"You have cleaned up this place really well, Linda, I can't even see the original look of this house." Nadia visited all the areas she could go like a tourist, and went to the kitchen and dining room while putting food , and then to the living room and study.

"Have you been here before?" Pomona asked with a typical Hufflepuff smirk.

"I came here when I was young. I grew up in this village, and the children in the village usually play nearby."

"Felix, come down!" Pomona yelled upstairs, just as Severus came out of the study.

"This is my husband, Edgar Smith."

"Nice to meet you."

Severus was polite and thoughtful, looking polite and indifferent.

Not long after, footsteps were heard upstairs, and Felix appeared on the stairs.

"That is our nephew, Jan Felix, who is considered our adopted son." Pomona introduced again.

"Oh, nice to meet you, little one," Nadia squealed, pulling an Easter egg from her pocket. "It's a bit early, but you don't mind having more candy."

Felix looked at Pomona.

"Say thank you," Pomona said.

So Felix took the easter egg and said thank you very well.

"I wish my nephew would come so they would have company," Nadia said. "But he's at school now."

"Felix is ​​sick." Pomona smirked. "You can't pass pox to other children."

"Oh!" Nadia was taken aback.

"Please don't worry ma'am, it's not dragon pox," Severus said, "but the doctor said it's best to rest at home."

Pomona remembered the quick-acting candy in her pocket, and it finally came in handy.

While Severus and Nadia were courteous, Pomona took the skipping candy out of the flannel pocket with the Flying Charm, and then asked the invisible Klitsch to hand it to Felix.

Social situations are actually very tiring. It seems that there are deep meanings hidden behind the flowers, the witty words, and the sweet words. There are countless subtexts hidden behind the good chats. People in the social circle don’t like to speak clearly. Guess, it's exhausting.

Sirius didn't like the occasion, he'd rather ride a motorcycle with James and play hide-and-seek with the Muggle police.

People from the middle and lower classes can easily get lost in the luxury of Vanity Fair and be dazzled by the superficial glitz.

Even those nobles were confused by Voldemort's astonishing appearance, strength and wisdom. Sauron, the great devil in the Lord of the Rings, was not a heinous character as soon as he appeared on the stage. He was also very charming, as if he was a great sage. Elves, Men, and Dwarves accepted his ring so readily.

It wasn't until people discovered the existence of the Supreme Lord of the Rings and understood his sinister intentions that all races united to fight him. If the human prince hadn't cut off Sauron's ring with his broken sword, it is not certain who would win in the end.

Pomona wants to know more clues, but Nadia will never give her in vain. The old owl can get lost for a day, but is smart enough to hide from the rain and keep the letter dry. Who is the fool?

"Oh, you are all British, so you don't drink coffee, but tea?" Nadia suddenly raised her voice and said.

"Would you like some?" Pomona responded with a smile.

"It's a bit cheeky to say that, but I'd like a drink," Nadia said cheerfully.

Only then did Pomona remember that she had no china for hospitality.

There is a famous saying in Vanity Fair, as long as I have money, I can also be a good woman.

For example, Madame de Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV, definitely has a lot of money. This woman of minor aristocratic background can even decorate a rococo-style bedroom for the queen who has fallen out of favor.

How much the queen should thank her for stealing her husband and diverting the attention of her rivals. The young mistresses of Louis XV wanted to provoke Mrs. Pompadour, not the queen.

The embarrassing scene made the smirk on her face almost unbearable.

"You can use Transfiguration to deal with it first." Voldemort reminded, "Remember to buy a set when you return to England."

"We just moved here." Severus said coldly, "A lot of things are still unopened, let's drink next time."

Although Severus' words were rude, Pomona wanted to kiss him.

That's right, who told that rash woman to come here uninvited!

"I'm so sorry." Pomona looked at Nadia apologetically.

At the same time, she secretly made up her mind to ask Narcissa Malfoy to extort a set of top porcelain as a wedding gift.

"It's okay, you can drink tea even if you don't need good porcelain." Nadia said cheerfully.

The bitch!

Resisting the urge to strangle her, Pomona returned to the kitchen when Kritchie, the elf, appeared.

"Mistress, we have no china for hospitality," it said.

"I know!" she said bitterly. Usually, she used mugs and ordinary white porcelain plates. Who would have thought that there would be such a time.

"Miss Blake has a set of Wedgwood china."

"Oh, that's great, but I think it belongs to Ginny already." She was pacing up and down the dining room in a huff.

"Klitsch hid them." Klitsch rubbed its paws and said, "Miss Black ordered before she died that even if her chinaware was broken, she could not leave it to Master Sirius, and Klitsch kept a set without permission. "

"Where are they now?"

Klitsch held out a box, and Pomona took it, containing a whole set of Wedgwood china.

"When did you take it?" Pomona asked.

"Just before you went back to England last time."

Pomona hesitated, she didn't want to entertain Nadia with such fine china.

"Don't dawdle," urged Voldemort impatiently.

She finally returned to the living room with the strawberry cake she baked in the morning and a steaming pot of "Queen's Black Tea".

Severus and Nadia were sitting on the sofa facing each other, neither of them spoke, the atmosphere looked a little tense, and it was a light-year distance from "spend a pleasant afternoon".

