Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1104 The Bastion of Freedom

In Greek mythology, wings made of wax flew to the sun, and Icarus, who was melted by the sun, was like a child who just got a new toy and forgot his father's instructions because of his excitement.

People linked his accidental death with arrogance, but one-sidedly ignored that if he had to be too low, the feathers would be soaked in water and become too heavy, and he would not be able to fly.

Humility is a virtue, but it is not a good thing to be humble without a bottom line.

Icarus' father, Daedalus, was not a good man. He was a great artist, architect, and sculptor of the Erek tribe, but he was a vain and jealous man. This shortcoming tempted him to do evil. Daedalus had a nephew named Talos. Talos learned from him, but he was more gifted than Daedalus, and he was determined to achieve greater achievements.

Daedalus, fearing that his students would overtake him, brutally murdered his own students out of jealousy. Daedalus was summoned and tried by the Supreme Court of Athens, Greece, and was found guilty. But he escaped, and in his panic he lost his way, wandered for a long time at sea, and finally came to Crete.

He found King Minos and lived there. He became the king's friend and was greatly respected as an artist of renown.

Later, Daedalus married a local woman and had a son named Icarus. Icarus likes to stand by his side and help his father with his little hands.

Although Daedalus was praised, he always felt nostalgic for his hometown because he had been away for a long time, and he felt that the king actually did not trust him.

He wanted to leave the island, so he began to collect feathers to make wings that could fly.

"Icarus, Icarus!" Daedalus didn't see his son flying in the sky, and he had a bad feeling, so he shouted loudly, "Where are you? Where can I find you?"

Finally, he glanced down in horror. He saw many feathers floating on the surface of the sea.

After a while, rough waves pushed his son's body ashore. It turned out that Talos, who was killed by him, took revenge.

Desperate father buries son's body. To commemorate his son, from then on, the island where Icarus' body was buried was called Icaria.

When Pomona was flying in mid-air and looked down with a panoramic telescope, the big-headed monsters were swarming into the maze.

Behind them, Nadia Vasika, with one silver wing on her back, stood like a commander on a rock.

She holds a wand in her left hand, a sword in her right, and wears dark gold battle armor. The kind of deliberately pretended kindness when they first met was gone, replaced by high-spirited. It was difficult for Pomona to associate the female warrior in front of her with the housewife holding lasagna.

"I knew she was a bitch!" Pomona took off the binoculars.

Now she has recovered her Veela body and can fly with her own wings.

One or two big-headed monsters is nothing to worry about. When their number increases, they can create an irresistible sense of despair, and this is affecting the biggest factor in legion combat-morale.

Pomona began to calculate in her mind, where the pimple vines could be placed to fire "cannonballs", and where the dragon claw vines could be placed, but Severus turned into black smoke and left.

Looks like a coward who ran away when things were going wrong.

"Come back early!" She shouted at his back.

The last time he ran away after a duel with Minerva in Hogwarts Great Hall, Minerva said "coward" to his back.

In the end, it turned out that the snot-nosed man was not a coward. Although she didn't know what he was going to do, all she could do at the moment was trust him.

There were heavy footsteps in the distance, and Pomona raised her binoculars, and saw several ogre monsters wielding big sticks behind the big-headed monster. got it in.

Pomona closed her eyes, hoping to call the Dark Lord. Parodo was probably fighting right now, otherwise Nadia wouldn't have brought just a few people over.

Not long after, she heard the rustling snake language.

"Keep your eyes open," said Voldemort. "Saturn is right in front of you."

"What do we do next? Move on or fend off their attack?"

"Where's Severus?" Voldemort asked.

"I have no idea."

"It seems we have no choice." Voldemort hissed, "We can't go any further until he returns."


"I've read their notes. The weapon for the next level is a back arrow. Don't forget, Apollo shot the crow with his arrow."


"I need Severus to use the Confusion Charm to make them kill each other, I don't know if you have noticed, Severus has extraordinary dynamic vision, coupled with his ability to cast the Confusion Charm without a wand, he is our The key to passing the next level."


"It will not enter the depths of the maze. This is the 'rule' set by the 'master' for it. He knows that one day it will follow a Parseltongue." Voldemort broke her "Your magic Plants can't work in a laurel grove, those back arrows are too small and too fast for the plants to react quickly."

"So...we're going to defeat them?" Pomona looked at the "army" in the distance.

"She's going to destroy this place," said Voldemort with a smile, "and just take the treasure from the door."

"Damn it," Pomona murmured. "Isn't she afraid that Sunjin will run away?"

"Do you think a stone can run?" Voldemort asked.


"To that woman, the sun gold is a stone, not a spirit. The magic circle is just a fortification and a part of the test. It has no other function. She doesn't know that the magic circle is used to prevent the sun gold from escaping."

"That is to say, what she did might end up being in vain?"

"Or, she was going to destroy the prison where she was imprisoned, and she wanted to leave this place. Do you remember her nephew? He was sent to Beauxbaton to study." Voldemort said.

"I thought she was lying," Pomona said.

"No, she didn't, she wanted to go out into the world, like a caged bird that wanted to leave the cage. The son was exiled cruelly, the daughter was in deep despair, and the great Avenger returned with wings from the water." Voldemort Say "What do you think, is the great Avenger male or female?"

"I don't know, Tom," said Pomona anxiously. "I'm going to lay the fortifications, and I don't have time to guess the prophecy with you."

"That's a pity." Voldemort said sadly, "The beginning of our story comes from a prophecy."

"You chose Harry because you really wanted to see Severus' reaction?" Pomona asked.

"No." Voldemort paused, seemingly lost in thought. "Not exactly. I have a feeling that Harry Potter is the one in the prophecy."

"So do you still feel that way?" Pomona asked.

Voldemort didn't answer her.

"You should go," he said calmly. "Time is running out. I don't think you have time to discuss prophecy with me."

Pomona hesitated, turned and left.

She still needs to find Felix, and at this time needs his silent power, although their original purpose was to use him to deal with the "non-existent" vampires.

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