Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1080 The Carousel of Life

It's hard to imagine that Draco Malfoy, who used to say "Mudblood" to Hermione in the past, would live peacefully with Muggles under the same roof, although he is most likely because he was too keen on being in love and ignored this. It's one o'clock.

Even seeing her, the godmother who had been in a coma for two months, Draco just said "Hi" as a greeting, and then followed Astonia to decorate their new house.

Old Malfoy still bought the Christian-style villa on the Brenta River, only now it had become a Greek style. Draco and Astonia hugged and kissed me according to the designer's drawings. I had to deform the pillars and eaves of the house to look like conjoined twins.

Robbie was still working at Malfoy Manor, and Honey came with the newlyweds. Expecting this noble young man and woman to do housework is worse than expecting peacocks to fly—that kind of bird can fly, but it cannot fly long distances like migratory birds.

Although they live in the same manor, Pomona and Draco's lives don't overlap, and she doesn't wink like Ron.

Two months is not a long time. Anyway, Pomona promised Minerva to go back to teach. It is estimated that it will not be possible. Hogwarts will start preparing for the final exam in June. Then, the people from the International Education Survey Department It's time to go to the school for evaluation.

She believed that Minerva and Felix could find a way to solve this problem, so she put the problem aside and looked at what happened recently.

First of all, the Pope died on the second day of April Fool's Day, and fortunately it was on April 2, otherwise the whole world would think that the Holy See played a joke on everyone.

Werewolf activities have become more frequent since April, and they are not limited to the full moon nights. They have completely disobeyed the Ministry of Magic's werewolf behavior management requirements. They cannot go to the Muggle community, and they usually go to the subway, theaters and other places. Attacking Muggles, causing a certain amount of panic.

After the dementors in Azkaban, Kingsley faced accountability once again.

The cooperation between the Muggle Prime Minister and Kingsley became more and more unpleasant, "Night Caller" was not caught, and the gold lost by the Royal Mint was not recovered.

An editorial in the Daily Prophet compared him to former Minister Fudge, who would have been a pretty good minister if Voldemort hadn't returned.

Given the goblin riots of 1999, it's understandable that Ollivander's store won't be selling wands for now.

Now not only the Ministry of Magic has control over the wand, but also wizards are calling for the restoration of the original custom, allowing the wand to be buried with the wizard.

What follows is a long list of letters from readers about "how do we get along with werewolves", some supporting, some opposing, some purely complaining, and some asking "he didn't tell me that he was a werewolf" emotional issues.

Quidditch tournaments continued, marriage proposals, births, and obituaries followed, and the news of Voldemort's return was selectively forgotten by everyone.

The person whose name cannot be mentioned is like a taboo, the more afraid he dares not mention it, the more terrifying he feels, even though he has been dead for so many years, wizards still dare not casually talk about him.

After a quick scan of the two months of newspapers, Pomona came to the conclusion that nothing major had happened, except that she missed her own birthday.

After throwing the newspaper aside, she took out the "birthday present" Severus gave her on January 9th - the Hogwarts acceptance letter he received when he was 11 years old.

After so many years, the emerald green ink has faded a bit, and the paper has begun to turn yellow. It is not very eye-catching in the pile of old papers, but it is still the most precious gift she has received.

Because of this letter, she met a little half-blood wizard, and watched him grow from a teenager to a young man, and then into middle age.

She used to think that his life would come to an abrupt end, but she didn't expect that there would be a continuation. The naturally gloomy guy couldn't be as cheerful and interesting as the sunny one. He couldn't create joy like the Weasley twins, but he could. Stomach pain effect.

So being with such a person requires opening the eyes of the heart and soul, lighting the light in the heart, and releasing the power of one's soul.

Just like the stars in the sky, they look faint on the celestial sphere, but a few light-years away, they may be stars much larger than the sun.

The star burns itself and illuminates the surrounding planets. This process of self-depletion must be exhausting, but it is precisely because of this that this world has light.

While Pomona was in a daze, the sound of the piano came from the piano room on the second floor, and it was unknown whether it was Draco or Astonia who was playing the piano.

The tune of this piece is upbeat, perfect for waltzing.

She looked at the fields outside through the glass window. It was early summer in May, the snow on the top of the Alps had not completely melted, and the wild flowers on the grass were blooming, like a colorful carpet.

"Master, the tea you want." Honey brought over the brewed teapot.

Fiona still went out to buy apple pie. In fact, there are other snacks at home, but if it were Pomona, she would do the same. How pleasant it is to be able to take a walk in such a beautiful scenery.

"Thank you, Honey." She took the teapot, and with the cranberry cookies, she began to study the content of "cheating" revealed by Albus in the dream just now.

"Master." Honey pulled the pillowcase on her body awkwardly, "Can Honey make a request to you?"

"You wish you could be with Robbie?" Pomona asked.

"Master wants Honey to take care of Master Malfoy, but Honey and Robbie are your house elves, can you not leave us for so long next time?"

"But Draco needs you more than we do." Pomona paused. "Draco bullied you?"

"He was very rude at first, but after Miss Greengrass came, his temper became more restrained."

"It's not Miss Greengrass, she's Mrs. Malfoy." Pomona corrected, "Do you like Astonia?"

