Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1098 Devil's Breath

This has happened to many of us, when you're concentrating on talking to someone, the person facing you often doesn't look you in the eye.

He either wandered his eyes and looked elsewhere, or lowered his head and fiddled with the things at hand to hide his embarrassment.

Or maybe he averted his eyes because of fear and fear.

Looking into other people's eyes is a kind of solemnity, a kind of respect, a kind of trust, and a kind of frankness.

Many people know this, but few do.

One technique is to look at the bridge of someone's nose, or between their eyebrows, so that it looks like you're meeting someone's eyes.

But this eye contact conveys no information.

Generally, looking at the other party for two seconds is considered respect, and after two seconds, the position of gaze should be changed, unless the speaker has emotional needs for the other party beyond business.

For example, interrogation, love affairs, etc., the judge and the police like to stare into the eyes of the defendant and the suspect until the other party breaks down.

After all, judges and policemen have nothing to feel guilty about, it's criminals who should be guilty.

If a woman catches evidence and suspects that her boyfriend has another lover outside, she will use the same trick.

"Look at my eyes and talk!"

Courageous men will continue to lie without blushing and heartbeat, while those who are timid or dare not lie for other reasons will become hesitant, and that is when the family revolution breaks out.

Reason tells a woman that it is a man who is a jerk, but in the end she often hits a woman outside.

At that time, I forgot all about upbringing, elegance, and manners. After the beating, I vented my anger and started crying. After crying, there were only two choices, divorce or forgive him.

Those with a strong temper are often divorced, and those who choose to "forgive" cannot go back to the past. Naxisha has not forgiven old Malfoy yet, they are for Draco to keep the family intact. After all, there are already two Death Eaters in their family, and their reputation is already so bad, if there is another divorce scandal, it will be even more embarrassing.

Divorce is very harmful to women, especially those who still have children after divorce, but if a woman knows this and wants to divorce a man, then she is really hard-hearted, and she doesn't need to calm down.

She didn't choose to take revenge. Poisoning the man's meal was already a very calm choice. There are all kinds of strange and poisonous substances in this world. Cyanide is not easy to deal with. Castor can be bought in any flower shop. The KGB once used ricin to shut the enemy's mouth permanently.

The less popular "angel's horn" can pass through the skin and mucous membranes and be absorbed by the human body, and when it blows on the face of the target person, he will have no idea what he is doing.

At this time, he was still in a conscious state, and the woman turned on the gas in front of him, and he would watch helplessly how he died of gas poisoning.

Wait for the police to come and forge a suicide note, and then cry over his death like a stupid woman who doesn't know.

Women like to watch dramas, and they also like to act. Not all plots in mystery novels can be implemented, especially Japanese mystery novels, which are almost like setting up a stage play.

Often the simpler the more effective, this will reduce the chain of evidence, especially in cases where there is no body, the police will file the case as missing, and finally let it go.

The autopsy will leave a lot of evidence, and the attitude of the police investigation will be much more serious, because this is a homicide case.

There are many reasons for a man to disappear, such as avoiding debts, being unable to stand his current wife, marrying another woman in another country, or he suddenly has an epiphany and wants to become an ascetic.

Generally speaking, women rarely dare to dismember a corpse, unless she finds a male accomplice.

The angel Lucifer will also fall, let alone an "angel-like" woman.

The darkness is full of blood, killing, and intrigue, and when women don black robes, they tend to be very... crazy?

Hamlet will finally ask the question of whether to do it or not. A woman's revenge is reckless.

We often make the same mistake of thinking that we love, and those who love us, will forgive us infinitely.

But some mistakes can never be made once.

The feeling of loss is very painful, and no one likes to "lose", but at that time, no matter how much you apologize, it will be useless to stay.

Regret will devour people, making people dream of redemption. Some people will choose the time-turner, and the old fool chooses to wear the resurrection ring. He made a wrong choice and ruined his life.

But before he dies, he still wants to use some of his remaining value. He is a chess player, and everyone is a pawn in that game; he is also a pawn, and he can make any sacrifice for the greater good, even his own own life.

He played a dirty trick, but unfortunately he only won temporarily. After all, Voldemort was more ruthless than him, he even dared to cut his own soul, and it was 7 times, and one time is enough for ordinary people.

So far, the only "hero" who is brave enough to meet Voldemort's eyes is Harry Potter, maybe there is Neville, but there may be none, he dare not even meet Severus' eyes.

