he is thinking, including Dumbledore and Voldemort. Why do you suddenly ask this?"

"It's nothing." Neville said in a panic, "I... I'm going to continue hiking, do you want to go with me?"


Neville seemed to have been waiting for Harry's words, and ran away as fast as a rabbit.

"That's weird." Harry watched Neville's back disappear, and then looked at Cedric's tombstone.

"Are all Hufflepuffs that weird?" Harry asked.

Still no one answered, only strange bird calls echoed on the hillside.

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