"She likes making candy," Honey said, tilting her head. "She says it's her business."

In view of Draco's rebellion against his father Lucius so much, the old peacock may become angry and cut off his funding at any time, Astonia's consideration is reasonable.

"She's cute, though she's a Ravenclaw." Pomona said, smiling. "Do you like her?"

Honey hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"This home is short of flowers, how about we go outside and pick some flowers?"

"But you just woke up..."

Pomona ignored the honey, put on a beige coat over her pajamas, put on a sun hat, and put on her Beatles "battle boots" and went out.

She was originally a horticulturist who could feed thousands of growing teenagers and magical animals at Hogwarts, but now she has become as weak as Melanie. She doesn't want to stay indoors in such weather, unless she encounters Caterpillar.

Although butterflies are beautiful, they are caterpillars after all, so no matter how beautiful and dreamy they are, Pomona doesn't like butterflies.

Does this count as seeing through the essence behind the appearance of something?

She walked briskly down the wavy Greek staircase, comparing what she saw to Pemberley Hall, but she gave up quickly.

The manor next door is not populated by rich bachelors, and this is not the world of Pride and Prejudice, the comparison is meaningless.

"Elizabeth asked Mr. Darcy mischievously, asking him to tell the story of falling in love with her." Just as she was walking towards the sea of ​​flowers by the river, a man in black said behind her, "She said, 'I know you just want to If you take one step, you will go forward smoothly, but why did you turn this idea in the first place?" Darcy said, "That was a long time ago, when I found myself falling in love with you, I already Half the way, I can't go back!'"

The girls said that at the Yule Ball that year, Professor Snape, without a partner, sucked the light out.

But now Pomona felt that he didn't have that ability, and the black clothes were not black holes, it was just a piece of blue-purple blackened fabric, which looked like a summer night sky without stars in the sun.

"How did you come?"

"Draco informed me."

"That little snitch." Pomona murmured, she thought that kid was too busy with his relationship to forget his godfather.

"Why didn't you tell me when you woke up?" He trembled, "You don't want to see me?"

"The moon will be full soon."

"There are many ways to avoid the current situation. Since they have made a choice, they should solve it themselves." Severus said firmly, "Do you remember the passage written by Rousseau that you read on the train? If there is Such a person, he wanted to avoid trouble, but caused more pain to others, then he is bound to get into endless trouble, when he is a little slack, he will be beaten, I don't want to be in those trolls Wasting time on the same fools."

It was as if she had been hit by a sap, her IQ had deteriorated, and her mind was full of the plots of Jane Austen's novels.

"Mr. Darcy says he loves Elizabeth's wit," she said in a dry voice.

"Sometimes you are like a lunatic, suddenly have strange thoughts, inexplicable and incomprehensible, but you are not like a woman who speaks, thinks and expresses to attract others' attention. I hate it when you are in front of others. Be gregarious and try to play dumb," he said in one breath, almost without a pause.

"Then what impresses you about me?" Pomona asked "Because I'm a half-breed Veela?"

"You are like an old fool, you like to teach people to do the right thing. Instead of following me, you correct me instead. That's why I didn't go on the wrong path. You made me understand the joy of being a good person!"

"What about Lily? Didn't she teach you the joy of being a good person?"

Severus sneered.

"James Potter should be regarded as a 'good man', but it was this 'good man' who dumped me and humiliated me in public. To be honest, I didn't feel the joy of being a 'good man' from these people. , but to understand the fun of being a rich and powerful person.”

"You joined the Death Eaters before that."

"I was just getting close to them at the time, and I haven't made a decision yet. It was James Potter and Sirius Black who helped me. If the Death Eaters won back then, it would be James Potter's turn to lose everything. !" Severus yelled excitedly.

"Then do you think Lily will choose you if James loses?" She said coldly, "You still don't understand why you lost to James?"

"You still don't understand, right?" He shook his head and smiled bitterly, "You are really not an ordinary idiot."

"You!" This was the first time that Pomona was really angry at being called a fool, and she was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

"I'll tell you again, Sirius Black likes you. My festivities with him have passed since James Potter blocked the werewolf Lupine for me. Wormtail has been dangling in front of me for so many days. I didn't even think about killing him. All I could think about was how to regain Voldemort's trust. Do you know why? Because that stupid dog is dead and he won't speak ill of me again. Severus snarled, gasping for breath. "I'm glad he's dead. Am I the monster you're talking about?"

Pomona didn't know what to say.

As the werewolf Lupine said, there are some conflicts that no one can intervene in and mediate, including himself.

"Come here." She waved at him, wanting to give him a hug.

But Severus didn't come.

She sighed, stepped on the carpet of flowers, and walked towards the person standing on the wasteland.

From a long distance, she could smell the bloody smell on his body, which was different from the bloody smell caused by his excessive blood loss last time. It exuded a stench of corruption, full of hatred and sorrow.

But she still stretched out her hands and hugged him.

The king is in charge of being popular, leaving the unpopular stuff to someone else, but the guy who does the dirty work isn't really that bad.

"Do you want to cry for a while?" Pomona asked, her head buried in his chest.

"The children are watching." Severus said in a low and steady voice. "No one in their generation has seen me cry except the Potter cubs."

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