"Oh, you found it." Nadia said happily.

"Find what?"


Pomona smiled dryly, and sat down next to Severus after putting down the tea and cake.

"Well, the tea is delicious." Nadia picked up the teacup and sniffed it.

"Aren't you afraid we'll poison you?" Severus said with a sinister smile.

"I'm here to make friends, why are you poisoning me?"

"Hahaha, he's joking." Pomona laughed and patted Severus' hand. "That's where he's humorous."

"Really? Honey?" Severus gritted his teeth and smirked.

"You British people's humor is really strange." Nadia took a sip of tea, "Well, it's really good tea."

"Thank you." Pomona said politely, and then thought about how to lead the topic to the direction of the information she wanted.

"I heard that this place was once occupied by a monster." Severus asked directly, "and was killed by a Muggle army."

"How do you know?" Nadia asked.

"I asked the locals." Severus folded his hands and leaned on the back of the sofa. "It probably happened during the War of Spanish Succession. Is what he said true?"

"What about the real thing? What about the fake one?" Nadia asked calmly.

"We have children with us. If this area is dangerous, we should pay more attention."

"How about just moving away?" Nadia asked.

"We just cleaned up this house, not to mention you lived in the village, didn't you move out?" Severus continued to smile maliciously, "We moved out, why don't you move in?"

"How about a piece of cake?" Pomona pushed the strawberry cake in front of Nadia.

"This place always attracts monsters. The previous monsters are gone, but there is a big boar monster. Your place has been attacked by her descendants." Nadia smiled and said, "Have you heard of the Golden Fleece?" ?”

"Jason's Golden Fleece?" Severus asked.

"There is also Philip III's Knights of the Golden Fleece. He is the Duke of Burgundy, but he hopes to be the real king. Jason can find the Golden Fleece to ascend the throne. Why can't Philip III? Especially in France at that time The royal family is far less wealthy than him, and becoming a knight of the Golden Fleece means accepting the lordship of the Grand Duke of Burgundy, and is not allowed to join other similar knight orders, so the Knight of the Golden Fleece soon became the most prestigious among various knight orders in Europe."

"What does that have to do with our conversation?" Severus asked.

"Charles V inherited the title of Grand Duke of Burgundy, marking that the Duchy of Burgundy was officially incorporated into the Holy Roman Empire, and the lordship of the Knights of the Golden Fleece was also transferred to the Holy Roman Emperor. After the death of Charles V, the Golden Fleece The lordship of the Knights was transferred to his son Philip II and his descendants, that is, the Spanish Habsburg dynasty. After the death of the last Spanish Habsburg monarch, the Austrian Habsburg dynasty and the Spanish Bourbon dynasty Both claimed lordship over the Knights of the Golden Fleece, and eventually both sides awarded the order separately. But no matter how the lordship of the Knights changes, the certificate is always written in French, just like it is written on that wall, Le diable est mort, the demon is dead." Nadia put away her smile, "Did you restore that wall?"

"So what?" Severus sneered.

"The one who led the reinforcements was a Golden Fleece Knight." Nadia continued, "It's just that his medal was withdrawn after that battle."

"I knew this place was going to be fun," Severus said excitedly. "It's more fun than at home and school, isn't it?"

Felix immediately nodded in agreement.

"Leave them alone," Pomona said exhaustedly. "Sometimes I feel like I'm carrying two kids."

Nadia froze.

"After the end of the Mycenaean civilization, Greek civilization entered the Dark Ages. Due to the lack of information, it can only be based on Homer's epic, so it is called the Homer era. From the promulgation of the International Statute of Secrecy in 1692 to 1707 History is also chaotic, and this is the subject of our research." Pomona said nonsense, "the history of wizards and Muggles overlapped a lot during that time, in fact, before the International Statute of Secrecy was promulgated, there was no relationship between wizards and Muggle nobles. The relationship is still very close, there are wizards who even serve as advisors to the king, and we want to find out what caused the current situation."

"Oh." Nadia said in surprise.

"The air in the Alps is very good, and watching the stars at night is great." Pomona also took a sip of tea, "How do you spend your time at home, Vasika..."

"Miss, I'm not married yet."

"You're not married yet?" Pomona was a little surprised.

"Not everyone is as lucky as you, Mrs. Smith." Nadia said with an unhappy face, "How did you know each other?"

"School." Severus said immediately, "Didn't you meet the right person at school?"

"I've never been to school," Nadia deadpanned. "I was home-schooled."

"But your nephew..."

"I don't want him to miss as much as I did." Nadia interrupted Pomona to stare at "The Smiths" and said, "I feel more now that I made the right decision."

The "Knights of the Golden Fleece" was founded in 1430 inspired by the "Knights of the Garter", which is the garter used by ladies. When a countess danced, the garter (garter) accidentally fell off, revealing her snow-white legs . The scene was very embarrassing for a time, and some people even laughed contemptuously. At this time, King Edward III calmly picked up the blue garter and tied it on his knee to help the countess. This "chivalry" move was praised by people, and the "Knights of the Garter" was named after it, implying a tolerant gentleman's spirit.

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