Oh, I almost forgot, another person who dared to look at Voldemort was Occlumency Master Severus Snape, and he was also acting in front of Voldemort, more daring than the fearless Potter.

He was neither flattering nor frightening, and he pretended to be a flat-feeling man with no expression on his face, like a gambler at a poker table, trying not to let others see what he was thinking.

A smiling face is also an excellent mask. In Japanese dance dramas, there is a kind of Nohmian, which is snow-white and has an extremely weird smiling face on it.

That kind of laughter can't make people feel funny, but makes people feel cold all over.

Now that Severus was on the "card table" to gamble again, others could laugh at him and belittle him, but Voldemort, who had seen his cards clearly, could not.

Unless the double-faced agent has another acting skill, he doesn't love her that much, he is like Tannhauser in the Venus Cave, just temporarily indulging in the pleasure that Venus brings him, and when he wakes up, his I still love the pure Elizabeth in my heart.

Schopenhauer believes that the more pleasant the more nothingness, only pain, faith, and plainness can produce the will to exist.

He asked her, why don't you understand?

There were so many complicated reasons why she couldn't figure out what he was really thinking. Even if she looked into his eyes, she was only looking at the endless darkness, or when using spiritual magic, it was like two tunnels, allowing her to travel through time and space and return to the corridors of Hogwarts where the torches flickered.

He had almost killed her twice already, the first time being St. Mungo's when it was Minerva who rescued her. Minerva stopped the curse on her body with a simple "Curse Stop", and then used "Expelling Arms" to remove the knife from Severus' hand.

It was always the husband who killed his wife, and while he tried hard not to follow in the footsteps of his father, Tobias Snape, he really wasn't a warm-hearted husband like Arthur.

The "demon" who had confused her and made her deviate from the right path was obviously dead, so why did she still want to save him?

The potion used to boil Nagini's antidote does not involve disgusting materials such as caterpillars and frog brains. Her grades have always been good, so after a few days of hard work, she succeeded, and the potion emitted a white color. Light. It's just that the time she needs is far longer than 5 minutes, and such a long time travel is not something the current time converter can do.

He is really like a black hole, even light cannot escape its gravity, let alone a bulky star.

As the sound of zippers sounded behind her, Pomona came back to her senses. She was standing in front of a huge full-length mirror at the moment. She was wearing a gorgeous dress with golden silk inside and light black gauze outside. Both are Hufflepuff College colors. The black veil was cut in the shape of a laurel, revealing a golden petticoat that looked like laurel leaves glistening in the sun.

"Okay." Severus put down his hand, he was the one who helped her zip up the dress just now, "It's your turn to help me."

Pomona turned around, and now he was wearing a full dress suit, except for the bow tie.

She picked up the dark purple scarf draped over the mirror and tied it for him in the Victorian style.

No matter how hard he tries to dress up, he will never be as handsome as Sirius, but he has a different temperament from the decadent Sirius, reminding her of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, an adopted gypsy .

Although Catherine loves Heathcliff deeply, she is ashamed to express it because of the difference in status. Later, Catherine decided to marry Edgar Linton, the owner of Thrushcross Grange, and Heathcliff left angrily.

Heathcliff later mixed well, Catherine has married Edgar Linton. So Heathcliff took Hindley's property through gambling and made him drunk to death. He also visits Thrushcross Grange every day, making Edgar's sister Isabella madly infatuated with him. After he married Isabella, he tortured her every day. He even hated Linton, his son with Isabella.

Later, Hindley, Catherine, Isabella, and Edgar all died. Heathcliff enslaved Hindley's son Hareton, and designed Edgar's daughter Catherine to marry his sick and dying son. Little Linton.

At this time, although Heathcliff basically achieved the desire for revenge, he was not happy. He still couldn't escape from Catherine's death. He even went to dig her grave in order to see Catherine.

In the last period of his life, he was in a trance and had frequent hallucinations, as if he had been "summoned" by Catherine.

At this time, Severus looked like Heathcliff who had achieved success and fame, a beast wrapped in the cloak of civilization. Of course Elizabeth, who grew up purely in Thrushcross Grange, would be attracted to him.

There is also a woman named Elizabeth in Donnhauser and Wuthering Heights. Although they all died young in the end, their destinies are completely different.

