Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1073 Hugs and Blessings

The mopping-up work lasted almost all night. It was not a pleasant memory worth remembering. Fortunately, the chaos caused by the werewolf finally calmed down, but everyone knew that this was just the beginning.

Harry originally thought that after the great war, the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley would be as deserted as last time for a while. However, the reality is that everyone is still living as normal, except that sales of looking glasses have become much better than before.

Weasley's trick shop has put on a pin-shaped looking glass, which can be worn on the chest as a brooch. The business of the shops selling hunting supplies was better, and the wizards were proud, as if they were always ready to give those werewolves a bad look.

The Daily Prophet still reported missing and dead people. The list was not long, and almost all of them were Muggles. That's not all, because the Muggle Prime Minister was still compiling the list of missing persons.

The attack at Anfield was faked as an accident, and several fans ignored advice and sneaked fireworks into the stadium, igniting some flammable substance.

All in all, werewolves are not at all an order of magnitude compared to Death Eaters causing panic.

Harry sympathized with the werewolf situation, but there was nothing he could do about it at the moment. Immediately after freshening up he was in St. Mungo's.

Because of Leta Kester's report, Ron couldn't live in the general ward, and he was transferred to the noble ward behind St. Mungo's, which was like a luxury nursing home.

In the past, only pure-blood nobles were eligible to enjoy this place, but now it is open to everyone, except those who have nothing to do with patients.

Harry didn't see Draco Malfoy, but the cloth sack he had handed over to the reception yesterday for them to hand over was taken by Malfoy's family. He figured it might be one of old Malfoy's subordinates, after all, he was gaining power again now.

It was a dark, overcast day, and London's weather is rarely sunny, and Ron's ward was easy to find, with two Aurors from the Ministry of Magic patrolling the front yard of his ward.

Hermione wasn't in the ward, just Ron unconscious and Molly knitting.

"Oh, Harry, here you come!" Molly put down the needle in her hand and gave him a big hug, strangling his ribs.

"How is Ron? What did the doctor say?" Harry asked eagerly.

"The therapists had a consultation this morning, and you know that the 'mysterious man' is very good at illusion." Molly said in a low voice.

"Yes, I know." Harry said, looking at Ron, everything in Dean Forest seemed to be vivid in his mind.

"There was a similar case, who fell into a coma like Ron, but woke up after eating a rune snake egg."

"What? Someone else was bitten."

"Her situation is more complicated. Fortunately, her husband is good at potions and has some means. He can get rune snake eggs. Now this kind of snake eggs are used in the treatment of Cruciatus Curse. Ron has taken the medicine just now, and his complexion It's much better, and you should wake up soon."

Harry looked at Molly. She looked relaxed, with a smile on her face, not as tense and irritable as she had been yesterday.

"That's great." Harry said with an embarrassed smile. "Ah~, another colleague was injured yesterday. I'm going to see him. I'll go first, Molly."

"Go ahead, work is important, and I'll tell Ron you've been here when he wakes up," Molly said cheerfully.

Then Harry left the noble ward, he found a place where no one was around, cast the Auror Disguise Charm on the glass, and his face turned into someone else, at least not looking like Harry Potter.

"Not as miraculous as Polyjuice Potion, but not bad," said Harry, looking through the glass, before looking around St. Mungo's for a pointed-faced young man with a pale complexion and flaxen hair.

Malfoy's appearance was very conspicuous, and the robes of Slytherin House and St. Mungo's healer's robes were similar in color, and Harry thought Draco should be easy to find.

But he searched all over St. Mungo's, up, down, left, and right, and even the men's bathroom, but he still couldn't find Draco.

It was as if he had disappeared.

Harry took out the newspaper again and looked through the list of missing persons, but instead of finding Draco's name, he discovered that a wizard named Crocker was missing.

"Saul Crocker." Harry said the name, and he remembered it being mentioned by Neville, who used to be the Reticent Man in the Department of Mysteries, who specialized in time travel.

But because all the Time-Turners were broken, he had to leave the Ministry of Magic to work as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.

Just as he was wondering, Mr. Arthur Weasley was happily passing by him with a potted plant.


Harry stopped him.

Arthur Weasley froze for a moment.

"Are you Harry?"

"I don't want to be recognized, save me the trouble," said Harry. "Do you know Saul Crocker?"

"Croker? Of course I remember him." Mr. Weasley lowered his voice and said, "He and Roderick Bode are good friends, and we watched the Quidditch World Cup with us in 1994."

"Roderick Bird?"

"It's the employee of the Ministry of Magic who was entangled to death by the devil's net. He and Saul are both the Reticent." Arthur looked around, and then whispered in Harry's ear, "He is also an insider of the Order of the Phoenix."

"And what about Crocker? Is he too?" Harry asked.

"What did you ask him for?"

"He's missing! Look!" Harry pointed out Crocker's name to Arthur.

"Maybe he's still working on his experiments." Arthur said nonchalantly. "The Department of Mysteries is like that."

Harry didn't know whether he should tell Arthur that Clark had resigned.

He just had a feeling, the same feeling he had when Draco Malfoy used to disappear around the Room of Requirement in sixth year.

Something is going to happen.

"Are you okay?" Arthur asked concerned.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Harry said perfunctorily, walking quickly to Floo.


The airflow from the helicopter's propellers blew out ripples from the mud on the ground, and Joseph watched it land slowly with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations." Father Stein whispered, "Going back so soon."

"You still don't tell me how Alex Brown got here?" Joseph said very calmly.

"There are many secrets in human history," Stein whispered. "There is no need to dig out every one of them."

"Are you protecting someone?" Joseph said.

Stein didn't answer right away.

"Even if you don't tell me, I can continue to investigate. That person is in Venice, right?"

"What's the point of figuring it out?" Stein asked.

"It doesn't make much sense to humans." Joseph smiled crookedly, "but you owe me a favor."

Under Stein's stunned gaze, Joseph stepped through the mud and walked towards the helicopter.


After lunch, Pomona was cleaning the garden on the roof. It was a waste to leave it so empty. She planned to decorate it.

Just when her hands were covered with black mud, an owl flew over, and there was a cloth bag under its feet, which contained square things.

She untied the string tied around the owl's claw, and took out the book inside. The word "Saturnia" was cast in copper on the cover of the book.

"Saturnia, the most perfect water and flower." Voldemort's voice sounded in her head.

"What does it mean?"

"A gift for you."

She still hadn't figured it out.

"Books are for reading. When you finish reading it, you will understand." The red-eyed crow was standing on the iron frame of the pavilion, just about to fly, when a spell hit it suddenly.

It blocked it with its wings, and flew away with a strange scream at the critical moment.

Severus tore off the invisibility cloak covering him.

"As I said, your acting skills are not good, senior." Severus looked at the crow whose wings were still smoking, and smiled resentfully. "He is possessed by this bird, right?"

"If I die, can you make an unlimited time-turner?" Voldemort warned grimly, hissing even in his spirit state.

Pomona never imagined that one day, someone would fight for her.

She has never encountered such a situation, so she doesn't know what to do! ! ?

"God, what on earth are you going to do!" She looked up to the sky and screamed, this kind of life was driving her crazy! When is the end!

Saturnia is the flower of time in Gnostic, representing Cronus, the father of Hermes

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