Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1059 Time Cliff

Tick, tick.

From cuts drilled in the trunk of a Bakelite fruit tree, the sap seeps at an extremely slow rate into coconut shells or bamboo bowls tied to the trunk.

The loggers waited for the sap to fill them, and then harvested them. Carrying Bornean axes and paran machetes on their bodies, they risked being attacked by poisonous snakes and beasts to bring the sap out of the tropical rainforest.

These tree saps, namely gutta-percha, solidify quickly once they meet the air. This kind of gum is different from gum arabic. It is strong and flexible. It is not suitable for mixing into ink to make ink for writing, and has no medicinal value, but a Singaporean medical assistant, William Montgomery, discovered a new use for it.

These gutta-percha gums are cleaned and processed locally, folded into pieces, and transported to the pier, where they are stuffed into a cargo ship sailing to the wharf of Erlington Dock Road in London, and then they will be transported to a nearby factory for processing to be made into raincoats, Alternative to umbrellas, walking sticks, baleen hoops. Guttaff can be found in a large number of Victorian household items, such as brooches, picture frames, snuff bottles, doorknobs, this material can be found almost everywhere, and even golf balls were once called gutta-percha.

People at the time loved the salt- and acid-resistant new material, but hearing aids, golf balls, skirt hoops, and cheap jewelry weren't enough for gutaves to change the world.

Gutaffeta's waterproof properties and its ability to resist deterioration in salt water made it an excellent cable insulation material, leading to an ambitious plan by the then Muggle government to lay a cable between the New World and Great Britain , so that the two sides can contact each other immediately through telegrams, instead of passing messages through slow cruise ships as in the past.

This plan was considered unrealizable at the beginning, but the government at that time still regarded it as a key project.

Without any experiments, direct construction is reckless, not only will Congress not approve it, but the people will also oppose it, so the builders first tried to lay a cable across the English Channel in Dover and Sanchez.

In 1851, the Royal Navy Trailblazer dragged a long copper cable, left the Thames, and sailed slowly towards Dover.

At that time, a telegraph network had already been established on the European continent. If they succeeded, then Britain would get in touch with dozens of cities in Europe in the future.

No one knew what would happen to the cable when it sank into the violent and unpredictable sea, whether it would break, or something else unknown, but the attempt was carried out without risk. The Times and other newspapers reported on it, calling it "the conquest of nature by great science".

Seven years later, in 1858, the British Royal Navy's Agamemnon, like the Pioneer, dragged a long cable from New York to England.

This steam warship launched in 1852 was the largest warship at that time, and it was also the first warship equipped with a steam engine. The warships before it were all clipper ships.

During the Crimean War, it served as the flagship of the Black Sea battlefield, but in 1858 it was given a new historical mission.

This time, however, the laying of the cables was not smooth. The Agamemnon encountered a huge storm. The waves almost smashed the ship into powder. In this huge storm, the coal used to power the steam engine was lost. Since the number of sails on the Agamemnon was reduced to make room for the steam engine's chimney, in order to power the ship, after the coal was burned out, the soldiers had to remove most of the deck to provide Enough power to wrestle with the wild Atlantic.

On August 5, 1858, just when people had given up any hope for this voyage plan and thought that the battleship Agamemnon had sunk in the Atlantic Ocean, the Agamemnon sailed into County Kerry, Ireland with difficulty. Valencia Bay.

When people tried, for the first time, to send a telegram from New York, the king of England, the time became infinitely long.

People had already expected failure, and it was lucky that the Agamemnon arrived safely, even if the cable was blown off in the storm, it is understandable.

However, not long after the telegram was sent, there was an echo from the other side. They succeeded. All the participants in this plan were rejoiced. report this news.

The Agamemnon changed everything, not only because it successfully laid cables, but also because Liverpool ocean trader Al Fred Holt installed an energy-efficient hybrid steam engine of his own design on Agamemnon. On the number.

