Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1061 Norwegian Forest

The Cavern Bar was the first bar where the Beatles made their debut when they were all under 18 years old.

The earliest members of the band were all children of the working class in Liverpool. They would not study hard like the children of the upper class, go to prestigious schools, and follow the path of social elites.

They just "play music," and in the eyes of their cool-headed parents, they're engaged in a very shaky profession.

The band is like a shooting star, which will fade away after a short period of light, but there is a wall of fame in Liverpool, which records the names of musicians who have achieved the number one record in the UK music chart since 1953 , The Beatles are among them, and they can be regarded as leaving their names in history.

There are many ways of celebrity annals, such as starting a war like Hitler, which caused the Second World War, or doing some rock and roll like the Beatles, driving boys and girls crazy.

Perhaps there was no such person as Jason in history, but he was written into operas and sung by people just like Caesar.

Isn't that what boys want? Being sung and worshiped as a hero, there are few people who will not forget their mission amidst the sycophant's praises, as if they have been enchanted by the siren's magic.

In the late 1960s, a kind of music called psychedelic rock appeared in the British and American pop music circles. They incorporated non-western musical elements, such as the sitar of Indian music, but the composers needed drugs to enter that psychedelic state. Help, the genius Lennon was the first band to suffer from this disease.

The Mirror of Erised allows people to see what they want most in the mirror. It can also make people "addicted" and spend their time in front of the mirror.

The hallucination was so overwhelming that Pomona subconsciously touched the Slytherin locket, which was once the Horcrux that Ron split with Gryffindor's sword in the Forest of Dean, and now it has been repaired Now, it has become a fascinating jewelry.

There will be no icy lakes in her forest, no silver-white deer-shaped Patronus, only blooming flowers, and picnic blankets full of delicacies, and Voldemort is like a snake that slipped into the Garden of Eden. her forest.

"Is this your Occlumency?" Voldemort looked at the surrounding forest with an interested smile.

"You can try to catch me," said Pomona, "but watch out for those crabgrass, they might be devil's web in disguise."

She ran away after speaking.

Don't run away at this time, just stand there and wait to be struck by lightning?

Albus said that if a thing never has a proper name, the fear of a name will intensify the fear of the thing itself.

She didn't want to call him the Dark Lord anymore, she wanted to call him Tom, even if his last name wasn't Riddle.

Unmarried pregnancy is very bad, especially for young people who do not have certain material conditions and responsibility.

In 1957, John Lennon and Cynthia met at the Liverpool Art School. At the time, Lennon was 17 years old. He was perverse and rebellious, and flouted all rules. Cynthia, 18, was completely different from him. She was quiet, restrained and calm, not at all a hippie.

Good girls are always easily seduced by bad boys. At that time, Cynthia had a marriage contract. Under John's fanatical pursuit, Cynthia started dating him and gave up the original marriage contract.

In 1962, Cynthia was pregnant, and the two got married with their son. However, when Lennon and Cynthia got married, it happened to be the period when the Beatles mania swept the UK. Epstein, the manager, was worried that the news of their marriage would affect the Beatles. development of scholars, requiring them to keep confidential.

So when the whole world was crazy about the Beatles, almost no one knew that their soul lead singer, John Lennon, was married and had a baby son.

Lennon himself sometimes forgot the fact that he spent only a handful of hours at home, running off to continue the show the night after the wedding; he was on tour when Julian was born, and three days later Meet the newborn. Even when he was at home, he was always grumpy and impatient.

Cynthia later wrote in her memoirs: "If I had known what it meant to fall in love with John when I was young, I would have turned away without hesitation."

Pomona felt that Cynthia's monologue was a true portrayal of herself.

Severus was like a piece of used drawing paper, a lily was drawn on it with a pen, even if it was erased with an eraser, there were still traces, no matter what was drawn, it was not clean and pure.

It was more difficult than she imagined to accept a man who had a first love and still missed her.

You will always wonder if he is secretly comparing himself with his first love.

If he's in love for a long time, he suspects that he will never forget his first love. If he is in love, then he has to worry about whether he will follow in the footsteps of his predecessor.

But boys feel honored to have had love history with many women. At this time, people can't help but have the desire to switch genders.