Pomona didn't know when she would be tortured to death by him, but she had a wish that he would forget her, as if nothing had happened, as if there was one less stupid woman in this world.

Her jaw was lifted, and the dark-haired, dark-eyed "gypsy" looked into her eyes, as if trying to find something in her eyes.

At this moment, his eyes were neither deep nor dim, they were just the eyes of a normal person, reflecting the light outside the window so clear, reflecting her face like a mirror.

Her face was distorted a little in his eyes, it hardly looked like herself, reminding her of a distorting mirror in an amusement park.

"You are not the same as the hallucination in the mirror." He said softly, "I can feel your breath."

"Me too." She straightened his bow tie to hide the horrible scars. "I can feel your breath."

"So, we're all alive right?" Severus asked.

Pomona didn't want to laugh, but she smiled sweetly anyway.

"Of course we're still alive."

He sneered, "You're lying."

"If this is not called living, tell me what is called living?"

He thought for a moment, and she watched as those clear eyes gradually became gleaming like nocturnal animals, and a malicious smile appeared on his expressionless face.

"No." Before he could speak, she refused, "The others are still waiting for us."

"Today's protagonist is not us." He put his arms around her waist like a hooligan. "Besides, there is still time before the dance begins."

"The dress I just put on..."

"You don't need to take it off." He leaned in and kissed her, the hot breath of his breath falling on her skin, scalding like steam.

"Stop." She resisted with the last of her reason.

While kissing her, he made her lose the ability to talk nonsense, and at the same time he lifted her skirt, making a civilized dress unrefined.

If old Earnshaw of Wuthering Heights knew that the child he adopted with good intentions would repay his kindness so much, would he still bring Heathcliff home?

Is what Heathcliff did to Hindley and his son a revenge?

He's just a poor man who clings to what he can't get.

He can actually live a different life, such as forgetting his first love, Catherine, and living a happy life with the innocent and lovely Elizabeth.

Unfortunately, he chose another way of life.

He is obviously a free-roaming gypsy, why should he imprison himself?

She heard Severus' heavy breathing in her ear, as if she heard the wind on the top of the mountain.


The sea is like a terrifying monster, breathing heavily.

"No...stop." She was frightened and tried to get rid of his entanglement.

He tried to control her, became impatient with her constant resistance, and forced her to look into the mirror.

"Look carefully." He growled lowly, his face was full of ferocity, as if full of hatred for someone, "What did you see?"

She was so ashamed of what she saw that she couldn't even tell.

"This is an ordinary mirror!" He said every word, "This is not my illusion!"

It was precisely because it was an ordinary mirror that it couldn't withstand Severus' pressure and turned into pieces.

Heathcliff's madness can at most make the people in Wuthering Heights abnormal, and the consequences of Severus' madness are unimaginable.

She didn't think much about it, she wanted to hug him tightly to calm him down, but he swung him away.

"Stay away from me!" he shouted, "I don't want your fake kindness!!"

"What?" She was also so angry that she lost her mind and really wanted to throw her hands away.

Holding his face in his hands, he began to howl in despair.

She didn't know what was going on, she felt that he was acting, why suddenly he became so emotional.

The magic pressure is still rising, the castle is shaking violently, and it feels like it is about to collapse.

A red-eyed crow flew in from the open window, and the moment it landed on the window sill, a handsome man in black robe showed his figure.

He lifted his arms gracefully, like a bird's wings, and turned swiftly and gracefully, aiming his wand at Severus.

The wand glowed red, and Severus fell to the ground.

Pomona rushed over and found that he was still breathing, but he seemed to have fallen into a coma.

"That's why I hate 'love'." Voldemort said with disgust, looking at the fallen man. "You look like a fool, Severus."

"He's passed out, so he can't answer you." Pomona held Severus in her arms. "You don't know what love is, Voldemort!"

Tom Riddle smiled disdainfully.

"I don't want to be as embarrassed as you are."

"Then don't you think you don't look embarrassed? You don't even have a body!"

Furious, Voldemort raised his wand, and there was a sharp pain in her lower abdomen.

"Don't go to the party today!" Voldemort said angrily, then turned and left, the closed door opened in front of him, and the crow flew past after him, looking like a only pets.

This is your purpose? Just because you don't want to go to the prom?

Pomona fell beside Severus, watching his sleeping face and slowly closing her eyes.

Now his breathing was so steady it sounded like a sleeping child.

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