It not only surpassed the fastest clipper ship in speed, but also carried three times the cargo of the clipper ship, and the era of long-distance freighters powered by steam came.

At the Universal Exposition in 1851, the power of the steam engine displayed was only 700 horsepower. With the increase of people's investment in steam engine, technology and manpower, by the time the Titanic was launched, its power had already reached 59,000 horsepower.

The drop in freight rates made shipping unprecedented, and the flow of news brought the gold rush to Europe.

London is still London, full of arrogant and powerful aristocrats and politicians. Although servants can wear bright clothes, they have to touch the brim of their hats every time they speak. Cities, to the New World to pursue a very different life.

Not every gold prospector will be lucky enough to get rich, but everyone in the tent city is equal, there is no distinction between nobles and commoners, only the poor and the rich, and because the poor can become rich at any time, everyone respects each other. Very polite.

Women can remove the hoops that can be used as murder tools, cut off their long hair, put on rough clothes like men, carry guns on their shoulders, and ride horses with their legs split apart to inspect their pastures in the west.

This "Gypsy-style" life is bitter, but it is free and unrestrained. This new land full of opportunities is only suitable for those who are tough enough both mentally and physically.

When camping at night, people worry about encountering bandits or Indians attacking the camp, and holding a gun can guarantee their own safety.

Wearing the kind of skirt suitable for waltzing at the ball will only get in the way. When you come to the New World, you will enjoy a kind of freedom, a new kind of freedom. Those polite servants who used to follow the nobles in the New World have become The most brutish, disrespectful, indulgent gold digger.

In the UK, the "Hunting Act" is required to keep most people out of the entertainment of hunting.

But in the New World, they can shoot guns into the night sky, wild animals and even people. Alcohol will make these "cowboys" lose control even more, so alcohol is prohibited in mining areas.

But bootleggers can always find a way. Rum produced in India is very popular, and alcohol that is banned from sale in mining areas is not banned by railway workers, and railways often have a little relationship with docks.

Electricity liberated information dissemination from the material world and changed people's lives. Global trade began to grow at an incredible rate, fattening many port cities and making the slave trade more rampant than ever.

Cotton, which had been given high hopes by the southerners during the Civil War, needed black slaves to plant it. The intensive planting method was the most efficient and cost-effective.

The railway needs Chinese "pigs" and Irish "white slaves" fleeing famine to build. These cheap laborers left their hometowns for various reasons, such as war and famine.

Newly independent America is full of excitement and promise, just the way adventurers love it.

However, there is a conflict of interest between the capitalists in the North who have become rich from steel and industry and the planters in the South. "Freedom" is not a small temptation for blacks, after all, they live in such a "free country".

Electricity conquered time and allowed information to travel faster, but the Civil War temporarily interrupted communications between the New World and Great Britain.

This is not a technical problem, it can be fixed by simply shooting the TV, and the difference in information between the offensive and defensive sides can cause misjudgment.

After the war, the telegraph between the New World and Britain was restored, but it is clear that the submarine cable did not shorten the distance between the New World and Britain as expected.

The obvious feature of modern people is the ruthless attack on time. People are constantly increasing the speed of data transmission, and they will get angry if there is a slight delay. In this era, I am afraid that I cannot understand how anxious it is to wait for a letter for a month.

Thoughts are changing at lightning speed due to the dissemination of information, and people are deeply afraid that they will be eliminated if they cannot keep up with the pace of the times.

Liverpool used to be the third largest city in the UK. It used to gather millionaires, second only to London and Glasgow. Before 1880, the tax revenue of a city exceeded the sum of Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds and Sheffield, but the total population was only half of the population of these places.

The headquarters of the Platinum Shipping Company is located in this place, and there are countless other shipping companies, but they have all been submerged in the long river of history.

Until 1966, Liverpool was a port city second only to London, but by 1985 it was ranked very low. The ships that used to come and go were gone, and there were only seagulls and ghostly singing in the port.

