Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1049 The Sage's Dream

Before the ball starts, the last ones to enter are the distinguished guests, but even if it is a ball held in the palace, not every ball will be attended by the king.

Fairy tales often see princes and princesses appearing at balls. They are the heirs or non-inheritors of the kingdom, and they can sometimes represent the king himself.

Princes usually wear military uniforms with medals on their chests, while princesses wear gorgeous gowns, expensive jewels and, most notably, tiaras.

The labyrinth built by "Darklight" Hagrid looks like a beautiful garden at first glance. There are many marble sculptures in it, especially on the third floor. There is a base with seven jewels on the crown, just like the beautiful crown given to Princess Ariadne by Dionysus, the legendary wine god.

But not long after the marriage the princess died, and the always happy Dionysus was heartbroken, so he threw the crown into the air, and the crown rose higher and higher, and finally rose to the ranks of the stars, becoming the constellation Coronation of the North.

Even though she had made up her mind that the third piece of metal was related to Virgo, Pomona couldn't help but bring Alpha Coronae into her field of vision.

This star is also one of the fifteen magic stars, and its name is Gemma, which means "pearl, gem".

It is written in the Theory of the Monarch: People love peace, so they like a gentle monarch; soldiers need war to increase their wealth and honor, so they like a brave, bold, and ambitious monarch.

Where there is war, there is loot, jewels, gold, art, sculptures, books, etc. The best loot soldiers give to the king for his favor, but they also keep some of it for themselves, so war is a way for soldiers to get rich great opportunity.

A prince in military uniform may be a gentle monarch, and a princess in a skirt may be a bold queen. Sometimes we love not a certain person, but our desires. It is difficult to get along with the power of the people and the soldiers. Offend the other party - the military needs to increase military spending, and the people need money to build infrastructure.

The monarch needs to master the balance, which is often difficult to achieve, because the court is full of sycophants.

The vast majority of people, including civilians themselves, lack resistance to sweet words. Small vendors try their best to praise the clothes they sell to customers, and customers think so when they look in the mirror, even though it is actually ugly. The ugliest handkerchief ever made.

People tend to be self-satisfied with their own affairs, and are intoxicated by it. This kind of plague is hard to resist, and even if they resist, they will risk being despised.

The relationship between Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore is like two monarchs with different styles. The declining pure-blood nobles hope to regain their past glory and wealth through force, while the peace-loving commoners do not want to be so Many wars.

Voldemort has no resistance to sweet words, he likes the feeling of being flattered; the old fool Dumbledore has won the love of many civilians, he is wise enough to see through the true face of Tom Riddle after the sweet words, and he was not deceived like Slughorn , but was despised by the aristocracy.

Ah, On the Monarch, Pomona read it a long time ago, and today I found it out of the pile of books to review.

The books she read grew freely like her greenhouse, except for the occasional pruning of branches, unlike Severus's bookcase, which was meticulously organized and organized, the style he liked in Padua's botanical garden.

When the books are in use, there are few, but there are too many books, and it is also difficult to find them.

Severus watched her rummage through the pile of books unemotionally, with no intention of helping.

Maybe he was thinking about how to "take time off" from Voldemort, after all, he had served Voldemort much longer than her.

She could only think so comfortingly, otherwise he would not be able to resist punching him with his smile of schadenfreude at the moment.

It's also fortunate that he didn't say "I asked you to clean it up", otherwise she would be so angry that she would lose her mind and do things she couldn't think of.

"There are two ways for a prince to control his subjects. One is law and the other is force. The former applies to humans and the latter to beasts. Therefore, he should find a teacher who is half-human and half-animal, because the prince only has one. It will never become a climate."

Severus stood on the "shore" and said leisurely, even though Pomona was drowned by the "sea of ​​books".

"He should learn from lions and foxes. Lions can't avoid traps, but they can scare off other beasts. Foxes are cunning enough to see through traps, but they don't have enough strength to scare away jackals and leopards." Pomona said angrily. Panting, he moved the book and answered the second half of the excerpt he read.

"When the Lion King grows old, he is no longer able to scare off the beasts, so he can only learn the cunning of the fox." Severus smiled sarcastically, "He is not only a great wizard, but also a great liar and hypocrite."

"Don't say that about him!" Pomona defended.

"Oh, you know who I'm talking about?" the Slytherin snake spat, waiting for her to answer so it could continue spraying.

She was very sensible and continued to move books.

"He broke his promise." Severus said self-sufficiently. "It seems that he has carried out that sentence very well, knowing when to be a moral and honest person, and when to act recklessly."

"You were the one who got mad at him first."

"He begged me to kill him." Severus growled grimly. "As a result, he didn't leave me any way out!"

"Can you stop talking about it?" she said wearily.

"That old bastard." The former double agent cursed viciously, "he deserves his grave to be stolen."

appeared again.

Pomona rolled her eyes and began to concentrate on being a listener. Although Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw also had conflicts, it was not as hot as when Gryffindor and Slytherin met. Playing Quidditch together at the house is like fighting in a gang.

Even girls are like this. In the Dueling Club, Hermione Granger and Millicent rolled all over the floor by pulling their hair. That scene is indeed not as elegant as skirts flapping and dancing on the dance floor, but it is worse than Ravink Lao girl Zang Qiuzhang's dress must be aboveboard.

Cinderella was sad because she didn't have a dress to go to the ball, and Pomona didn't know whether they did it because of jealousy or because of conflicts in the academy, after all, Cedric belonged to Hufflepuff.

Ah, a girl's heart is so complicated and terrifying.

"The Monarch is coming!" Pomona finally used the flying spell, and a thin book flew into her hand very quickly.

"Why are you looking for this book?" Severus asked. "You can ask me any questions."

"Uh..." she began to recall.

For what purpose did she seek this book in the first place?

"Many people think that a wise monarch is not praised for his own wisdom, but because he listened to the advice given by others. Do you think it is right?"

Pomona raised her head. In the aisle among the bookshelves, there was a person standing on the floor of the second floor. He was leaning on the railing and looking down at her.

With his brass telescope and flying star charts, he looks very magical and unreal.

"Who are you?" Pomona asked.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, teach us something." The man suddenly sang funny.

"Merlin's beard!" she cried. "Stop singing!"

Every time the whole school sang the school song together in their favorite tunes, maybe only the Weasley twins would feel happy.

"That's it!" The man snapped his fingers "If the king consults more than one person, each with their own arguments, then the unwise king will always coordinate and sort out his own views, and this is the greatest weakness of a democratic system , but quarrel when decisiveness is needed, and the result gives the enemy an opportunity."

"But an unwise king won't listen to other people's advice." She murmured, "And I'll send you a 'Mind your own business'."

"If the king only listens to one person, the one who advises him will surely seize power," said the man, "especially when the army is also in his hands."

"Boring." She said uninterestedly, "I don't like this topic."

"Then what topic do you find interesting?"

She thought for a while, and picked up a book from the pile of books - "Food Magic and How to Hold a Banquet for 1,000 People".

"I love this!" she said, holding up the book, and the man disappeared.

In an instant, her surroundings quickly became dark, and those tinkling instruments disappeared, leaving only those star charts, which turned into stars in the sky, and the ground beneath her turned into a void.


A strong sense of falling hit her, and she couldn't help screaming.

When she felt down-to-earth again, she found herself still on the sofa in the secret room.

"It seems like birds can fly in it," Voldemort said in her head, "but I can't get into the last level of the maze."

Pomona was too shocked to speak.

She just took a nap, and the maze sand table in front of her has changed again.

The structure inside the magic circle is now also revealed.

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