When John Lennon announced to the world: "Julian is just a drunken mistake made by me like most British men", in the eyes of Julian Lennon, John Lennon is a million people His idol is a father who disappoints him.

Pomona could understand Tom's disappointment with his father, and the ensuing hatred, but old Tom didn't drink wine, but love potion.

It doesn't matter if you don't inherit his surname, Tom Gunter is also a good name, who stipulates that children must follow their father's surname?

Merope just wanted Tom Riddle Jr. to understand where he came from, unlike Credence, who was struggling to find out who he was, and was even used by another big devil, Grindelwald.

"Don't you want to know your history?" Tom asked behind her.

"I'm a mixed veela," she said with a smile. "Do you know what my food is?"

The demon who turned into black smoke and chased after her fell to the ground and regained his human form.

At the same time, the forest full of sunshine and flowers suddenly changed its "face", becoming dark and gloomy, with towering giant trees everywhere.

"I've never eaten a human soul, just like Remus has never touched human flesh and blood." She began to slowly transform, revealing her true colors.

Voldemort, dressed in black, turned his head slowly. He looked like a Slytherin student studying.

"Vela's spiritual magic doesn't seem to work on old fools. Would you like to try it, Tom," she said slowly.

"He doesn't like women." The Slytherin smiled confidently. "You can't be obsessed with something you don't like."

"None of us thought of that." She said weakly, who would have thought that Albus Dumbledore was actually gay.

"Do you think Severus is fascinated by you because of the magic of Veela?" He pressed closer to Pomona step by step, his posture was confident and elegant, and his accent was also a standard pure-blood class accent, which could not be seen at all. birth.

"Sometimes I want to be a human girl, but that's denying myself." She said indifferently, "It's the same when I get into trouble this time, why am I looking for a f**k house, just to live comfortably , I can't even live in a tent."

"You like to take care of people, that's a Hufflepuff thing, and animals and plants."

"I hate this hobby."

"I hate it when you call me that name too, why are you calling me that?"

"It's a cute name." She thought for a moment and said, "So much more real than Reinhardt."

Tom remained motionless as if petrified.

"You are not so hopeless, Tom, at least you still have fear and hatred, which is much better than a person who has no emotions at all." She slowly approached him "You still have a soul, although it is incomplete of."

He stretched out his hand and waved her back as if he saw some terrible monster.

"Do you know what a real monster looks like? Why were you scared the first time you killed Myrtle when you create horror and tragedy and feel nothing, even enjoy it?"

"I'm not afraid!" he growled word by word.

"If you're not afraid, why put the blame on Hagrid?"

"Do you want to admit it without shirking responsibility? It's so ridiculous!"

"Look, that's why you're cowardly, there are a lot of people who drop out and get on with life, why are you graduating with perfect grades?"

He began to walk up and down irritably.

"Being a loser is not as bad as you think. There are only a few successful people, and the vast majority of people are unknown. The most important thing in this world is a talented loser."

"Shut up!" He flew up and wanted to run, but was stopped by the suddenly tall forest.

"Do you know what I like about the 70s?" She put her hands behind her back and said with infinite emotion, "Everyone is his own master, and he doesn't mind other people's eyes doing what he likes, even if some things seem crazy and unfair. After all, young people no longer feel that joining the army is an honorable profession, and they don’t care how much benefit and benefits the country can get from it after the war is won. Suddenly, everyone becomes smarter, and they are no longer brainwashed by careerists and public opinion. Stepping stones to success and fame. Those who went to Vietnam to fight were ordinary people. The children of rich people lived a "civilized and educated" life in their native land. Their understanding of war came from movies. Leading the country, they will wage wars for profit, even if they, like Draco Malfoy, cannot kill themselves at all."

"What do you want from me?" Tom asked.

"Forget about your father, he gave you nothing but a face," she said. "Your life began the moment you came to Hogwarts."

"I need time."

Pomona restores the forest to normal, and he takes this opportunity to leave.

Soon, she opened her eyes again.

In front of her was still the red brick wall full of celebrities.

But she doesn't have much interest in it anymore.

The red brick wall behind the Leaky Cauldron is much more interesting, and there are quite a few walls filled with people's names. One of them has too many people's names to write down at all, so I had to replace it with a name.

These "heroes" are lovable, although they are not as famous as Jason.

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