However, in the golden age of Liverpool, it is indeed unique. Liverpool still has the shadow of that time. Walking on the streets of Liverpool, you can see many Victorian buildings, but here you can no longer hear the roar of the old world factory machines. up.

In addition to the Premier League giants Liverpool team, Liverpool is also the hometown of the Beatles. It seems that people here have learned to replace steam engines with human hearts to create wealth.

On March 21, 2005, tonight's game at Liverpool's Anfield Stadium was between city rivals Liverpool and Everton.

The Everton team was formed in 1878. In 1892, due to the issue of dividends, there was a dispute among shareholders.

Anfield Stadium is one of the five largest stadiums in the UK. The lawn is large and flat, and the facilities are perfect. The only downside is that the capacity of the stadium is not enough, which can only accommodate 50,000 spectators to watch the game.

Everton first moved into Anfield in 1884, but since 1892 Everton had to leave Anfield because of rent problems.

Almost at the same time, Liverpool FC was established. From the day Liverpool Football Club was born, they set up their home stadium at Anfield.

In 2002, Liverpool decided to move the team home stadium to Stanley Park. The new stadium obtained planning permission in February 2003. The stadium is planned to accommodate more than 70,000 spectators. It is located between Liverpool Anfield Stadium and Everton Goodison Park. It is a 15-minute walk through the park. to another field.

Although the government and funding groups asked Liverpool to share the new stadium with Everton, they were strongly opposed by both teams and fans. The last negotiation to share the stadium failed in January 2005. All players and fans celebrated this.

Different from the "great neighbor" Liverpool, Everton's performance is ups and downs. If you don't have money, you can't sign good players. Its supporters were also unable to lift their heads because of the team's unsatisfactory situation, and the team seemed helpless about its own downward trend, often struggling on the edge of the relegation zone until the team's situation improved after 2002.

Since Scottish David Moyes took over Everton in 2001, this mid-level Premier League team has firmly established itself in the Premier League and has improved every year.

Because of better performances than ever, Everton supporters can now say "kick Liverpool's ass" rhetoric, although they are also Liverpool people.

After buying chocolates from Turin, Italy's sweetest city, Pomona used the keys to Liverpool, England.

The game will not be held until the evening, but the streets and alleys of Liverpool are already very "atmosphere" at 11 o'clock. Liverpool's police are all on duty in the streets to avoid riots.

Anfield Stadium originally had barbed wire fences, but later the fence in front of the KOP stands was removed to commemorate the site of the tragedy at Hillsborough Stadium.

The KOP stand is the gathering place for Liverpool's most loyal fans, and it also has the best atmosphere in the entire stadium.

The Anfield Road Stand is the first stand at Anfield and is where visiting fans are accommodated. Everton supporters were very dissatisfied with being placed in that stand, but they refused to share the Stanley Park stadium, and the situation was so anxious.

Everyone knows that the establishment of a new stadium can increase employment opportunities and solve the problem of insufficient stands. In order to buy a ticket to enter the stadium, scalpers are popular outside the stadium, even if it is more expensive than buying tickets at the window.

But to share the stadium with Liverpool (Everton), all fans and players have only one answer: never!

It was a bit early, but Pomona decided to prepare some Easter eggs first, pack the Italian chocolates she bought today, and owl them to Draco.

Since the third grade, Narcissa didn't use the owl to send candy to Draco, because the honorable Master Malfoy "grew up", and he didn't eat this kind of candy that only children love to eat.

It was a "spectacle" to see the owls of Malfoy's family dragging heavy packages to the long table in Slytherin every day. Pomona was extremely curious, could Draco, Goyle and Crabbe finish eating such a big bag of candies?

She once took the opportunity to deliver the medicinal materials to sneak a peek at the old bat's gloomy potion office, but found no candy in it.

So where does the sugar end up?

What a mystery.

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