On March 20th, the first game of the Premier League was held in Manchester at 6:00 p.m., and there were only 3 live broadcasts. After all, weak teams like Southampton were almost unwatched, and the TV station's global broadcast also had to consider the ratings.

Strong teams like Tottenham vs. Manchester City have a lot of spectators, and the luxury of Manchester's stadium is well-known throughout Europe.

The stadium was originally planned to be used for the 2000 Summer Olympics, but England lost to Sydney and the stadium became Manchester City's new home.

This is different from the draw between the two countries for whoever enters the finals of the Quidditch World Cup.

The commotion at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup did not involve Muggles, but the scene of the chaos is still fresh in people's memory.

Wizards can at least fly or apparate, and when there's riots in a Muggle stadium, stampedes are bound to happen.

Pomona sighed, put down the Slytherin locket in her hand, and prepared dinner as if nothing had happened.

She had forgotten about that wall, and she knew she should have destroyed it.

Caredy Bubbaji believes that wizards must tolerate Muggles stealing their knowledge and magic. She should tell the treasure hunters in Palo Alto, and see if they'd like to share their research.

"Why do you think that woman named Nadia brought up the Golden Fleece?" Voldemort said in her head.

"I don't know, Dark Lord, maybe it's just echoing others, or adding a bit of storytelling," Pomona said, "or maybe it's just a coincidence that there is a knight of the Golden Fleece leading the team."

"The legend of Corvus is not the only one. Apollo once assigned the crow to use the Holy Grail to fetch the water of life..."

"That's a trap, your goal is sun gold, don't think about immortality." Pomona interrupted him rudely, "Otherwise you will be like a crow, looking at the water in the Holy Grail, but no matter what. Can't drink."

Voldemort ignored her, and Pomona didn't force her. It's not so easy for a person to let go of his obsession.

"The ancient Greeks divided human beings into five stages, gold, silver, bronze, heroes, and black iron. Do you think the crow represents iron?" Pomona asked after a while.

"I don't think so," said Voldemort. "There are many laurel in the maze."


"Cupid has two arrows, one is a golden arrow, and the person who hits the arrow will fall in love irresistibly, and the other is a lead arrow. Being shot by this kind of arrow will make people have a strong disgust, and they will only Wanting to escape, Cupid shot Apollo with a golden arrow, and Daphne with a lead arrow, and she crossed the wilderness, through the untouched woods, to avoid Apollo's pursuit, just when Apollo was about to catch up with her , Daphne begged her father, the river god, to help her, and the river god turned her into a laurel tree. Apollo hugged the laurel tree and kissed and cried bitterly, "You can't be my wife, you want to be my tree, and your leaves do it." My crown, I am the sun god, you will not wither', I remember that laurel is a sun-loving plant, and there is no sunlight at the bottom of the pit all year round, how can they grow?"

Pomona was astonished.

"You mean, that raven represents lead? Because Apollo killed it with an arrow?"

"γ of Corvus is the brightest star of this constellation. It was once regarded as the star of Bethlehem in the Middle Ages, representing greed and trickery. Its name Gienah Corvi is used to distinguish it from Gienah of Cygnus. All the alchemists in the world know the toxicity of arsenic and are very cautious when using it, do you think this semi-metal is really one of the seven metals?" Voldemort asked.

"I don't know." She replied honestly, "Can I not hang my face on the wall?"

"I thought that anyone who didn't escape the maze would be faceless. You want to escape by yourself, and then leave Severus alone in the maze?"

Pomona thought of Anna Sui and Imerton. Although they were villains, she was full of sympathy for the Egyptian high priest.

"I won't let him fall into hell." Pomona said tremblingly. The hell in the movie is full of struggling people, but Imerton calmly let go.

Even if he climbed up, this world would be just another hell to him, perhaps not as good as the one he fell into.

"Love is a sweet poison, and lead was once sweetened by the Romans."

"I know that." She said with some annoyance, she is not good at alchemy, it does not mean that she has no common sense.

