Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1071: By Your Side

On the way to send the mother and child off the field, Harry encountered two more Muggles with their children.

After sending them to a safe place, Harry turned back to the field. The werewolf's attack came suddenly, and the retreat was quick.

Hermione was standing in the middle of the court, looking up at the ball of light floating in mid-air, and the people around the court were also looking at it, and Hermione was holding Dumbledore's Deluminator in her hand.

"Hermione," Harry called.

Hermione turned to look at Harry.

The two stared at each other silently for a moment, Harry walked towards her slowly, and the two looked at the magical ball of light together.

"It's useless for me to guard him there, there are other places that need me more." Hermione said awkwardly, "That's why I'm here."

"Glad you're here," said Harry quietly. "I'm going to town next. Can you take care of the pitch?"

"Me?" she asked in disbelief.

"You're the head of the house-elf placement committee, and cleaning and sweeping is what they're good at."

Hermione came back to her senses.

"The war has only just begun," said Harry. "We need all the strength we can."

"Okay, sir," said Hermione, smiling.

Harry smiled and patted Hermione on the shoulder, "Nice job."

After speaking, he walked towards Calvin.

The Anfield stadium is made of real grass, red blood is sprinkled on it, and the occasional muffled sobbing can be heard.

Although the humans seemed to have won this battle, no one was in the mood to celebrate. This reminded Harry of the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, but it was already daytime when the war ended, and the night was still going on at this moment.

"Thank you for your support." Calvin walked over to Harry and said.

"You don't have to thank me," said Harry dryly. "What should I do next, Director?"

Calvin froze for a moment.

"I'm not the director now, I'm just an Auror, what do you want me to do?" Harry said.

"Werewolves are rampaging through the city, and you're barricading here with Dean Thomas and his crew."

"Got it, Director."

Harry didn't say much, and started looking for Dean around the stadium, but unexpectedly saw Blaise Zabini and his group.

They looked relaxed, drinking beer in their hands, as if they had just played a game of Quidditch, with smiles on their faces, comparing who hunted more werewolves.

No guilt, Blaise and the others were much more aggressive than Harry, just like what George said before, those werewolves who made trouble couldn't all be caught and put in jail.

Prison is even more comfortable for those who have no fixed place to live, and even three meals are a problem, and it takes a lot of money to support them.

Let them out, and the werewolves will continue to do evil, and even bite people everywhere, so that more people will be infected.

It's the Death Eaters' connivance that caused so many werewolves, and it's time for them to take care of their own mess, though, they don't feel it that way.

Harry looked at the console, where the windows were broken, and there was no one inside, but he knew that the werewolf leader, Crum Crouch, had been inside.

At first he planned to turn off the lights, but later he hoped that the light would come. Unfortunately, the headlights of the stadium were destroyed by werewolves, and replaced by colorful lights that would be used to create lighting effects in festivals and concerts. Like the scene of a big dance party.

"It's weird." He said a little funny, and continued to look for people on the court, although he didn't know why he thought it was funny.

Everyone has a father, and for others, they can learn to be that father, or try not to be like him, but for Harry Potter, he There is no such object.

He could only learn about his parents' past and guess what kind of people they were from a few words from others. Remus and Sirius let Harry see the good side of James, while Severus Snape let him Saw a bad side of James Potter.

It's like two sides of a coin.

Before the start of the game, the referee tossed a coin to decide who kicked off first.

Some things are left to God to decide when man cannot decide.

At this time, Liverpool's team anthem, "You'll Never Walk Alone" was still playing on the pitch:

When you walk through a storm

Hold your head up high

And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of the storm

There's a golden sky

Your dreams may be shattered, but as long as you move forward with hope in your heart, you will never walk alone.

You will never walk alone...


"I don't want to die alone, Reverend."

Joseph, who was meditating, heard a whisper, and he slowly opened his eyes. At this time, he was still in the Prince's Monastery in Bavaria.

"Who's there?" Joseph asked aloud, but no one answered him.

So he put down his legs, walked to the table by the window, lit a candle with a match, and the warm candlelight shrouded the dark room in a warm halo.

Smelling the smell of burning red phosphorus, Joseph regained consciousness. He shook his head and was about to blow out the candle. An indescribable feeling sent chills down his spine. He immediately looked back and found a black figure disappeared in the corner.

"We must prevent the chaos from expanding and causing greater panic." Joseph heard another person say, "Those mercenaries are like vultures. They are eager for war so that they can get more gold coins. We can't let the Duke of Milan People show up again."

Joseph's eyes widened.

A silhouette appeared on the wall, a sitting fat man and a standing thin man talking across a wooden table, and there were quills and other things on the table, but there were no such things in Joseph's room, and there were no such things. Two people.

"But he is our brother..." said a timid voice.

"Hazell will understand that his sacrifice was to avoid a greater sacrifice. The Cologne War has only been four years away. We cannot let Bavaria also ignite the flames of war."

No one answered him.

"Jean de Velix has gone mad, but Morembeter has listened to a lunatic saying that all the nobles on the list will be interrogated, we must prevent it from happening!" the fat man growled in a low voice.

"Do we...do we have to kill Harzer?" the thin man asked.

"The secular court cannot sentence a Benedictine monk to death." The fat man took out a small medicine bottle. "Soon Hazel will receive a letter of demotion, and he will be very depressed. You mix it into his drink." in the wine."

"You mean... no, I can't!" The thin man quickly waved his hands and refused.

"He doesn't feel any pain with this, it's much better than beheading, do you know how painful beheading is?"

After the fat man finished speaking, his head was separated from his body. Joseph was startled, and he woke up from his dream panting heavily.

The candles were not lit, and the moonlight poured into the room from the window, and everything looked so peaceful.

"God." Joseph prayed with his rosary, calming his pounding heart.

When one dance ends, another dance continues, and again, and again.

These balls, and the bejeweled men and women who attend them, make the evening extraordinarily glamorous.

Some people yearn for peace, others yearn for war and cleansing, when the old nobles of Stavero are convicted by the wizard trial, their wealth, positions and lands will be vacated, so that the "crows" who have been watching them will be able to get.

Those "friends" who met at the ball in the past are likely to be the murderers who stabbed the knife in the back.

As for why they want to kill them all. Because they are the winners, the winners choose their fate, "kindness" and "unkindness" are just a thought, and the losers are only eligible to be manipulated.

If you don't want to die alone, then drag everyone to hell together. Confession, as Wilkes did, provide a long list, so that he, who must die, doesn't have to.

And those male nobles who were falsely accused could not justify themselves. Without the "help" of their friends, they would also become victims of the "witch hunt".

So did Harzer have to die? After all, he once stood on the side of the chief prosecutor. In order to keep his position as the abbot, he wanted to try all the nobles who participated in the wizarding assembly.

The storm was over, and if the plane to pick him up was coming, it would be these two days.

Joseph knelt down and prayed, he didn't want to spend the rest of his life in the backcountry of Montenegro.

In contrast, he would rather stay in crisis-ridden Bavaria, even if there are all kinds of intrigues there.

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