Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1083 The Son of Stardust

When the sun dies, the hydrogen in its core will be exhausted, and everything will start to cool down.

The thermal pressure inside was unable to support its internal structure, gravity took hold, and its inner core continued to collapse.

The collapse increases the pressure in the Sun's core, causing gas to expand in a split second, increasing in size until it becomes a red giant.

Its radius will extend to the earth, swallowing this beautiful planet. Compared with the entire universe, the sun is insignificant. Even standing outside the Milky Way, the sun may not be found at all, because it is too small, just a medium-sized star. quality stars.

Iron is not rare on the earth, and even exists in everyone's body. It is precisely because of iron that human blood has a rusty taste.

Once a red giant star is formed, when the outer region expands rapidly, the helium core shrinks inward due to the reaction force, and the compressed matter continues to heat up, but a star with the mass of the sun can only change from hydrogen to helium when its life ends, Fusion to carbon, the final carbon nucleus will not continue to fuse.

When the hydrogen and helium are exhausted, the more massive stars can continue to burn the carbon core to produce heavier elements such as sodium, magnesium, etc., all the way to iron.

Elements with an atomic number larger than iron can undergo nuclear fission reactions under certain conditions, and eventually produce iron. Elements with an atomic number smaller than iron can undergo nuclear fusion reactions under certain conditions, and finally produce iron.

Iron element is just in the critical state of fusion and fission, it can neither undergo fusion nor fission reaction, so in the end only iron element remains.

The iron on the earth and people may have come from a star at least 8 to 29 times larger than the sun billions of years ago.

The iron core in the center of the red giant star has a large number of electrons. When the star’s life is about to end, that is, the nuclear fusion reaction becomes weaker, gravity squeezes the iron core, and electrons are squeezed into the nucleus.

Due to the capture of electrons, the number of electrons decreases, the pressure and gravity break the balance again, and a gravitational collapse occurs. This process takes about 0.1 seconds, and then the supernova explodes.

The extreme high temperature and high pressure state of the supernova explosion will synthesize elements heavier than iron, such as gold, but white dwarfs will not be formed in this case.

A white dwarf is formed at the end of a star with a mass about the same as the sun. If it is more than 30 times the mass of the sun, then the star will form a black hole at the end of its evolution. Nothing can escape its gravity, even light.

After a supernova explodes, a neutron star will be formed, and the debris produced by the previous generation of stars will be captured by the second generation of stars, some elements will be pulled into the "stove", and some elements will form planets, and then galaxies similar to the solar system will be born.

These are all discovered by modern Muggle scholars. Human beings in the 15th and 16th centuries did not have Hubble telescopes. The reason why Mercury is called Mercury is because it moves very fast, so it was dubbed the "messenger".

Observing Mercury from the earth is blue, reminiscent of the blue sea, but this planet closest to the sun actually does not have a drop of water, just like mercury, although it can flow like a liquid, it is a metal. Flow and speed are important properties of both Mercury and Mercury.

Severus was experimental, like Sirius said, he liked to tinker with his chemical equipment in the cellar.

Pomona is a guessing school. The ancient alchemy manuscripts have a lot of encrypted content, and there are many complex metaphors and symbols. Unless you have the key to open it, you can't see the connection between the context and the context.

Guessing the meaning of these manuscripts is also part of the practice. The same swan, which sometimes represents arsenic and sometimes Mercury, almost all alchemists will use obscure myths and metaphors to describe their experiments.

Pomona believed that Tom had found the right key by chance, and Severus did not believe in such a coincidence that he would use the slow but sure method of experimenting one by one.

Gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead, and mercury are the seven sacred metals of alchemy, but they have actually used many more metals than these seven metals. If Mungnes Hagrid used such a simple encryption method, the treasure would have been It was taken away.

The key is that the mercury content in gold coins should not exceed a quarter of an ounce. If the seven sacred metals are really used, then one gold coin will contain too much mercury.

Leo represents gold, which seems easy to guess, but Virgo can't use mercury. A good harvest of wheat ears needs fertilizer. Potassium seems to be a possibility, and plants also need trace elements.

Pomona looked at the "cheating" note. In the first year of school, Slytherin worked so hard to win the house cup. At the banquet at the end of the semester, the old lion added more than 400 points in one go. The trophy that was supposed to get changed hands just like that .

Even the Weasleys were partial, and Ron definitely didn't get as much attention as Passi.

Severus had never been favored by his elders, so he didn't know about this "little trick".

He is very good, but he is not favored by Albus. Albus rescued him from the Wizengamot's trial with a single sentence, which shows how much power and prestige the old fool has.

But in school, he was going to fight against Albus, what about his Slytherin cunning?

There are many books on alchemy in the Black family's library, and the more she reads, the more upset she becomes.

So she put down the book and stared at the other "bookworm". He was so attentive, she took out her pocket watch and looked at it, it was already past eleven o'clock.

"It's time to rest, let's go back to our room and sleep."

"You haven't slept enough for two months?" Severus said without looking up.

"I'm worried about your health."

"Wait until I finish this paragraph."

Pomona was angry. He tried to steal these books last time at Black's old house, and he would become "Frankenstein" if he continued like this.

"Let's go!" She tugged on his sleeve, and the old bat was unmoved.

"What interesting content did you see?" She watched it together curiously.

"Remember Fox? It swallowed a death curse, but it didn't die. Instead, it was reborn. The phoenix is ​​the same as the lighthouse jellyfish. As long as it is not eaten, it can live forever." Severus said, pointing to the phoenix in the book "Phoenixes do not have as many natural enemies as jellyfish. I have always wondered why the number of phoenixes is so rare?"

"Do you want to raise one?"

Severus smiled strangely, "Why do you think so?"

"It's pretty cool to have a phoenix pet."

Severus shook his head, "The appearance of this kind of animal does not conform to the laws of nature. If what is written in the book is true, the phoenix is ​​the product of alchemy just like the basilisk."

"I know that there is a phoenix in Nicolas's book, but I don't think it is like a life made by alchemy."

"That's why I have to finish reading before leaving, can you give me something clean?"

"I've heard that when the Dumbledores need a phoenix, it always appears," said Pomona.

"How did you know?"

"Have you ever had a picnic with the old fool?"

He frowned. "Why should I have a picnic with him?"

"You've got business to talk about, right, and Harry?" Pomona stared at him and shook her head.

"You have a good personal relationship with him, did he tell you how this phoenix got here?"

"I didn't ask!" she said confidently.

"Great, so what are you talking about at the picnic? Is this candy really sweet?" He smirked.

"We talk about students and their growth," Pomona said. "Who gets married, whose kids are going to school again."

"What's the point of chatting like this?"

"Of course, because we are all children of the stars." Pomona said, looking into his eyes. "We are related to the stars in the sky."

Severus looked at her and shook his head "You're crazy."

But he still threw the torn book away, then he stood up, put his arms around her shoulders, and left the secret room.

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