"How could such a character have descendants like Rubeus Hagrid?" Voldemort said angrily, which Pomona deeply believed.

All she knew was that if Hagrid didn't overthrow Mrs. Maxime, the Hagrid family would become extinct!

"Gienah Corvi represents the right wing of the crow, but in contemporary constellations it represents the left wing of the crow, and it forms a pair of wings with Gienah in Cygnus, just as it was written in the prophecy of Dodonus," said Voldemort.

"Don't you think it's the bird in Alchemy?" asked Pomona.

"The star of Bethlehem represents scheming, and it is possible that Mungnes is misleading us."

This kind of guessing game is really brain-intensive, and perhaps only Ravenclaws can indulge in it.

"I thought I'd at least get some sunshine by going to the stadium," she said flatly. "Why are Muggle football games played at night?"

"Everyone is not free during the day and has to go out to work." Voldemort said, "I have time to watch football games at night."

Pomona expressed sympathy for the Asian audience, who are expected to get up early in the morning to watch the game.

When they were half asleep, half awake, and in a daze, they suddenly saw a werewolf appearing on TV, would they think they were dreaming?

"In fact, the laurels are not only worn by the victors. In medieval universities, when a student mastered grammar, rhetoric, and poetry, the school wore the laurels for him to show that he had obtained a degree."

"Like a bachelor's hat?"

"That's right."

Pomona was still not interested in these things, she was still thinking about the bald priest Immorton.

"You are a married woman, why are you still thinking about other men?" Voldemort asked inexplicably.

"It doesn't interfere." She stirred the mashed potatoes absentmindedly, still conceiving the plot in her mind.

If the heroine in that movie fell in love with the high priest in her previous life, what would happen to the plot? Would she dump the hero and be with the infatuated high priest?

"In Genesis, there was another city destroyed along with Sodom, Gomorrah, which was once ruled by the Scorpion King." Voldemort said again.

"Oh, I know that, the Scorpion King has an army of the dead." Pomona turned her face and said with disgust, "She actually married such a man and had children."

"What kind of man?" Severus asked.

"The hero of the legend." Pomona turned her head to look at him, "that Yankee whose mind is always growing muscles."

Severus frowned, as if remembering.

"It's the yankee who fights people with guns."

It dawned on him.

"We're going to Turin tomorrow morning. I heard the chocolate there is good." He poured some pumpkin juice into a glass, turned and left.

"Do you want to gain weight again?" she warned, waving the spoon.

"Even if I get fat and my brain can still work, don't you dislike that handsome male lead?" Severus turned to her triumphantly.

She couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Do you believe that the Scorpion King really has such a bracelet that can summon the army of Anubis?" Voldemort asked. "Could the resurrection stone have something to do with it?"

"That's made up in the movie!" Pomona yelled. "And it's a popcorn movie. Don't take the story seriously."

"Television has this kind of magic, it can make things believable." Voldemort said, "It's like Grindelwald showed the scenes of war to everyone in a 'movie' way."

"But that's not a hallucination," Pomona said. "He's a seer, and that's what he saw."

"That skull of his may have belonged to a woman, such as Mungnes's wife."

"You also believe that he came?"

Voldemort was silent for a moment.

"Lyle Meyer said that his brother Luke was eaten by a five-legged monster. If Luke's last meal was Luke, then the ring I found belonged to him. The sun gold has strange magic power, maybe It is it that draws the animals to it and keeps the laurel alive."

"Did you go to the labyrinth with that ring today?"

"No," said Voldemort, "I put it in a safe place."

"It's becoming more and more like Lord of the Rings." She continued to crush potatoes. "Only people with rings will touch the defense of the maze."

"And those masks are guardian ring spirits." Voldemort laughed. "Just grabbing that ring is enough to cause a fight. We are lucky."

"Do you still believe that you are the chosen one?"

"If it's not me, who else could it be?" Voldemort said in a high-spirited tone, as if he was ruling the world.

Pomona shook her head in disbelief.

His rhetoric is now only heard by her, the housewife, which is really ridiculous.

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